Botox lips: photo before and after. Botox for lips: contraindications, effect and reviews

Women are ready for almost anything in an effort to constantly remain young and charming. And age is not an obstacle to excellence - modern cosmetology and medicine have reached such heights that now anyone can make their dream body. And while most people are more or less loyal to breast augmentation surgeries, then lip botox is currently a rather dubious procedure that raises many controversial issues.

How it works?

The official name of Botox sounds quite poetic - type A neurotoxins, which the human body is capable of producing. Also known as botulism toxin. How it works? Everyone knows that the skin is closely associated with muscle tissue. Over time, the skin loses its elasticity, especially for the area around the eyes, forehead and nasolabial folds. Therefore, if the muscles are blocked by Botox injection in the lips or forehead, the skin in the problem areas will again become smooth and elastic. Nerve endings transmit a motor impulse to muscle fibers, which must be blocked.

botox lips

After botulinum toxin injection, muscle tissue relaxes, but blood supply is not disturbed. That is why you should not think that muscles can atrophy. The whole procedure leads to smoothing facial wrinkles.

History of occurrence

Botox was first discovered back in the 19th century as an active substance that causes botulism. After some time, scientists studied the properties of botulinum toxin, purified it and began to use it for medical purposes, and somewhat later (in 1980) this drug found wide application in cosmetology.

It is currently very difficult to find a woman in the United States who has never resorted to a Botox injection procedure. In Russia, this figure is slightly lower, due to the not so long-standing appearance of this drug in service with domestic cosmetologists. It is worth noting that at the moment, scientists are developing an analogue that will increase lips with Botox at more affordable prices.

Dysport and Botox - what is the difference?

From the lips of fans of cosmetic procedures, one can often hear two concepts - botox and dysport. What it is? Why is the same thing called two different words? The answer is simple - we are talking about the same drug, which has two names. The fact is that the French company is engaged in the production of disport, and the American is the manufacturer of Botox.

As such, there is no difference between these drugs, the only differences are reduced to different percentages of botulinum toxin and shelf life. The effect of use, susceptibility, duration of action - all other characteristics are absolutely identical, so you can safely choose one of these two options. The term "Botox" (lips or other problem areas) in Russia is more popular than "disport".

lips after Botox

Application area

Botulinum toxin injections gain new fans every year. Botox lips, reviews of which are mostly positive, as well as other problem areas, have been widely used in cosmetology. This procedure allows you to slightly adjust the appearance, as well as get rid of some defects.

The most common this procedure was in the following areas: dysport of the forehead, nasolabial folds, as well as botox of the lips, neck and decollete. Add volume to the lips, adjust their line, and give them the right shape and attractiveness - all this is possible with botulinum toxin injections. It is worth noting that Botox injections are also used to treat certain diseases - in particular, to get rid of scars and scars, to treat headaches and migraines, as well as to correct strabismus and urination disorders.

Botulinum Toxin Injection

How is the procedure? When does the need for its application arise? What are the contraindications and what should I pay attention to? These and many other questions can be answered right now.

botox lips reviews

This procedure is used if it is necessary to lift the corners of the lips with Botox, smooth out deep wrinkles or correct the shape of any part of the face. It is worth noting that to achieve maximum effect, the injection complex should be supplemented with contour plastics. Depending on the desired result, Botox injections are made in the upper or lower lip. This process is almost painless, and the desired effect can be observed immediately after the injection. Lips after Botox become more seductive and beautiful. This effect persists for 6-10 months.

Indications and contraindications

Like any other procedure, Botox injections have their indications and contraindications. So, in what cases botulinum toxin injections are appropriate:

  • irregular shape and shape of the lips;
  • asymmetrically located lips;
  • wrinkles in the nasolabial folds and mouth;
  • the corners of the mouth down;
  • too thin lips.

how do lips botox

Botox lips, reviews of which eloquently testify to the effectiveness of this procedure, have some contraindications, in particular, these are:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • various types of lesions in the mouth (viral diseases, herpes or seizures);
  • poor blood coagulability;
  • the presence of tumors, both benign and malignant;
  • chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  • increased body temperature and inflammatory processes in the body;
  • endocrine system diseases.

How do botox lips?

The injection process itself takes a little time and is almost painless. It is made with a very thin and sharp needle. Lips after Botox take the right shape and become more hydrated and seductive. Before the correction procedure, the injection area is carefully treated with an antiseptic, and injections are made along the contour of the lips or in places of the greatest accumulation of wrinkles at a distance of 2-3 mm. The result is noticeable immediately after the procedure is completed.

lips after Botox photo

During the first days after lip correction, the result becomes even more expressive. The effect lasts quite a long time - from six to twelve months.

In order to slightly raise the corners of the mouth, a second injection of Botox should be given. As a rule, the procedure is repeated 2 weeks after the first injection. It is worth paying attention to the fact that an injection can only be done by a qualified specialist who has passed a special training course and has an official document confirming this fact.

Lip correction

If you decide to enlarge your lips with Botox, you should know about some of the nuances. So, the day before the correction, you can’t drink alcohol, antibiotics, painkillers and antidepressants, you can’t work or perform physical exercises with your head bowed or massage with your head bowed.

Botox injections on the lips

After the specialist has determined the need for an injection and the absence of contraindications, the patient signs a written agreement on the correction. Some cosmetology centers and clinics photograph the client before injections and after the procedure. Next, the doctor identifies the problem areas and selects them with a marker. After that, the required number of units of the active component for each injection is indicated.

Then the specialist on the indicated line introduces an injection, after anesthetizing the necessary zones. The injection sites are massaged with light movements, which contributes to an even distribution of the drug. About half an hour the patient should be under the supervision of doctors, after which, having received recommendations for monitoring, the client can enjoy the effect.

Limitations, side effects and other unpleasant aspects

enlarge lips with Botox

Everyone should understand what is the procedure for lip augmentation with the help of such injections. In fact, the drug blocks some muscles. The effect of puffy lips occurs only because the injection itself is injected into the area located nearby. That is why, before you go for an attractive appearance, you should carefully select the clinic. Botox, like other drugs, has positive and negative properties. Of course, this substance creates the correct line of the lips, makes them voluminous and attractive. But there are also negative qualities. Among them, it is worth highlighting: high requirements for medical qualifications (this cannot be done at home), possible consequences (with insufficient assessment of contraindications and violations), a large number of fake drugs and a short shelf life in a diluted state.

Side effects that may occur after a botox injection are worthy of special attention:

  • some numbness in the injection area;
  • lack of the desired effect and allergy;
  • the possibility of the formation of small hematomas;
  • speech disorders and increased salivation.

Lips after Botox (photos of numerous clients who have undergone this procedure testify to this) look very seductive. However, do not forget that natural beauty will always be valued more than artificial.


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