Canapes with sausage on skewers: ingredients, recipe, photo

Canapes with sausage on skewers will look great on the buffet table both at home and in the office. These are small sandwiches on which the composite ingredients of meat snacks and vegetables are beautifully laid. It goes well with cooked and uncooked smoked sausage with hard cheese. Guests take canapes by the end of the skewer, so hands remain clean, and all the elements of the sandwich are held together. For such serving use wooden skewers and curly plastic ones.

In the article we will present various options for canapes with sausage on skewers and a photo of dishes, we will describe in detail the method of their preparation. You will learn the rules for decorating canapes, so that your buffet table will keep a fresh look all evening and the sandwiches look spectacular. Sausage is the most used product for sandwiches, besides there is a huge variety of such products on store shelves.

There are many ways to fantasize when drawing up canapes with sausage on skewers, looking for original combinations, as well as methods for stacking and slicing products. This is a fun and creative process, so be sure to try to learn how to make small canapes to surprise your friends and work colleagues.

Bread preparation

As a basis for canapes with sausage on skewers, a piece of bread is most often used. It is distinguished from a simple sandwich by a crispy taste. This can be achieved by cooking toast or drying in the oven. Use white and rye bread. Before preparing bread in the oven or pan, cut slices from 5 to 7 mm thick, cut the crust and give the slice its original shape. Of course, you can make a square base for canapes, but it looks more impressive round or star-shaped. Cut them with metal cookie cutters indentation.

An exception is the French long baguette. On it, the crust remains unchanged, and the cutting is done diagonally, with a slight bevel. He crunches in the canapes especially nicely, so many housewives like to work with the baguette.

Then the bread slices are laid on a baking sheet in one layer, previously greased with olive or ordinary sunflower oil, put in a preheated oven. You can fry the toasts in a pan from both sides, however, make sure that black spots do not appear on it. Bread should acquire a golden crust and become simply crispy.

Often, in canapé recipes on skewers with sausage, dried bread is spread with butter, some sauce or cheese paste, and only then lay out the components of the sandwich.

Option with boiled sausage and cherry tomatoes

To make miniature sandwiches, take a dark rye baguette with sesame seeds. According to the method described above, cut and dry the slices in the oven. If desired, a piece of bread can be additionally grated with a clove of garlic, peeled and husked. This will add pungency, but not everyone may like it. It is better to make two versions of canapes on skewers with sausage - one with garlic, and the other without it. Show concern for the guests, they will certainly appreciate your action.

cooked sausage canapes

Place a fresh lettuce leaf folded in half on bread. Buy large cooked sausage so that it is more convenient to fold a slice four times. Not every housewife will be able to cut the meat product so thinly and evenly, so ask the seller to make machine slices immediately when buying in a store. This will greatly simplify the process of making canapes on skewers with sausage according to the recipe.

Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and put them slit down on the tip of the toothpick. Between the layers of folded sausage, you can additionally put a sprig of parsley or dill.

Canapes on skewers with sausage, cheese and olives

In the following canapes, the bread is not pre-dried, but simply cut out using a metal shape circle. Slices of hard cheese are prepared according to the same pattern. For such a sandwich, sausage is better to take boiled, it is more juicy and brighten up the dryness of the bread.

canapes with sausage and cheese

Cut the small pickled cucumbers in half lengthwise and chop on a skewer over a roll of sausage twisted into a roll. Buy olives seedless and put on with the hole down. Such sausage and cheese canapes on skewers will be an excellent snack for alcoholic drinks. Men will appreciate your efforts as excellent.

Juicy canapes with vegetables

To create the next masterpiece on the buffet table, you need to buy a stick of salami, a slice of hard cheese, a jar of seedless olives, fresh tomatoes and a couple of cucumbers, parsley and a French baguette. Cut the bread into circles and fry in the oven or in a pan. Allow it to cool slightly, but at this time it is divided into thin slices of salami.

canapes on skewers

Place 2 slices on each sandwich. The cheese should be square in shape, and the tomatoes cut into circles. Thin plates divide the cucumber into parts so that it is easier to give the strip a curved shape.

Laying Layers

Put cheese on a dried toast from baguette, cover it with a circle of tomato (it is cut just before serving so that the canapes do not become wet), lay a slice of salami on top of the tomato on top, and wrap the second piece in a half-arc and pierce one and the other half with a skewer.

Repeat the same procedure with a strip of fresh cucumber. Lay sideways black olive and a leaf of parsley. Salt the vegetables a little, you can add spices or just sprinkle with black pepper.

Choose a long skewer for such a canape so that everything fits easily. You can decorate the wand with a bright element, in our sample it is a bead.

Hot canapes

Such canapes with smoked sausage on skewers are served warm. To prepare original sandwiches, you will need quail eggs, one for each canapé, hunting smoked sausages, French baguette, salt, dried spices or finely chopped dill greens (optional), sauce.

hot canapes with quail eggs

Pre-fresh baguette, cut into thin slices diagonally and fry it in vegetable oil in a pan. It does not require much, just lubricate the surface with a thin layer. Spread your favorite sauce on slightly cooled bread. This may be mayonnaise, ketchup or a home-made option. Smoked sausages are cut into portioned slices, approximately 5-6 cm each, and fried in a pan on both sides. Separately make fried eggs from small quail eggs. During cooking, salt them and sprinkle with seasonings as desired. Canapes are collected immediately after frying the products. First, put a sausage on a piece of bread, then an egg and pierce everything with a skewer. Such canapes can be made even for breakfast to your family. It will be a great start to the day.

