How to change a health insurance policy? Medical policy: change or not change?

MHI policies have different forms and durations. But since 2011, in connection with the transition to UEC, a single form of form has appeared. It is received by citizens who first apply for a policy: newborns, previously uninsured persons. New forms are not limited in validity, but cases of theft and loss of the document still occur. Therefore, it is so important to know how and where to change the medical policy.

change health insurance policy


The policy of compulsory medical insurance (MHI) allows the owner to receive assistance for free throughout Russia. The service is provided by a commercial company. When an insured event occurs, the organization fully pays the cost of expenses of medical institutions. You can receive a document:

  • Russians
  • citizens of other states who reside in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • newborn babies;
  • stateless persons who live in Russia;
  • refugees.

Types of policies

On the territory of the Russian Federation:

  • paper policy;
  • electronic;
  • universal electronic card (UEC).

    Oms exchange policies

A paper policy is made on a blue letterhead (with watermarks) in A5 format. In the samples that were issued after 2011, there is no line with the registration address, but only the full name, gender, date of birth, TIN and barcode. The authenticity of the document is certified by the seal of the insurance company. Such a form cannot be laminated or folded. A special paper envelope with a transparent window is provided for storing the document.

The electronic policy has received the form of a bank card. On the front side is the name of the insurance company, a unique number and a chip is embossed. Name, photo, date of birth of the owner, the validity of the document are indicated on the back.

UEC is used not only as a mandatory medical insurance, but also as a bank card, SNILS, digital signature carrier. You can not get it at all branches of insurance companies. It looks the same as a bank card, but has more fields and a magnetic strip on the back.


All these forms are made in order to automate the work of medical institutions by creating a common computer database. This will allow:

  • get rid of the problem of losing a paper analogue;
  • create a remote appointment with specialists;
  • find out the results of tests, monitor the treatment of the disease through a specialized website on the Internet.

how and where to change a medical policy

So it’s worth considering how to change your health insurance policy.


The document is valid throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, therefore it is necessary to constantly carry it with you. Only with its availability you can get medical services for free. Otherwise, only emergency care is provided. In addition, policyholders can choose a clinic, a doctor and a set of services that they will receive. To do this, you just need to write a statement addressed to the head doctor of the hospital.


An electronic policy is compact and durable, but not every insurance company can get it. In the case of a change of residence, owners of paper forms simply make changes to the registry, and they remove the plastic and issue a new one, since it is impossible to change the information stored on the chip in another way. The second drawback is that in medical organizations sometimes there are problems with the identification of the policy holder. Not all institutions have readers installed. Employees have to process information manually.

A medical policy is issued for a child without a photograph. To change or not to change the document depends on the envelope circumstances:

  • old forms are still valid, although they are valid until 2011;
  • it is mandatory to change the health insurance policy if it was issued before 2007;
  • a plastic card is equivalent to a paper carrier;
  • the exchange of new mandatory medical insurance policies is carried out only in case of loss, damage, change of surname, other personal data or if errors are found. Otherwise, the user cannot be identified.

how to change your health insurance policy

How and where to change a medical policy

You can get the form at the branch of the insurance company. The address and telephone number can be found in a medical facility. The form is issued free of charge. In case of damage, theft or if the person draws up the form for the first time, he must choose the insurance company and contact its office. The employer does not deal with these issues anymore. To draw up a document, you must provide copies of such documents:

  1. Statement.
  2. Passport / birth certificate (under 14 years of age).
  3. Parent's passport for persons under 18 years of age.
  4. SNILS (if any).

change medical policy or not change

Foreign citizens will additionally be required:

  1. Passport of another state.
  2. A residence permit or a temporary residence permit mark.
  3. SNILS.


After completing the application, a temporary form is issued with a validity period of 30 days. If a person wants to change the health insurance policy to plastic, then in addition he receives a memo. It contains instructions on how to use the document. At the same time, the client announces the date of manufacture of the electronic policy. It should not be missed so as not to be without a document. At the indicated time, it is worth coming to the office with a passport and picking up the form.

