The specifics of work and the salary of a programmer

The profession of a programmer is quite in demand today. This specialist is developing software for a wide variety of types of computer equipment. You can engage in such activities on your own (working alone) or as an employee of a specialized company.

Now almost every enterprise is faced with the question of automation of management. This specialist is a kind of connecting link between a leader who has his own plans for the development of production and the modern world of computer technology.

What are the programmers?

Usually, experts are divided into two large-scale categories. The first are application programmers. They develop programs, debug software mechanisms. The second - system, engaged in the full development of software.

How did you get it?

The term “programming” itself arose with the advent of the first computing mechanism. Such a computer novelty was Mark-1. It was developed in 1944. For several decades, the profession managed to become very popular and well paid. Programmer salary already then was one of the highest. It is not surprising, because then computer knowledge was available only to the greatest chosen minds.

What personal qualities should possess?

A programmer must be a very mobile person. In the world of high technology, new items often come out, hardware and software specifications are updated. A good specialist should always be aware of these changes. That is why the ability to grasp everything on the fly, to quickly learn and self-improve is one of the main personal qualities of a programmer.

programmer salary

Knowledge of English is also an important requirement. You must be at least at the level of reading and translating technical documentation. It is important to be able to concentrate, to see the prospect of many steps forward. Work in a team on a huge project, maneuver in a large team, be able to clearly explain - this is also all that a modern programmer cannot do without. A significant role for the candidate for the vacancy is played by initiative and independence. The salary of a programmer may vary, depending on the stock of personal qualities that a potential employee possesses.

What kind of education do you need?

what is the salary of the programmer
For the most part, programmers are graduates of prestigious technical educational institutions. But there are quite successful self-taught. Of course, the theoretical base plays an important role in the profession of a programmer. However, a professional must constantly solve important problems, participate in the development. In a word, a programmer must "move his brains on his own." A diploma is good, but self-study will have a much better effect on qualifications. As mentioned earlier, the programmer’s salary It depends on what your starting education is, the level of English proficiency, as well as on the amount of knowledge that you acquired yourself.

Where do programmers work?

In Russia, any company needs such specialists. They will help automate production: debug the internal exchange between purchase and delivery, keep records of goods, and adapt the entire business. The salary of a programmer in Russia is determined by what functions he performs.

average salary of a programmer

If a specialist is engaged only in business automation, then the salary will be appropriate. In the case when the programmer monitors the system, develops a package of special application programs, a significant increase in wages can be expected .

Now in the market, employees with 1C knowledge are in significant demand. This accounting program will facilitate the work of any organization, optimize the work. The web programming environment is also the main area of ​​activity for computer specialists. Knowledge of PHP, MYSQL, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript and the ability to modernize them are needed to support all sites.

Many companies want to get the programmer and designer in one person. A person who can not only solve technical issues, but also design a website, is always in price. A significant advantage of the profession is that you can work both in the office and remotely at home. Many programmers are engaged in freelance work, that is, independent customer search.

What is the salary of a programmer?

programmer salary in Russia

The salary of such a specialist may be different. The average salary of a programmer calculated on two factors: place of work and qualifications. But sometimes, even with the same qualifications of employees, the difference between a good and a bad job can be quite significant.

According to estimates, on average in cities with a population of more than a million, a programmer receives 20% more than the same specialist from the province. Specific Amounts: $ 2,000 per month - salary for a good employee. A person working directly with customers has about twice as much, respectively, newcomers to the field - less. Western companies that focus on the international market tend to pay more. Remember that the programmer’s salary and its increase depends on your ability to develop.


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