Personal training in the gym: description, program and recommendations

Definitely, many novice athletes have repeatedly heard from coaches and more advanced athletes about individual exercises that can be obtained for a fee in the gym. That's just for beginners it is not entirely clear what kind of training this is and what their meaning is.

personal training

This article focuses on personal training. The reader will get acquainted with the description and several ready-made programs from professionals, and expert recommendations will help beginners quickly and effectively achieve the result in building a beautiful sports figure.

Bringing clarity

It is clear that all readers immediately need an explanation regarding individual lessons, so it is better to start with them. In big sport, it is customary to divide training into three types:

  1. Self study. The athlete is engaged in himself, according to his own program, methodology and with his own technique. By the way, there are most of these people in the gym.
  2. Training with a trainer. In large gyms, there is always one or more professionals who assist beginners. The work of such people is paid by the owner of the gym, who is interested in customers.
  3. Activities under the hood. This is personal training with a trainer. The athlete, like a toy on the remote control, performs all the commands of the coach.

Trump in the sleeve

An important feature of individual lessons is that a beginner, unlike peers engaged without their own trainer, has a certain guarantee of the result. Yes, professional athletes really take on any, even complex tasks, and in a short period of time, with the help of training, allow beginners to solve all their problems with the figure. As practice shows, novice athletes turn to well-known professionals who already have recommendations, so there are no tricks here.

personal training room

The advantages of individual classes include the fact that a novice athlete does not need to look for a personal training hall. This is a trainer's problem. In fact, a professional athlete is able to work with a student even without specialized simulators. But still, it’s better to learn how to perform the exercises correctly on all kinds of devices, in the future, knowledge of the technique will be very useful.

Conclusion of a contract

Beginners who still decide to do individual training should immediately coordinate with the teacher the methodology for conducting the classes, as well as prescribe all kinds of conflict situations and their solution. The fact is that personal training requires the novice athlete not only to perform some kind of program in the gym. Often, a novice must completely modify his diet and the time allotted for sleep.

personal training in the gym

There are frequent cases when a novice athlete, not fulfilling the requirements of a coach, refuses to continue training and blames the professional athlete's program for inefficiency. But everything could initially be different, it was only necessary to coordinate individual work in advance and work out all the conflict situations. It is recommended to discuss sports nutrition as well, because very often coaches practically force a beginner to take dietary supplements.

It all starts with technology

Professionals constantly repeat to beginners that all power is not in great weight, but in the technique of performing the exercise. However, many novice athletes ignore these recommendations and engage in their own methodology. Hence the injury, lack of results and myths about poor metabolism. But everything could be different.

personal training in the gym

Personal training in the gym is effective in that they initially teach the athlete to perform all exercises correctly. This is equivalent to boxing: the main thing is to strike, and then everything depends on the athlete’s zeal. Therefore, professionals recommend that all beginners, without exception, begin their trips to the gym with individual lessons. Yes, it is expensive, but in the future it will positively affect both the effectiveness of training and the absence of injuries to the athlete.

Tricks in training

Yes, there are unscrupulous trainers who want to get rich at the expense of beginners. It’s easy to identify such teachers - they simply don’t have a ready-made program. Tricky trainers cannot clearly declare a set of exercises for one day of classes, they constantly turn their heads around, looking for free simulators, and come up with a program on the go. Moreover, training by such professionals is rarely repeated. This is a real fraud, trusting such unassembled people is not worth it, because the result will have to wait a very long time.

A personal training program should be scheduled every day for one week or a month. It is this fact that indicates that the personal trainer has fully worked out the training schemes and selected the most effective exercises. Yes, it is allowed to replace the exercises in the complex, but it is possible only in cases where the desired simulator is occupied by another athlete.

Cheating coach?

It is logical to assume that a beginner will have a desire to get the right program and continue classes without a trainer. Why not? However, the result with the finished exercise map will still not be. The reason is quite simple: personal training is the attention of a professional athlete. Yes, the beginner does not acquire the list of exercises, but the time that the coach will devote to him.

personal training program

Each lesson and each approach, the teacher will evaluate with a professional look the correctness of the repetition. Any incorrect action will be immediately corrected. If something is not clear to a beginner, the trainer will once again demonstrate the correctness of the exercise. This is what is considered an individual lesson. Naturally, such work is paid accordingly.

Additional functionality

Again, you can remember or rewrite the program here and learn the technique of doing exercises in a few lessons. Then you can safely begin independent studies. Yes, this technique is practiced by most beginners, and there is nothing wrong with this, because constant personal training in the gym can afford a few athletes. But there is another factor that is overlooked by athletes.

personal training with a trainer

And it's about motivation. Yes, the coach actually forces you to do the exercises. Moreover, all workouts are carried out at a fast pace under scrutiny - no big breaks and time to talk. And the point here is not at all the limitations of training because of the large queue of people who want to practice with a professional. Everything is much more serious here - the body must feel a constant load and not relax. And this applies to weight gain, and weight loss.


The conclusions are obvious. Personal training for a beginner is a basis without which it is simply impossible to start a career in amateur or professional sports. Any student definitely needs a teacher, and the higher the professional skills of a trainer, the more effective the results. Yes, it's expensive, but only cheese in a mousetrap is free. Any newcomer will come to this at some point in his career. Of course, it is better if the moment of truth for him comes as early as possible.


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