An effective herb for men to increase potency

Now there is hardly a man who does not want to increase his own sexual potential. On every mainland, in any country, people have always looked for herbs to enhance potency. Doctors of antiquity described in the writings of more than a thousand species of such plants. On their basis, pharmacists have created most of the modern drugs that contribute to improving the quality of sexual life. In this article, you will be presented with herbs and plants to increase potency. So let's get started.


This herb for men (to increase potency) has been used for several millennia. Ginseng has a tonic effect, stimulating and stimulating sexual activity. It is used in capsules, tablets, tinctures, solutions and powders.

To obtain the desired effect, a single dose will not be enough. Need a multi-day course. But young people for a better erection can take it once, 6-8 hours before intimacy.

By the way, ginseng also increases the time of intercourse. But do not take this plant with a hangover syndrome. It will cause a rapid heartbeat.

grass for men to increase potency


This herb for men, to increase potency, is also known as the golden root. And it is not by chance. After all, it is from its rhizomes and roots that tincture is prepared for 40% alcohol. For many hundreds of years, Rhodiola has been used in Altai folk medicine as a means to increase sexual desire.

In addition, the golden root increases efficiency and relieves fatigue. The extract is taken three times a day, 5-10 drops before meals. The course of treatment is 14 days.

Stake tree

This herb for men to increase potency is very well known in African countries. It is sold in the form of tablets and powder. Stake tree is a very strong natural stimulant, so doctors recommend it to be used only by older men with serious impairment of potency.

This plant is taken an hour before sexual intercourse. Uncontrolled use threatens with a prolonged and even painful erection. Also, cola medicine cannot be taken for heart problems and hypertension.

herbs to increase and improve potency in men


This herb for men to increase potency is also known as a large head. It is from its root that alcohol extract is made, which has a stimulating effect. Even in antiquity, this plant was used to improve erections even in older men.

In addition to this, Leuzea tones the entire body, and also relieves mental and physical stress. The extract is taken 20-30 drops three times a day.


In the past, this plant from South America was used by the Indians. It increased sexual desire and potency. Damiane acts like a light drug: it removes the feeling of awkwardness and constraint, which can often interfere with sexual intimacy.

Typically, the plant is released in the form of drops. Damiane should never be consumed with alcohol. What else herbs are there to increase and improve potency in men?


Like damiane, this plant is native to Africa. Substances that stimulate potency are in its cortex. Yohimbe has even been described in several myths. Over time, a medicine called Yohimbine appeared on its basis in European countries.

The substances in the plant not only stimulate vitality, but also increase the production of testosterone, beneficially affecting sexual strength. Yohimbine is prohibited for use by people with heart failure.

potency increase by folk remedies and methods

Aralia Manchurian

On the basis of this plant make alcohol tincture. It has a beneficial effect on sexual function due to its tonic effect. Aralia tincture is taken 3 times a day for 30 drops. Also, the Separal preparation is made from its roots. It is produced in the form of tablets and powder. The course of treatment is not less than 14 days.


A special substance is isolated from this Far Eastern herb - the alkaloid securinin. It is prescribed for sexual impotence, when it arose as a result of a neuropsychiatric disorder. Securinin has a powerful tonic effect on the body. Take a solution 3 times a day for 20-30 drops. You can also take the drug in the form of tablets.


This plant grows in the Far East. In its action, it is very similar to ginseng root. Zamaniha powerfully tones the body and improves potency. Take it 2-3 times a day for 30-40 drops.

Calamus root

People who know about increasing potency with folk remedies and methods have long been using this medicinal plant. It contains tannins, camphor, ascorbic acid and gum in large quantities. Calamus root is used in a variety of ways, but its ability to exert a tonic and tonic effect is prevailing.

Men use it to activate potency and stimulate the production of seminal fluid. For medicinal purposes, drink tea from calamus root or chew a piece of it like chewing gum. Exceeding the dosage recommended by the doctor may result in severe vomiting.

herbs and plants to increase potency


This herb is not like other plants to increase potency. We can say that parsley is unique, as it belongs to the category of aphrodisiacs. It includes all the necessary substances for men's health: vitamins, minerals, trace elements, essential oils. It also has apigenin - a special component that reduces the concentration of estrogen in the body and has antioxidant properties. That is, with regular use of parsley, testosterone levels will increase significantly. In addition, this herb enhances blood circulation in the pelvis, which is good for erection.

Since this plant, in fact, is a table vegetable, almost everyone can use it. The only diagnosis in which parsley is contraindicated is jade.


In colza there is a fatty oil and ascorbic acid. This herb applies not only to medicinal, but also to food, as well as honey plants. Therefore, with a certain processing, it can be used as food.

Colza increases sperm volume and helps increase potency. There are no contraindications to its use. But if a person has calculi in the bladder (kidneys) and there is increased bleeding, then colza should be used very carefully.

what herbs are used to increase male potency


Doctors who are known for herbs for male health and male potency often recommend this plant to their patients. It is considered a very valuable medicine. Nettle contains tannins, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, acids, vitamins, volatile and a wide range of macro- and microelements. For treatment, almost all parts of the plant are used: roots, seeds and leaves. Mixtures, teas, decoctions, infusions are prepared from them and simply added to food. Nettle-based drugs increase potency, increase sexual desire, normalize the genitourinary system,

When using this herb, it should be borne in mind that it improves blood coagulation. Therefore, people prone to blood clots, it is better not to use it. Additional contraindications are atherosclerosis, kidney disease and hypertension.

increased potency folk remedies treatment


His second name is schizandra. The use of this plant has a rejuvenating, stimulating and tonic effect. Schisandra has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and eliminates the effects of stress. Its lignans play the role of antioxidants and increase the production of activity hormones. Schizandra is extremely saturated with biologically active substances.

This plant helps to solve several male problems at once. It improves erection, eliminates premature ejaculation, stimulates sperm production and insures against impotence. And dried lemongrass berries can be used as powerful aphrodisiacs. Teas and infusions are prepared from them.

Reception of lemongrass is contraindicated for people with impaired pressure, insomnia and heart problems. Well, of course, do not forget about the individual intolerance of schizandra.

potency plants

St. John's wort

This plant can be advised to all those who are interested in increasing potency with folk remedies. Drug treatment is usually expensive and does not always help. St. John's wort is cheap and effective for problems with potency. It is used both in combination with other herbs, and separately.

Hypericum-based medicines affect many aspects of sexual life. With a three-week intake, potency is normalized, imagination is liberated, desire intensifies and the desire for sex appears.

On the other hand, do not get too carried away with products based on this herb. Frequent use can cause the opposite effect. Indeed, in the composition of St. John's wort there are toxic substances, the content of which may vary depending on the place, time of collection and other factors. Also, this drug is forbidden to take hypertensive patients.


Now you know what herbs are used to increase male potency. But it is worth making one important point. Along with the intake of herbal remedies, a man must change his lifestyle: do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, do not eat fried and fatty foods, do more sports, etc. Only in this case can the desired result be achieved. Also, before using any medicine, you should definitely consult with a specialist.


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