Harm of smoking for women. Causes of smoking and consequences

Whereas before, mostly men smoked, now cigarettes around the world are becoming the companion of a modern woman. The fair sex believes that with rings of smoke their problems go away. Stylish accessories for smoking create the image of beauties. Girls with this bad habit can be found everywhere. Many do not even think about how enormous the harm of smoking is for women.

the harm of smoking for women

Smoking girl - the ideal of a new generation

Despite warnings from the Ministry of Health, public organizations, and television commercials, the number of women smokers is growing every day. They are not afraid of mortality and cancer. Knowing the consequences of addiction, girls follow fashion and smoke, considering themselves independent, successful and sexy.

Advertising does not work on stubborn women

The media are doing their best to show how enormous the harm of smoking is for women. 30% of Russians first took a puff at 12 years old. Public organizations are simply shocked by such statistics. They do everything possible to ensure that women lead a healthy lifestyle. People with this habit are informed about what awaits them after indulging in cigarettes. The harm of smoking for women is huge. It is scientifically proven that this habit causes diseases of the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system. Smoking provokes the development of hereditary diseases. Smokers predominantly suffer from lung cancer. Because of this bad habit, about half a million women die in developed countries.

how much nicotine is in a cigarette

Why do women smoke?

The reasons for smoking women can be different. But mainly the following are distinguished:

  1. With the development of emancipation, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity adopt men's habits.
  2. Advertising imposes an image of a sexy and happy woman with a cigarette in her hands.
  3. The desire to hide their self-doubt, gain independence.
  4. Smoking is a peculiar way of responding to stressful situations.
  5. Poor living conditions, life shocks, unsuccessful marriage make women pick up a cigarette.
  6. Many smoking girls believe that it will be easier for them to get acquainted with the man of their dreams in this way.

What happens to smoking women?

The effect of smoking on women is detrimental; it changes them quickly, and not for the better. A woman's skin begins to turn yellow and age due to a lack of nutrients. Damaged teeth, yellow nails, brittle hair - the consequences of a bad habit. A smoker can be recognized by bad breath. His first to overcome viral diseases. The immunity of a smoking girl is reduced, it is difficult for the body to fight infections. Well-being is gradually getting worse, strength is leaving. It is becoming increasingly difficult to climb the stairs due to shortness of breath. Acquired vegetative-vascular dystonia interferes with a full-fledged lifestyle. Smoking women have problems with the menstrual cycle.

Only 35% of all women with this bad habit decide to get rid of it. The rest are gradually ruining their lives. Because of this bad habit, not only a woman suffers, but also her children. Some women who smoke do not know the joy of motherhood at all. They often have miscarriages, many suffer from infertility.

smoking women

What harmful substances are in a cigarette?

The amount of harmful substances in cigarettes reaches more than 4 thousand. One of the most dangerous carcinogens is tar. It has a negative effect on the bronchi and lungs. It causes cancer of the lungs, oral cavity and larynx. Because of this component, smokers begin to cough, acquire chronic bronchitis.

Cigarettes contain a lot of toxic gases. The greatest danger is carbon monoxide. Interacting with hemoglobin, carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen entering the tissue cells. This is the cause of oxygen starvation.

Resin causes the death of smokers, leaving their particles in the human respiratory tract. It causes cancer and other lung diseases. Due to the fact that the lungs lose their ability to filter, immunity decreases.

the effect of smoking on women

The amount of nicotine in cigarettes

Nicotine is a drug that stimulates the brain. It causes addiction. If you do not constantly increase its dose, it can lead to depression. Initially, nicotine excites, then depletes. As a result of its daily use, the heart rate increases, blood pressure rises. If you quit smoking, then the withdrawal syndrome will last 2-3 weeks. A person will become irritable and restless, will have trouble sleeping.

60 mg of nicotine is a lethal dose that can kill a person. How much nicotine is in a cigarette? It is 60 mg of this substance that can be found in 50 cigarettes. If you immediately smoke them, a fatal outcome is inevitable. Despite the fact that so many people do not smoke, nicotine gradually destroys the body.

How much nicotine is in a cigarette? This figure is different. It depends on the brand of the manufacturer. Typically, the amount of nicotine in one cigarette is indicated on the side of the pack. Depending on this, they have different softness and taste, affect a person in varying degrees. A low nicotine count is 0.3 mg in one piece. Most cigarettes contain 0.5 mg. There is a dosage and 1.26 mg of nicotine. In domestic cigarettes, this substance is more than in foreign counterparts.

reasons for smoking women

The effect of smoking on pregnancy

Every sensible woman should understand that you should not smoke during pregnancy. Girls with this bad habit are born weak premature babies with a small weight, who subsequently get sick more often. Accustomed to nicotine in the womb, a little man in the future may become an avid smoker with the tendencies of the criminal.

The harm of smoking for women is already enormous, and if even during pregnancy - so it is generally fatal, to a greater extent for the child himself. Harmful toxic substances contained in cigarettes penetrate the placenta to the baby. The child receives more harmful substances than the smoking mother herself, experiences oxygen hunger. His delicate organs develop poorly. There is a risk of a poor pregnancy outcome. In rare cases, absolutely healthy babies are born. They often lack weight, lag behind in mental development. Often these babies are restless and hyperactive. These children are sometimes aggressive and deceiving. They have a high risk of autism.

the effect of smoking on pregnancy

It should be noted that those who smoked during pregnancy may have children with cleft faces - cleft lip or cleft palate.

Children of such mothers are more likely than others to have diabetes or obesity by adulthood.

Boys born to smoking moms have smaller testicles. Their sperm count is 20% lower.

Children take a bad example from mothers who smoke. The addiction appears in them earlier than among peers.

Quitting smoking, a beautiful lady can start a new life, always staying beautiful, young and happy. It’s never too late to stop, you just want to.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B869/

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