It is now impossible to change the medical insurance policy in Moscow through the employer. Have to personally contact the insurance company. In the form itself, the employer's field is generally absent. A person can change several jobs - in each case, you will have to update the document, and this is an additional cost.

change medical insurance policy in Moscow

Nobody canceled the old types of forms. They function unless their validity period has expired. Health workers are required to provide emergency care in an emergency, regardless of whether a person has a policy or not. But compulsory health insurance (MHI) is required to get outpatient treatment. A new policy can be obtained in the UK.

UEC is one for all

During the development of a unified form, it was originally planned that it would be mandatory for Russian citizens. But then they abandoned this idea. You can change your health insurance policy to UEC on your own. All forms are valid in many regions. An electronic card is issued simultaneously with a paper version of the policy. It is convenient to carry plastic to carry, use. A paper policy is best kept at home. In medical institutions located in large cities, there are no problems with reading information from a plastic card. Forms of new designs may be temporary or unlimited. Regardless of who exchanged the mandatory medical insurance policies, the document is executed according to a single model.

hurry to change the medical policy

Features of use

By law, expired forms cannot serve as a reason for refusing to receive medical care. These actions are the basis for applying to regulatory authorities in order to bring perpetrators to justice. In practice, some hospitals may experience difficulties in processing documents if the policy was issued earlier than 2007. It is better to replace such forms in advance. More details on how to change a health insurance policy are described above.

It is also worth contacting the UK if the information on the document has become unreadable, for example, as a result of folding the paper four times, because only in this form can the old-style policy be put in the passport. If the information on the form cannot be read, then the person will have problems when admitted to the hospital.

Where to change the OMS policy

For refugees and persons who temporarily reside in the territory of the Russian Federation, other exceptions apply. Such citizens can receive medical services free of charge, as long as their document authorizing residence in the country is valid.

Last changes

Starting from August 1, 2015, Moscow will issue electronic medical insurance policies to all persons who apply for a document. Of the 12 million inhabitants of the capital, more than 7.5 million have a green card policy. The rest have a blue sheet of A5 format, which is not very inconvenient to use. It cannot be minimized, otherwise important information (a barcode) will be lost, and laminated - due to the SK stamp. There will be no such problems with plastic cards. Firstly, an electronic chip can be carried with you throughout Russia. Secondly, according to the photo and signature on the back, any doctor will be able to identify the patient.

Compulsory health insurance OMS policy of a new sample

The chip capacity is limited, so only a small amount of information about the company name, citizenship, place of residence and birth of the patient will be stored on it. No medical data will be there. Anyway, bye. In the clinics of the capital you can make an appointment with the doctor already by UEC. So hurry to change the medical policy to a new sample.

If there is no time or desire to part with a green card - no problem. The introduction of new forms does not mean abandonment of old ones. But do not forget to warn the company within a month in case of theft, loss of a document, change of name, passport or place of residence. Otherwise, when an insured event occurs, employees of medical institutions may refuse to provide outpatient care.

Compulsory health insurance OMS policy of a new sample


MHI - a document certifying the human right to receive free medical care in the territory of the Russian Federation. There are several types of policies in circulation: a green paper card of the 2007 model, a blue sheet of A5 format and special plastic cards. All three forms provide the same rights to the owners. But paper documents cannot be folded so as not to damage important information, and data from the card can be read far from every medical institution. Since 2014, UEC appeared in circulation - the same plastics, but equipped with a chip, photo and owner's signature. The card can be carried in a wallet or passport. The doctor easily identifies the patient. Where can I change the compulsory medical insurance policy for a new sample? At the insurance company, for which you need to provide a copy of your passport and SNILS. The state does not establish a mandatory exchange procedure. But in case of theft, loss, damage to the old policy or change of name, place of residence and other data, it is worth contacting the insurance company.


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