Small wedding cake: photo

A wedding is a very exciting event, and I want everything to be just perfect. Starting from the foreclosure and registration, ending with a cake. How to choose the right cake so that it fits perfectly into the atmosphere? What nuances should you pay attention to first of all when choosing it?

Optimal sizes

This is a very important point when choosing a cake. Even at the stage of presenting what is desired, it is necessary to clearly determine which cake should be sized. If it is not enough or there is too much left, this will not affect the celebration positively.

In order for everyone to be enough for a piece, the weight of the future goodies should be calculated on the basis of the consideration that for each guest there will be 150-200 grams. Thus, it will be clear what size cake is needed.

In determining the future shape, much depends on weight. It is traditionally customary to make a wedding cake round, but very diverse options are acceptable. That’s just enough fantasy.

small wedding cake

If the festival is designed for a large number of guests, and therefore the cake will be great, then it will be multilevel. However, it is worth considering that this approach to design can go sideways. Under its own weight, the cake crumbles and turns into porridge.

To prevent this, make single-level cakes, large in area. In this case, a successful combination of several types of baking and its filling is possible. This approach makes it possible to make a cake of different cakes and impregnations. This solution is unusual and gives guests the opportunity to choose.


Fashion shows its power in everything, and weddings are no exception. Quite the contrary, a wedding is an event, one of the most prone to fashionable innovations. Among the latest trends was minimalism.

But a wedding is a luxurious event with a grand scale and generosity, where does minimalism come about? The biggest difficulty in creating a wedding in minimalism is to maintain scope and withstand everything in a restrained style. When it comes to decoration and dress, it is not so difficult. To assemble and decorate the wedding table, having passed the main criteria of the concept, too. But what about the cake?

small wedding cakes pics

Minimalism wedding cake

A small wedding cake is simply the perfect solution in terms of design and atmospheric composition. But what if there are more than five guests? Then the decision in favor of a small cake will not be the most successful.

In this case, they resort to the simplest solution to the problem: they make several cakes at once. The advantage of this decision is that they can be different in composition and appearance. This will save you from several problem situations.

Cakes can be made from different ingredients. Some cake may be without butter, some without cream, some without mastic. A small wedding cake will fit on the table without any problems and will be beneficial to look in the composition. In addition, miniature baked goods are very interestingly beaten by the photographer at a photo shoot. Do not be afraid to choose small wedding cakes. Photos with them are obtained as if from a fairy tale.

small wedding cake

Finance issues

If the budget is small, a small wedding cake is the best solution. The smaller the cake, the cheaper the wedding. This is a fairly common opinion. Many refuse such a rational option only because guests may think poorly about the wealth of a young family.

Two factors are opposed here. First: this statement has long been outdated. Once, such a tradition took place, but now times have changed, and views have changed. The second factor: a small cake can help save a budget.

small wedding cake without mastic

Large wedding pastries, even of the same volume, often result in a larger amount than three small ones. This is justified by the fact that baking a small cake is easier than a large one, and it takes less work. Moreover, a small wedding cake does not crumple and does not sell under its own weight until it survives its hour.

How to choose the right stuffing?

The filling of a wedding cake can be extremely diverse. It all depends on the taste and personal preferences. However, it is worth remembering how the cake will look in the context, that by the time it is served, the guests are already quite full.

It is not entirely reasonable to prefer a filling of meringue or waffle cakes. Precisely because of unsightly when cutting. Not the best option would be oil fillings and excessively fatty creams. Such treats are quite satisfying and β€œheavy” for the stomach. Usually, cake is served at the end of a rich feast.

The winning solution is yogurt cream or berry filling. Gentle soaked sponge cakes, oiled with berry cream, are an excellent option. Such a cake will not become an excess on the table and many will like it.

small wedding cake with cupcakes photo

Cake decoration

As already indicated, a small wedding cake has recently become one of the most popular solutions. There are objective reasons for this. How to issue it?

A design decision can be absolutely anything. Most often, the cake is designed to match the dress or the overall style of the event. Someone adds names, wishes, photographs or fresh flowers to the cake, turning pastries into a real work of art.

Among the most popular options are wishes for happiness to the newlyweds, mastic flowers and sugar figures on top. These decisions have long been reinforced in wedding fashion, culture and are already familiar. Those who want something new are presented with options for applying real images from photographs, fresh flowers and a wide variety of figures from mastic to the cake.

When making a wedding cake, you can use unlimited imagination. However, you should avoid a large number of artificial dyes and inedible elements. The fact is that many are allergic to dyes, and in hot weather, paints quickly begin to flow. All inedible elements will need to be removed from the cake. All this will make it unsightly.

Not so long ago, a small wedding cake with cupcakes became popular . Photos of such works of art (not to be called otherwise) very quickly scattered across the Web. This solution looks fresh and original. In addition, there is the possibility of combining desserts. It is convenient and functional, and when dividing among guests there is no need to cut the cake. Appearance is preserved, each element looks like a self-sufficient dessert.


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