Stewed cherry for the winter: a simple recipe. Homemade blanks

No hostess will refuse to preserve the compote from cherries for the winter! A simple recipe (and absolutely no difficulties are foreseen), speed of preparation, and most importantly - a complete blast guarantee are attractive to everyone. Moreover, everyone without exception loves cherry compote . This about other fruits may be in doubt. For example, a gooseberry drink is sour and quite sweet, and raspberry or strawberry is rarely obtained with whole non-sprawling berries (in connection with which it is preferable to make jam). A compote of cherries is drunk almost immediately upon opening. Moreover, quarrels over berries happen!

stewed cherry for the winter a simple recipe

How to roll a wonderful compote of cherries for the winter: a simple recipe, but thorough preparation

In order for the procurement to be unambiguously successful, compliance with simple but well-defined rules is required.

  1. Cherries must be carefully sorted. Broken, bursting, crushed berries are ruthlessly laid aside - you can put them into dumplings. Unripe or too small specimens are not suitable for rolling.
  2. It is advisable to take cherries in compote where the tails are not torn off: the stalks are torn off immediately before laying in the jar, juice will not be lost, and bacteria will not enter through the hole.
  3. When the cherry compote closes for the winter, a simple recipe requires the seeds to be left in the berries. With this approach, the latter remain tight and beautiful. But stewed fruit will not be stored longer than a year; if the bones are raised, it will not deteriorate, and all three.
  4. After washing, water from cherries must be carefully drained. Usually the berries are left in a colander for half an hour with periodic shaking.
  5. Compote cans are washed thoroughly; whether or not to sterilize them depends on the specific recipe.
  6. Cherry is "friendly" with any berries, fruits and even vegetables (with zucchini a very original compote is obtained). But experienced housewives advise her to combine with pale berries - cherries, gooseberries, etc.

stewed apples and cherries for the winter

Quick and easy

Even the most inexperienced housewife can roll the simplest compote from cherries. And simple - does not mean tasteless: it will turn out fragrant, ruby ​​color and resistant to storage. The only simplicity is that such a compote is made from cherries without sterilization, which greatly simplifies life and speeds up the process. Berries are packed in clean containers. To sterilize them before this is not necessary. Cherry should occupy half the volume, a maximum of two-thirds. To avoid extra voids, they are shaken when poured. Pure water boils, is poured into cans flush with the top edge of the neck, the dishes are covered with clean lids and left for a third of an hour. Then the water is drained back and boiled again, and sugar is poured into the jars (a glass on a three-liter bottle). They are again filled with boiling water, immediately twisted, rolled over and hidden under a blanket. After cooling down, the cherry compote is stored in the pantry or under the bed - it does not need coolness.

Rich taste

There is still a way to roll compote from cherries for the winter - a simple recipe, but for the patient. The beginning of its implementation is similar to that described above, but after pouring boiling water, the berries are left for half a day for infusion. Then the water is drained, supplemented with sugar in the same amount, the syrup is boiled. Already they fill the tank, and then close. They cool off in the same mode as in the previous recipe.

simple stewed cherries

Syrup compote

You can do without preliminary pouring boiling water. In this case, the washed cherries are scalded before canning, and the syrup is cooked immediately (proportions of water and sugar: two and a half liters per three hundred grams). The dishes are filled with boiling dressing, immediately sealed and sent to cool, as in other canning methods.

Fragrant recipe

It is useful to those who fear that simple methods will not give enough long storage. Fruits are laid out on balloons, poured with cool syrup (a pound of sugar per liter of water), flavored with a pinch of vanilla or several buds of cloves - this will turn out to be a surprisingly fragrant compote of cherry. Sterilization is carried out in the usual way, about half an hour per three-liter. If you prefer smaller dishes, then reduce the time to twenty minutes.

Cherry-apple joy: version number 1

Cherries are combined with any other fruits and berries. However, compote from apples and cherries has almost the highest taste harmony. For the winter it can be closed in several ways. For lazy people who are not afraid of pasteurization with sterilization, this recipe is suitable:

  1. Fruits are washed well and get rid of the tails. If the apples are small, you can put them in the whole thing. But the seeds can give a specific aftertaste, so it’s better to cut the apples in quarters and remove most of the seeds.
  2. Cherry mixed with apples mixed in containers.
  3. An incomplete glass of sugar is poured into each and boiling water is poured “under the neck”.
  4. The banks will be sterilized for three quarters of an hour - this is due to the high density of apples.

Next is standard closure.

stewed cherry

Version number 2

On the one hand, the recipe is simpler - it does not have sterilization. On the other hand, it is longer because it requires preliminary processing of apples. Cherry is immediately packed in the right amount on dishes, poured with boiling water and filtered off from it after a quarter of an hour. Water with a cherry flavor is poured into a large pan, sugar is poured into it and apple slices are inserted. After seven boils, they are laid out with a slotted spoon to cherries, the syrup boils again and spills. The resulting compote of apples and cherries for the winter rolls, turns over and turns warm until it cools.

stewed cherry without sterilization

Juicy compote

A very interesting recipe for which even sugar is not needed. True, it is possible only if you have a lot of cherries. Part of it is poured into containers, juice is squeezed out of the bulk. Packing is poured onto it, and the cans are pasteurized (a quarter of an hour - liter, twice as long - "three rubles") at 85 ° Celsius. Even tastier if you combine cherries with the juice of wild berries, for example, blueberries.


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