MHI policy for a newborn: where to get it and how to get it

At the moment the baby is born, he immediately falls under the scrutiny of doctors. To continue this way, parents must insure their child as soon as possible. And this is not a whim, but a requirement of the law of the Russian Federation. Each person living in the territory of the Russian Federation should receive medical care. And for free. For this, there is a compulsory medical insurance. Making a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn is a simple matter and you won’t have to spend a lot of time. But how exactly this needs to be done, we will tell in our article.

insurance policy for newborns

The baby needs a policy

In the first couple of months of a child’s life, according to his documents, he is still inseparable from his mother. Therefore, all the necessary medical procedures for him are supported by her policy. But subsequently it will be very difficult and expensive for you to communicate with doctors if you are not able to get the MHI policy for a newborn in time. If you take out insurance in a timely manner, you can claim to receive special baby food (dairy cuisine), as well as to provide free medications if necessary.

Some mothers shy away from the compulsory health insurance program, arguing that the whole family is voluntarily insured under the VHI policy and this is quite enough. However, such arguments do not hold water. Despite the fact that a voluntary policy provides a much larger range of medical services and, possibly, provides a better and more expensive treatment, it has one drawback, which, on closer examination, outweighs all the advantages. The point is that in the current difficult conditions, no one can guarantee you that by the time the insured event occurs, your insurance company will still exist.

If this happens, then your sick child runs the risk of completely being left without the necessary medical care. In extreme cases, you will have to pay for the treatment yourself.

So voluntary insurance does not cancel the policy of compulsory health insurance for a newborn, rather complements it.

Obtaining an OMS policy for a newborn

Mother and child rights

Properly and on time insurance issued gives the baby the right to receive timely and free medical care in any state clinic in the Russian Federation. So if you went to visit your grandmother on the other side of the country and suddenly fell ill there, you can be sure that your baby will not be left without help. But it will be paid or not, depends on whether your crumbs have a compulsory medical insurance policy for the newborn.

In addition, in the presence of compulsory medical insurance, children under the age of 3 years are entitled to use free medicines in accordance with the instructions of the attending physician. Without compulsory medical insurance, this is impossible.

Moms should know that even without an insurance document for the first three months of a child’s life, they are required to provide all the necessary medical services free of charge. But during this time, the document should still be issued.

Where to go

To issue a policy, parents must contact any insurance organization. If you don’t know how to approach her choice, you can use a little advice. In the first months of the baby's life, decide on the clinic in which you are going to continue to be served.

This does not have to be the institution closest to the house - it is likely that you will more like the pediatrician taking on the other side of the city, and you want to be treated only with him, despite the difficulties with the road.

policy oms newborn documents

When you have decided on a doctor and a medical institution, ask the staff what kind of insurance company they have an agreement with, and feel free to go there. In this case, you are guaranteed to have no difficulties. By the way, if you suddenly want to change the selected SC to another, you can easily and free of charge do it once a year.

How to prepare documents

To get the policy of compulsory medical insurance for newborns, you need to start preparing documents in advance. This is due to the fact that the baby has not yet completed any papers and the matter may be delayed.

First of all, the baby needs to write a birth certificate. It is very easy to do. To do this, you need to contact the local registry office and submit an extract from the hospital and the passport of the parents. This must be done within a month from the moment of birth.

When the certificate is received, the child must be registered, that is, registered at the address of the parents (or one of them, if they do not live together). To do this, go to the passport office. Lack of registration in a child is an administrative offense and entails a fine or warning.

Now you need to go to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and submit documents for the design of SNILS. This paragraph, although not mandatory, is not worth neglecting. You will definitely need SNILS in the future.

get an Oms policy for a newborn

Here, in fact, all the documents for obtaining an MHI policy for a newborn:

  • passport of one of the parents (the one with whom the baby is registered);
  • birth certificate;
  • application form completed in the prescribed form;
  • SNILS.

Although the entire legwork with papers is legally allowed for three months, it is not worth delaying the design.

The timing

When all documents for the compulsory medical insurance policy are collected for the newborn, we go to the insurance company. An employee of the UK will check everything and give you a temporary certificate. It is valid for 30 days and completely replaces a permanent policy. This is done so that the baby does not suffer from bureaucratic delays and receives free medical care from the moment the parents contact the insurance. After a month, a permanent document will be issued for the child, which will be valid throughout life.

There is one caveat. If the child (as well as his parents) is issued only temporary registration, then insurance will be issued only for the period of its validity. The policy will be automatically renewed along with an extension of the registration period.

documents for obtaining an OMS policy for a newborn

How to order compulsory health insurance remotely?

Many young parents are very interested in the question: “Is it possible to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn remotely, through electronic services or mail?”

Unfortunately, although technical progress has gone far, the issuance of an MHI insurance document is not remotely provided for by Russian law. The fact is that in order to receive such a document you will have to sign in a special journal, because these forms belong to the category of strict reporting.

But it’s very possible to use postal services to submit documents. To do this, it is enough to send notarized copies of the necessary documents and the completed application form to the address of the selected UK.

Many insurance companies have their own sites and offer to fill out an application online, and scan the documents. You can do this, but to get the policy itself, you still have to come in person.

In some regions of the country, the compulsory medical insurance policy can be executed using the website of public services. It is only necessary to fill out an electronic application form, and all other documents will be obtained as a result of interaction between various departments.

What will happen if you do not take out insurance

You probably already understood that the MHI policy for a newborn is very important. Without this document, only emergency doctors will serve you for free. Without compulsory medical insurance, it will not be possible to register with the clinic, and there can be no question of a free hospital.

documents for the OMS policy for a newborn

A few days spent on the correct paperwork, certainly not worth the health of your child. The risk in this case is absolutely not justified, so it is better to take out insurance faster.

How to recover a document

If you have lost or ruined the MHI policy for a newborn, as well as in the case when the personal data of the baby has changed, the document must be replaced. Make it easy. You need to contact the same UK where he was discharged, and declare the loss of the document or change of personal data. The employee will record the information and issue you a temporary policy. After a month, you will receive a new document with all the changes.


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