Communication policy and its features

The communication policy of the enterprise is one of the most important marketing complexes. She has a complex structure that consists of several elements. As a rule, they distinguish:

- sales promotion;

- advertising;

- personal sale ;

- public relations.

Let's consider all separately.

Elements and strategies of marketing communications

Advertising is understood as the impact on the consumer, which is carried out purposefully and is used to promote any goods on the market. It is thanks to her that the consumer learns about what the company is ready to offer, about the quality or specificity of the goods and services it offers. Forms of advertising are different:

- radio;

- TV;

- announcements and so on.

Communication policy involves the phased development of an advertising program. First of all, specific tasks are set and goals are set, then the budget is calculated, what kind of advertising will be, the schedules of advertising calls are set, specific storage media are selected and so on. After everything is organized and compiled, its release. The final stage is a study of efficiency, a debriefing.

Communication policy also has such an element as sales promotion. This term refers to a set of measures related to the provision of loans, discounts, distribution of product samples, coupons, lotteries and much more.

In this case, the emphasis is on the design of the product, the design of its box and so on. Sales promotion is in fact the broadest area for work in which it is simply necessary to have creative thinking.

Communication policy is also a work with the public. Of course, any organization should establish itself among the masses as best as possible. Negative consumer attitudes will not lead to anything good.

The enterprise should actively interact with the public, establish certain relationships, conduct propaganda, inform people about its specifics, achievements, innovations, successes and so on. It is also important to interact with other organizations, state bodies.

Personal (sometimes called personal selling) is understood to mean individual, direct contact of salespeople and sales agents with consumers. Personal selling is often very effective and is a means of influencing the buyer. The fact is that, having established an individual contact, the seller can understand what exactly the potential buyer needs. A merchant who can accurately guess this will achieve much. Personal sales are also effective in that they provide an opportunity to present the goods as well as possible. It is unlikely that anyone will argue that it is better to get information from the lips of another person than from a TV screen or from the pages of newspapers.

It is worth noting that personal sales can save enough money, and at the same time conduct market analysis. A sales agent is not just a seller - he is also a researcher who understands that the success of a job largely depends on his understanding of the needs of the population.

The company explores each market individually and begins to plan a marketing mix for each of them. This complex is a combination of factors that can be used to effectively influence a particular market entity. What factors are we talking about? This refers to the price, the product itself, the incentive system and so on.

A correctly chosen communication policy is one of the elements of its success. It should be handled by specially trained people. Unprofessionalism is unacceptable.


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