A pedestrian is a road user. Rights and obligations of a pedestrian

A pedestrian is a full-fledged participant in the road, he, along with the drivers, has his rights and obligations. They may also be responsible for traffic accidents. In addition, their behavior on the road is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

a pedestrian is

What is a pedestrian?

A pedestrian is a road user who, when moving, does not drive a vehicle and does not work on it. Pedestrians include wheelchair users without a mechanical motor, owners of bicycles or mopeds that move them along the road.

In short, a pedestrian is the person who walks on the roadway. According to the law, he is allowed to move along pedestrian paths, sidewalks or along the side of the road towards car traffic if the first two options are absent.

How to cross the roadway?

For crossing the roadway, there are land, underground and overpasses. For humans, these are the safest ways. By the way, bike owners must cross the road on foot. But unfortunately, crossings are not everywhere, if they are absent, a pedestrian can make an intersection of the carriageway at an intersection along the sidewalk or roadside.

a pedestrian is a road user

In the event that all of the above conditions are absent, then you can cross the roadway at a right angle in a section where there are no barriers and an approaching vehicle. But you need to remember your own safety, in the dark or in poor visibility conditions it is advisable to have reflective elements on your clothes. Despite the fact that this is a rule, legislation does not provide for its violation of punishments.

At a pedestrian crossing, it is also important to take care of your own safety. Before crossing the road, you need to make sure that the traffic will be safe and there is no approaching vehicle. Because, despite the fact that the driver must skip the pedestrian, he may not have time to brake.

Pedestrian rights

Since a pedestrian is a person who somehow participates in traffic, has his own rights defined by law. Firstly, he can be a participant in an accident, both as a culprit and as a victim. Here, the pedestrian has the right to disagree with the accusations made by traffic police officers, express his opinion and not sign the protocol. Secondly, the legislation provides the rules for the movement of a pedestrian participant in traffic in different conditions.

But in practice, it turns out that drivers driving a source of increased danger have a higher priority on the road. A pedestrian is a more vulnerable participant in the movement and he has to take care of his own safety on his own.

Fines for pedestrians

For violations of the rules of the road, a pedestrian is brought to administrative responsibility. Here is a list of fines:

  • When crossing the road for a red traffic light, regardless of whether there are approaching cars or not, a fine of 500 rubles.
  • When crossing the roadway near a pedestrian crossing. Even if there are no fences, excellent visibility and doing it at right angles, it is possible to get a fine of 500 rubles.
  • According to the rules of the road, the bus should be bypassed behind, and the tram in front. In case of non-compliance, a fine of 500 rubles.
  • If the zone into which the person entered is indicated by the sign "no traffic", he will be issued a fine of 500 rubles.
  • Each participant must give way to a vehicle with a beacon on and special. signal. If the pedestrian has violated this rule, the fine for him will be 500 rubles.
  • You can wait for a taxi and land on the roadway only on a specially designated strip or roadside. For violation, a fine of 500 rubles.
  • In the absence of a sidewalk or roadside, a pedestrian can move along the edge of the roadway towards the movement of cars. In case of violation, a fine of 500 rubles.

Ignorance of the laws does not exempt citizens from liability, so the lack of a personal vehicle is not yet an indicator that the rules of behavior on the road are not necessary.

a pedestrian is a traffic participant

How to protect yourself on the road?

Often a pedestrian is the culprit of a traffic accident. If the damage to the car itself may be minor, then the pedestrian can say goodbye to health or life. Therefore, despite the fact that he has his specific rights on the road, you need to take care of his safety first.

First you need to learn and learn all the rules of the road. And put them into practice. In any situation, you must not lose vigilance, because pedestrians are primarily affected, and mainly through their own fault.

a pedestrian is a person who

If a pedestrian is a participant in the movement, then he has his rights and obligations along with the drivers. All our requirements are regulated by the legislation of our country, and every citizen is obliged to know them clearly, first of all in order to protect himself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8678/

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