Door lock: installation, device, repair, replacement. DIY door lock installation instructions

The need to update the lock system of the front door can be caused by various reasons. The first installation of the mechanism is also very responsible, since it is carried out in a door that has not been tested in terms of reliability. Installation operations related to the replacement of the device due to its breakdown are no less common. Malfunctions can be caused by violations in the operation of the product, and the manifestation of a factory defect that a door lock received during the manufacturing process . Installation becomes a necessity in cases where the system fails due to errors in the previous installation. Recommendations on the installation of such mechanisms will help protect yourself from such phenomena, but first you should familiarize yourself with the design of the locking systems.

door lock installation

General device of the door lock

For maximum reliability, it is better to provide the front door with devices of two different systems. That is, if possible, it is more advisable to use two mechanisms in one canvas. A combination of level and cylinder devices is common, which forms a reliable system of constipation. It will take a lot of time to mechanically crack such a door, not to mention that special equipment will be required to implement it. At the same time, the device and the installation of door locks are interconnected and define each other - the classical system is a cylindrical mechanism, the design of which includes pins, housing, cam and larva.

According to a similar principle, a lever lock is arranged , but it provides for a whole system of locking elements, which complicates both the design of the mechanism and its installation. And now it is worth considering separately the lever and cylinder locks from the point of view of the principle of action.

door lock installation instructions

Cylinder models

The system is based on a rotary mechanism, as a result of which the bolt is activated, and the door opens. The secret element in this case is enclosed in a cylinder and is a set of so-called pins, which determine on the basis of physical parameters that the key belongs to its larva. Depending on the number of cylindrical components and the accuracy of their execution, we can talk about the secrecy of one or another level. According to experts, the number of combinations for models of this type can reach millions. Nevertheless, it is not recommended to use a cylinder door lock in single quality. Installation of models of this type is usually carried out in conjunction with the same lever mechanism or armor plates, which increases the safety of the protective system.

Lever Models

The basis of the lever mechanism is a set of plates that act as code elements, like the cylinder components in the previous version. These are spring-loaded levers, which are usually made of steel. Such locks relate to devices whose massiveness is a plus. The larger the levers, the longer the attacker will mess with the showdown. But, again, the door lock, the installation of which was carried out according to all the rules and recommendations of the manufacturer, will not leave the ordinary robber no chance of success. Especially if this lock will be supplemented with a cylinder mechanism with additional overlays.

repair and installation of door locks

Cylinder lock installation

Thanks to the simplified mechanics, such a lock is less troublesome during installation operations. These models have a few pluses, but they also allow you to save on consumables. So, when changing the lock, it is enough to update only the larva. In general, the instructions for installing a cylinder-type door lock looks like this:

  • First of all, the distance is measured at which the grooves for the working elements of the castle will be made.
  • Using a chisel drill, a hole of the same diameter is made as the key cylinder.
  • A cylinder is inserted into the hole from the outside, after which it should be pressed against the mounting plate. Then the connecting rod is pushed so that there is a slight indentation behind the plate.
  • A plate, rings and other accessories are put on the rod, which act as clamps in a particular set.
  • There should be a button on the lock case - it should be pressed to release the valve and install the mechanism on the plate.

replacement and installation of door locks

Installing a level lock

To begin with, you should outline the places where the screws for securing the lock will be located. After that, with the help of an electric drill, technological holes are made for the central installation of the castle, that is, its well. Then the device is mounted on screws, after which it is necessary to check the correctness of its position. It happens that the doors have additional layers of decoration. In order not to damage them, thin drills should be used initially. True, with such a snap, installing door locks with your own hands can cause certain inconveniences - for example, a well will have to be formed in several approaches. But in the formation of the ends, you can arm yourself with an optimum size drill - in this case, niches for the deadbolts are created. In the final stage, the lock is fastened with screws and lining is installed.

do-it-yourself door lock installation

Possible breakdowns and repairs

Typically, door locks fail for three reasons: due to violations in the installation of the mechanism in relation to the blade, due to wear of the internal elements and as a result of mechanical damage to the case. Correct the situation in the first case by re-installation. The larva is removed, the fixing strips are unscrewed, the position of the device is corrected, the installation is carried out again.

In case of internal malfunctions, dismantling should also be performed, but the lock itself can be disassembled using a hexagon. Unscrew the screw for the external handle, the fixing bolt and the secret. If all the elements are working properly, then you must reinstall. But it is important to understand that repairing and installing door locks does not guarantee that the problem will not recur. If the mechanism is stuck and managed to be restored, then with high probability it will happen again. Therefore, it is still recommended that a complete replacement be made.

DIY replacement

Again, the easiest way to work with cylinder mechanisms. For replacement, it is necessary to remove the armor plate from the outside, and open the lock with a key. Next, a metal plate is unscrewed from the end part. To release the crossbars, the locking element should again be retracted. A screw is unscrewed in the center of the device and a larva is removed. Then the door locks can be replaced and installed already from the new kit. In the reverse order, a new secret is inserted, after which fixing and protective additions are twisted.

device and installation of door locks


The lock maintenance process for conventional metal doors does not cause any particular difficulties. Traditional mechanics are easy to install and relatively reliable. But there are also disadvantages that a classic door lock has. Installation requires intervention in the base of the canvas, its structure is deformed. True, the latest modifications of cylinder and level devices differ in compact dimensions and accurate entry into the door niche. But, on the other hand, do not forget about the dependence of the reliability level of the same lever mechanisms on sizes.


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