Quick Cash payment system: reviews. Divorce or truth?

Recently, more and more information has appeared on the Internet about various cheating services that are trying to lure funds from naive users. Perhaps this is a coincidence; and perhaps the number of projects created for the purpose of fraud is indeed growing on the Web. Another article on this topic that describes the Quick Cash payment system is being published today.

Honestly, a scam called by such a big name as “payment system” is not worth the attention that users give it. However, more and more requests from those who are looking for earnings on the Web are being made just regarding the mentioned system. Therefore, we describe it.

Name and analogues scam

quick cash system reviews

To begin with, the Quick Cash system (the reviews of which are numerous, and it’s easy to find them), is, in fact, two different projects. It just so happened that their names coincided, and now it’s not so easy to figure out which one you have in mind when you see an article on a particular site.

So, one Quick Cash system (reviews about it are presented in a larger quantity) involves working with binary options. Its essence lies in the fact that on the official website of the project a beautiful video is presented where the “successful housewife” from the USA describes the advantages of options. Of course, she shares information about her “earnings” in the form of screenshots and invites everyone to learn more about what the Quick Cash system is. The reviews of those who have come across this resource indicate that it is a simple intermediary between the trading platform dealing with options and the person who was inspired by the “housewife”. Accordingly, he earns a commission. The more people join the project, the greater will be the final income.

In the future, the visitor makes a contribution, and the creators of the site on which the Quick Cash system operates (reviews of which we are interested) simply ignore it. The result is that this person does not know what to do next. He was promised incredible profits, but he simply “drains” his money by trading options unfamiliar to him. The result is obvious: as a rule, nothing profitable comes from this.

quick cash system reviews fraud

"Payment system"

The second scam is called the beautiful name Quick Cash Secret Banking System. The project aims to work with banks and various payment services, which involves making a profit from simple financial transactions. For example, in order to make money on a project, the user is prompted to perform simple financial transactions. They consist, for example, in transferring funds to different accounts. Real reviews about the Quick Cash system indicate that this is a simple fraudulent website with free hosting and poorly designed design; however, the information on this resource tells of thousands of dollars in profit. The very design of the project, of course, claims the opposite. No payment system can work on a free hosting.

Paid Packages

There is a lot of text on a fraudulent site, so let's try to figure out what they are writing about (those that describe the “payment system” Quick Cash) reviews. Fraud - this is how it is characterized by the vast majority of comments that can be found in the search for information. Judging by the reviews, the site offers its customers to buy paid packages with information about making hundreds of dollars for ... 200 rubles. Yes, that’s how much information about how to get huge income on the banking system. Naturally, already the price can say that this is a scam and a scam.

real quick cash reviews


Information from recommendations written by real users also makes us understand that there are several versions of the site that feature the Quick Cash System. The reviews ( whether it is a divorce or not - there should no longer be any doubt, the unequivocal answer is “yes”) show that there is also an English-language version, which also contains promises of quick, easy and large-scale earnings. All that is required of the user is to purchase the product. After that, he will be invited to cooperate with banks and deal with supposedly money transfers. To do this, it will be enough to make a couple of clicks on the banners, which will bring great profit. This is unlikely, which is confirmed by reviews.

Is there any demand?

It is impossible to say for sure whether there are people who believed in the promise of an easy and unlikely income and purchased a paid package. Perhaps the scammers really managed to lure a lot of victims, otherwise their site would not have been discussed among so many people. One can only wonder how users believed in the honesty of such a poorly created resource and sent their (albeit small) money.

quick cash system reviews divorce

Perhaps, among such people the overwhelming number are those who first entered the sphere of Internet earnings and do not know whether this or that project really pays. If you belong to the same category of users, we recommend that you read the next section of our article, which indicates the points that you need to pay attention to.


First, read reviews about each project. If you see a site and think whether to contact it or not, it’s better to check its information on the Internet. It may turn out that not the most flattering reviews will be presented about this resource due to its dishonesty. It’s better not to step on the rake that other users could already suffer from.

Today, there are search engines, as well as popular sites with reviews on which hundreds of thousands of people are registered. The chances that any of them have already encountered your problem are quite high. You just need to find information from such users.

Quick Cash payment system

Secondly, do not be naive. On the Internet, no one will give money “for a couple of clicks,” and even more so for nothing. On the Web, earnings are made in the same way as in real life - either by cunning or by labor.

Thirdly, remember about scammers. Again, referring to the experience of real life, it should be said that the Web is no less than those who are ready to profit from the fruits of other people's labor. People who create sites for deception will always be. In every possible way they advertise their resource, promote it and lure as many victims as possible. If you see an interesting offer, do not forget that it can come from just such a person. And, of course, remember that even an insignificant sum of 200 rubles needs to be carefully treated and does not tolerate the waste of paying for the “services” of scammers.

Real earnings

Quick Cash Secret Banking system

Truly online income can be obtained, for example, using freelance. Do what you love: draw, program, write texts and get paid for it! Believe me, people will be willing to pay you for all this if you really show a good result and produce a quality product. To do this, you need to gain experience, become a specialist in a particular field and work! I wish you success!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8690/

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