The international financial mutual assistance system Mobius Line. Feedback from users and members of the "affiliate program"

Most users whose reviews on the international financial mutual assistance system Mobius Line are found on the Internet, consider that the project under discussion is a classic financial pyramid. Those who have registered earlier receive profit from the contributions of participants who came to the project later.

mobius line international financial mutual assistance system reviews

What danger do pyramids hide from money?

The fact that financial pyramids are illegal does not stop (and sometimes this is what attracts) a lot of people seeking passive enrichment. If we talk directly about the Mobius Line project, reviews of deceived participants indicate the following:

  • Authors of advertising texts do not conceal and even actively advertise the involvement of this type of enrichment in financial pyramids. Potential participants are informed that they will profit from the contributions of many other people who register after them.
  • A program specially developed and built into the site gives the impression of subsequent registrations and transfers of funds that “fall” into the account of a potential victim.
  • Money is not paid to any of the participants. A person who wishes to take his earnings is offered to pay a commission fee first. After this, the scam is considered completed, and the organizers of the project lose interest in the victim.

Mobius Line Affiliate Program: Member Reviews

The project partners, in addition to promises of high earnings, notify potential newcomers about the possibility of making a profit in an accelerated mode. True, only the first ten thousand participants will be able to evaluate such earnings. But absolutely all users who join the ranks of the international financial mutual assistance system Mobius Line and invite fifty friends will receive a gift - a brand new iPhone with the ability to connect any mobile operator.

mobius line

Down with the untruth!

The content of affiliate content is surprisingly contradictory. Judging by the advertising texts published on some sites, Mobius Line contrasts itself with the financial pyramids and even “declares war” on the adherents of fraudulent schemes.

No need to invite anyone!

Reading and listening to the advertising information published by the project partners, it can be assumed that several international financial mutual assistance systems with the same name peacefully coexist on the Internet. Maybe one of the participants in the affiliate program was inattentive while listening to or reading coaching mentors?

According to the next version of the relationship between the project and users, there is no need to attract new participants. The income goes to users' accounts from everywhere - every person, familiar and unfamiliar, who registered earlier or later, can turn into a “financial donor”.

mobius line scam

A certain category of “affiliate” participants represents the project under discussion as a structure similar to the Soviet mutual assistance fund. The only difference is complete anonymity. Participants do not have a clue where donations come from - from a referrer, a participant who has registered with a neighboring "branch", or from an unfamiliar stranger.

Who to believe? Whose promises are true and whose promises are not? Given all of the above, it can be assumed that the gag is the result of creative research by the Mobius Line project partners themselves. Feedback from affiliate program participants, striking with inconsistencies, may be dictated by the desire to succeed quickly on the recruitment path. Were their efforts of referralists successful, did they receive the promised interest? This is unknown.

Mobius Line - a scam! Where do user donations go?

According to the information published on one of the partner web pages, it is possible to withdraw profits to your wallet only after the newcomer receives fifty transfers from other participants (as a rule, persons unknown to him). Is it so?

Feedback from participants indicates that not a single person who has registered on the site has yet received payments. The only real currency is a voluntary contribution, which remains in the bins of the project. It is impossible to find out how true these words are - the authors of negative comments did not want to publish their real names.

mobius line reviews

The fact that the funds voluntarily transferred by the participants are stored on the site is confirmed by the participants in the affiliate program. Further, according to information released by Mobius Line partners, donations should be donated to participants who need more money than others. How the organizers of the project determine who needs more and who needs less is unknown.

Mobius Line positions itself as an intermediary between donors and recipients of money. When distributing funds, project developers are guided by an algorithm called closed-list technology. Each member of the system can at any time get acquainted with the statistics of the distribution of “gifts”, but it is impossible to return the money that he transferred to the site.

Warned and agree on everything ...

Information has been found on the Internet that confirms that participants who are still considering a proposal to join the donor community are repeatedly warned that the transfer of personal funds is voluntary. The amount transferred to the project account is not refundable. What is pushing people to commit rash acts? Why, having voluntarily parted with a small amount, they have no doubt that this modest contribution will usher in a decent passive income?

mobius line international financial mutual assistance system

The most plausible look two versions of what is happening:

  • The project is a kind of “magnet” for thrill-seekers.
  • When registering for a project, users are guided by the first lines of advertising texts and the shortest video clips that reflect only the main aspects of interaction with Mobius Line. The reviews of deceived users confirm the likelihood that none of them went into the details of the user agreement.


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