Best Baileys Cocktails

The ability to create the right combination of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks is a real art that is not accessible to everyone. Good bartenders are very popular and appreciated around the world. Indeed, it is not so easy to conduct various competitions and shows with the participation of skilled bartenders who not only masterfully carry out their work, but also turn it into a celebration for outside observers. Beilis cocktails are very popular. Its delicate creamy taste sets off the taste of alcohol, giving the drink a delicate taste.

Visiting a variety of cafes, bars, clubs, you have to choose among the wide variety of drinks that the local bartender is able to prepare. Often they are not so complicated, and the quantity is completely incomparable with the cost. One involuntarily has to think about how and what cocktails based on beilis can be prepared independently at home. In fact, this will require only knowledge of the sequence of mixing the components, the presence of these components, as well as special utensils. The main dish you can not do without is a shaker, and everything else is most often already in any home.


Despite the fact that cocktails with beilis are varied, there are especially popular representatives, among which “B-52” occupies one of the leading positions. For its preparation you will need: Capitan Black liqueur (you can replace Kahula), Baileys (you can replace Irish Cream), as well as Cointreau orange liqueur. The amount of each component should not exceed 20 ml, so enough dishes per 100 ml.

Like many other Beilis cocktails, the B-52 should consist of several layers. To do this, pour Capitan Black on the bottom of the dishes, after which cream Baileys is poured onto the surface of the knife on the surface of the knife, and orange liquor is poured in the same way. As a result, with competent work, you get a three-layer cocktail, the preparation of which can be considered finished after equipping the drink with a straw.

The real "B-52" must be set on fire immediately after layering and drunk through a straw during burning. The whole effect is based on the sequence of absorption of layers: at the bottom the layer is the coldest, the higher it is on the surface, the hotter it is, at the top such cocktails with bailis liquor are burned, which leads to a sharp difference in sensations similar to the difference between take-off and turn.

Blue Hawaii

Beilis cocktails highlight another representative - “Blue Hawaii”. For its preparation you will need: Bacardi rum (20ml), Blue Caracao liqueur (20ml), Baileys cream liqueur (20ml), as well as two juices - pineapple (60ml) and lemon (30ml). In this case, it is necessary to use a shaker, in which all components are loaded, as well as ice is added, everything is thoroughly mixed. The finished cocktail is poured into a beautiful glass. The drink has a bright blue color, so it is decorated with numerous bright slices of fruit and umbrellas to create a Hawaiian mood. Among all the fruits, it is best to use a cherry, a circle of orange and a slice of pineapple.

Beilis cocktails, like many others, have very unusual names, the origin of which is not always known. "Blue Hawaii" contrary to the name was created in London by a bartender who apparently wanted to create an exotic atmosphere of hot islands.

"The Last Samurai"

Baileys cocktails are an exquisite blend of creamy Baileys, Kahlua and vanilla syrup. Each component needs no more than 30 ml. Preparation is a matter of minutes: all the ingredients are loaded and mixed in an ice shaker. After that, they filter through a special strainer into a glass and enjoy the refined taste of the drink, making small sips through a straw.

Thus, any party can be brighter and more exotic if you learn to quickly reproduce at least these three recipes. But there are so many of them ...


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