The drug "Strobi": instructions for use, use

In pursuit of a large crop, gardeners are looking for more effective means of combating microbial and fungal diseases of plants. An example of one of these substances is the Strobi preparation.

strobe instructions for use
This substance belongs to the group of locally-systemic fungicides . The range of diseases with which the drug is actively fighting is quite wide. It is also used for fungal infections of vegetables, grapes and fruit crops.

The preparation "Strobi", the instructions for use of which contain detailed information, has several advantages. So, the product is safe for insects, in particular for bees, which is very important for those gardeners who are also a beekeeper. This drug can be used during flowering crops.

The product is resistant to precipitation. Having treated plants with it, you can not be afraid that suddenly it will rain, and all the work will be in vain. The preparation "Strobi" (the instructions for use confirms this) is effective when used on wet foliage and at relatively low temperatures (1-4 degrees).

preparation strobe application
The basis of the action of this tool is the inhibition of mycelial growth of fungal diseases. This property of the drug stops the further development of the pathogen, its reproduction. That is why it effectively destroys fungal formations that are already on the surface of the leaves of affected plants.

Suppressing the growth of spores, the Strobi drug, the instructions for use of which is on the package, very well prevents the occurrence of new manifestations of the disease. The presence of this property is important for the prevention of diseases, the development of which begins after the spores of the pathogen germinate and enter the leaves of plants.

Due to the above properties, the drug "Strobi" (instructions for use indicates this) can be used to treat a wide range of plant crops. Among them may be grapes, black currants, wild strawberries, as well as indoor and ornamental plants.

When using this drug, some features should be considered. Means "Strobi" must be diluted in a proportion of 5 g per 10 liters of water. The prepared solution must be used no later than 120 minutes, otherwise the effectiveness of its action is reduced.

They process mainly the root zone - during the appearance of leaves on the plant. Ornamental plants, for example roses, are sprayed on the leaves and also - the whole earth around the bush.

The frequency of treatment with this tool is different for each plant. So, fruit-bearing trees are treated 2 times in 10 days, the last treatment is carried out a month before the harvest. Roses growing in the garden - 2 times in 30 days, starting in July, and before shelter for the winter - one more time.

Thus, the Strobi preparation, the use of which confirms this, is an effective tool in the fight against various fungal diseases of plants. This fact is also proved when using the substance by many gardeners and gardeners.


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