Baked Canapes in Sweet Glaze

An unusual combination of tastes makes the following canapes incredibly popular at a festive feast. Creating them is incredibly simple, and cooking is carried out simultaneously with a large number of servings. You can feed guests who have suddenly arrived with delicious sandwiches, if you have smoked sausage and a jar of pineapples in the refrigerator. For sweet glaze, mix 1 tbsp. l syrup, merged with canned fruit, 3 tbsp. l teriyaki sauce, 1 tbsp. l natural honey and as much sweet chili sauce.

sweet canapes in icing

Canapes with smoked sausage on skewers are prepared, according to the recipe, in the oven. Soak wooden sticks for a while in water so that they do not burn from the heat of the stove. Then cut the sausage into pieces, lay a slice of pineapple on top and pierce everything with a skewer. Dip the canapes in the icing and place on a baking sheet, on the surface of which a sheet of parchment is laid. Try to dip only the products in the sauce, otherwise the toothpick will have black spots from the sweet glaze. Bake the workpiece at a temperature of 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Canapes are served warm.

Cheese Sandwiches

Canapes on skewers with cheese, olives and sausage look original due to the contrasting combination of colors. Curd cheese is easy to make on your own, but easier to buy ready-made in a supermarket. Get large salami so that the slices can be rolled up or laid out in even layers.

canapes with curd cheese

Both one and the second variety of such sandwiches look original. On a deployed slice of salami, lay a couple of millimeters of curd cheese and spin everything with a roll. The edge of the sausage should be on top. Pierce it with a toothpick and put on top of the olive. You can use the stuffed version.

A more satisfying multilayer sandwich. The sausage is cut into small rectangles and laid out in a bundle, alternating with a thin layer of cheese. It turns out very tasty. Guests will certainly appreciate these canapes.

Canapes on skewers with sausage, cheese and cucumber

Let's look at another option for making delicious canapes without a bread base. You will need a wide salami for cutting large circles, a jar with pickled gherkins. These small cucumbers with a length of not more than 5 cm are directly created for wrapping in sausage.

canapes with sausage and pickled gherkins

Cheese is taken soft. The easiest way is to buy cottage cheese in a store, you can make an original appetizer of cream cheese grated in which garlic cloves were squeezed through a garlic and mixed with mayonnaise. You can finely chop the dill into a soft mass and mix the mixture well, then the snack will look brighter, adding a contrast of white to green.

How to assemble canapes

A thin circle of salami is laid out on the surface of the plank. You can make such canapes with raw smoked sausage on skewers, it will also be delicious. Cheese filling is laid in the center of a thin strip, and a gherkin is placed on it. Wrap the sausage around the wraparound foods so that one edge lies on top of the opposite. At this point, fasten everything with a toothpick.

If desired, you can chop olive or green olive on top. It is interesting to diversify such canapes by adding bright “notes”, for example, mix small cubes of red or orange bell pepper into a white cheese filling.

Horizontal canapes

The canapes shown in the photo below differ from the others in their location on the dish. It consists of several slices of sausage and two long strips of fresh cucumber. To cut this vegetable so thin, use a vegetable cutter.

horizontal canapes

The cucumber is put on the skewer first with a twisted "accordion", pieces of salami are folded in the same way. The final product is again a strip of cucumber. Such sandwiches can be made at any time of the year. They are light and juicy. In addition to sausage, to create such canapes, you can use thinly sliced ​​ham or boiled sausage, balyk or carbonate.

Grilled canapes

If you want to really amaze your guests, then prepare such hot canapes, as in the photo below in the article. You will need large shrimp, sweet and sour sauce and a stick of smoked sausage. You can sprinkle canapes before serving finely chopped parsley.

shrimp kebab

Shrimp clear of shell. Paste a piece of smoked sausage on a skewer, “hug” shrimp on top in a circle, dip in sauce and put on the grill to cook. Watch the state of frying, periodically turn over the canapes. Served on the table immediately after cooking. In addition, prepare a sauce in which guests will dip the canapes. You can make it from mayonnaise, lemon juice and red pepper seasoning, it is recommended to buy a set of Cajun spices. Such a barbecue will surely appeal to everyone, without exception.

Recommendations when making sandwiches

Skewers make snacks with and without bread. If available, cut slices no larger than 5x5 cm or 6x6 cm. Be sure to cut off the crust from ordinary bread, leave it only on a baguette. Often bread is dried or fried, and then greased with butter, mayonnaise or processed cheese.

For cutting vegetables, you can use curly knives. Juicy foods are cut before serving and spread on something dense, for example, a piece of hard cheese and sausage, otherwise the bread will get wet and the canapes will be spoiled.

If a sandwich is made with meat, fish or sausage, then you can add greens or lettuce. If the canapes are sweet, add mint leaves or a small Roquefort cube. Olives and olives go well with hard cheese.

Try and you dream up and make your own version of the canapes for the buffet table. Have a good experiment!


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