Lenten pickle. We eat right in the post.

Almost every second person in the world observes fasting, he has entered our life so much that in various entertainment establishments they offer a fasting menu. And not only in cafes, but even on airplanes and on ships, in trains. For breakfast, fresh vegetables and fruits are most often offered; for hot, vegetable stew and lean bread. Lent is considered the strictest fast. Sustain it completely beyond the power of every person. During this post it is strictly forbidden to eat various types of meat, poultry, dairy products. There are several exceptions for fish - these are three days for the entire post: Annunciation, Lazarev Saturday, Palm Sunday. Every weekend during Lent, you are allowed to eat a little vegetable oil, as well as natural wine without additives. All fasting dishes are allowed to add seasonings and various types of greens. Lenten pickle is fully suitable as a meal for lunch during Lent. Besides the fact that this, in itself, is a very tasty dish, it is also very useful, since pearl barley contains a large amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Lean pickle, the recipe of which is presented below, can be prepared in various variations. We offer several such cooking options.

Lean pickle classic

Three hundred grams pickles;

Pearl barley one glass;

One onion;

Lean oil one spoon;

Ceps two hundred grams;

One carrot;

Five potatoes.

Peel the pickles and cut into thin strips, simmer in a pan with water. Boil pearl barley until cooked and chop in a blender in mashed potatoes. In a pot in which you are going to cook the soup, put vegetable oil and peeled onion, chopped into small cubes. Then we put peeled and finely chopped porcini mushrooms, carrots to the onion, fry everything, add water and cook until the mushrooms are ready. Then we put peeled and diced potatoes, stewed pickles, and mashed pearl barley. Boil for a few minutes. If the soup is thick, you can add boiled cucumber pickle. When serving, sprinkle the soup with herbs.

Lenten pickle with rice

Seasoning “Maggie” from onions and carrots;

Four potatoes;

Four medium pickled peeled cucumbers;

One stalk of leek;

Half a glass of rice;

Small stick of celery;

Fresh herbs and seasonings.

Bring one and a half liters of water to a boil and add seasoning. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes, finely chop the celery. Add peeled and chopped vegetables to a pot of boiling water. Cook for seven minutes. Add rice. Cook another fifteen minutes. Wash leek in plenty of water and cut into half rings or rings, add to soup and boil for several minutes. Peeled cucumbers are cut into small cubes, add in a small amount of brine and add to the soup. At the very end of cooking, add the seasoning "Maggi", fresh herbs. Close the lid and insist ten minutes.

Lenten pickle is an indispensable dish in any post. It is quite light, tasty, it can be eaten not only at lunch, but also at dinner. In this case, it is enough to put a little more cereals, that is, rice or barley, and the soup will be much thicker, almost like porridge. In addition to lean pickle, in the post you can cook other dishes from cereals and vegetables, for example, buckwheat porridge stewed in a pot with onions, zucchini and tomato - it is also very satisfying. The main thing is that a lean dish prepared for lunch or dinner , for a long time gives a feeling of satiety. In addition, in such dishes, the presence of not only a sufficient number of calories, but also nutrients is necessary.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8686/

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