How to celebrate a 35 year wedding?

The spouses will be reminded of the happy wedding day by the many anniversaries of their life together. Each of them has its own symbol. Based on it, you can understand how to celebrate, what to give and put on the table during the celebration. So, 35 years of wedding is called “coral” not by chance. This is due to the fact that unique corals are created over the years from skeletons of small polyps. Often they become so large that they turn into real reefs, islands. And marriage is strengthened by experienced problems, events and inexhaustible feelings. Every day there are more and more of them. Therefore, living together unites spouses and makes them stronger. By the way, coral is as durable as the inextricable bond between husband and wife.

You can hold a celebration in honor of the anniversary of 35 years of wedding anywhere. The will of the spouses. They can gather their friends, relatives and acquaintances at home at a common table. However, it is best to go this day in the bosom of nature. Of course, if the weather will please its favor. Otherwise, you can organize a celebration somewhere in a cafe or a quiet and comfortable restaurant.

A wedding anniversary of 35 years is a beautiful date. No need to avoid celebrating her. On the contrary, it is necessary to fill it with real “coral” traditions and rituals that have developed long ago.

First, color is very important. Coral has all shades of red. Therefore, he should be present in everything: in clothes, on the table, in drinks, jewelry. Secondly, before the immediate celebration it is necessary to conduct at least one of the rites for a coral wedding. For their implementation, you can, of course, go to the sea, where the very corals live. But there are not always enough opportunities for this. Therefore, it is enough just to get up to the spouses before dawn, leave the house, be sure to hold hands, and go to any reservoir. As soon as the first rays of the sun begin to wake up, a red scarf or scarf should be presented with water. This is a peculiar symbol of the fact that the husband and wife are asking for special support and blessings from one of the elements for the rest and long life together.

Finally, the celebration of 35 years of wedding begins. It is very important that this holiday can be shared at the same table by all those who are very close to the spouses. And no matter how many people will be invited to the celebration.

It is necessary to set the table according to special traditions. There should be a red fish, and salads, in which red ingredients are sure to be found, and meat, too, of such shades. From drinks suitable red wine long exposure. It is an indispensable symbol of a happy and strong family.

For 35 years of wedding, there is a special tradition associated with a wedding cake. This time it should be replaced by a sweet cake. Be sure to bake it with the husband and wife at night before their anniversary of living together. The main decoration of the culinary masterpiece should be pieces of red fruits or berries. And on top of the cake you can even cherry or strawberry syrup. After all, everything should be in red.

For the invited, and for the spouses themselves, the question arises of what to give for a 35 year wedding. The answer is very simple. A husband can support traditions and buy a beloved bouquet of beautiful scarlet roses - a symbol of passion, love and inimitability. The wife, in turn, can please her fiancé with a red tie or a beautiful linen shirt in red shades.

Guests often try to present original gifts. It is better if they are made by hand. This is a gorgeous slide show of many photos of spouses, and even a newspaper that can be hung on the wall. Although, you can present beautiful jewelry from corals. Since the wedding anniversary has another name - “linen”, the choice with gifts becomes much wider. They become towels, bedding, napkins, all kinds of tablecloths and even bedspreads.

However, the most important thing is not a gift at all, but the memory of this celebration, which will be preserved thanks to a good mood, pleasant communication and relatives sitting next to each other.


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