How does the Pension Fund work? Structure and management of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

The Pension Fund in the financial sector of each country plays an important role. It is he who is engaged in the redistribution of national income in many social systems. When wondering how the Pension Fund works, you should first understand what it is. It is a centralized system, which sets the goal of correctly distributing and collecting funds. He undertakes to ensure the standard of living that a person deserves, working for many years in the territory of this state. Each month, the Pension Fund must pay funds to people who, for one reason or another, are unable to provide for themselves.

how does a pension fund work

An ordinary person rarely wonders about the structure of the Pension Fund, believing that this topic is far from being understood. However, it is still worthwhile to become more familiar with the features of this institution. Indeed, it directly depends on how rationally and correctly those budget funds allocated by the state will be distributed.

Principles of the Pension Fund

Let's briefly review how the Pension Fund of Russia works . Speaking conditionally, the mechanism of functioning of this institution is associated with supporting the material welfare of people who are in the social category. At the same time, the new generation starting to work should make contributions to this structure. Older people, on the contrary, due to the fact that they can no longer work, receive a fixed amount each month. In fact, the Pension Fund is an eternal cycle. The article will describe the properties and the process of organizing the work of this structure. In addition, the head of the Pension Fund earned a few words, but more on that later.

Insurance premiums

The source of income for the Pension Fund is national payments. Thanks to them, more and more branches are created. The leading role is played by special contributions and taxes. Their size is established in accordance with applicable law.

Management of the pension fund

The largest expenses are related to the payment of benefits. This figure is so high that sometimes the management of the Pension Fund wonders where to get the funds from. The main source of money is insurance premiums. Every month, employers must pay a fixed amount depending on the size of the wage of the worker. The payment of these funds is strict. In the event that organizations evade payments, the Pension Fund levies this amount of interest and collects it anyway. The reasons for the violation are not clarified, since they do not play a role. Penalty is charged for each calendar day. In the event that the payer's property was seized by a court decision, or all financial operations were stopped, the Pension Fund awaits the end of the proceedings and only then sends a request for the transfer of funds. No interest is charged for this period.

The value of the Pension Fund for the elderly

Before considering the issue of how the Pension Fund works in the field of payment of funds, we note that this institution is completely independent. It operates in accordance with Russian law. The fund must make insurance contributions, finance the population who need social protection. His responsibilities include organizing the process of collecting money from people guilty of harming their colleagues and other residents of the state. If the latter received an injury that does not allow work, the fund is required to assign a pension. In addition, its employees control the timely receipt of insurance premiums and how correctly these funds are subsequently used.

pension fund phone

A retirement pension is a payment of money that compensates people in need for a salary that for serious reasons they do not receive. In the Russian Federation there are several types of such payments. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Labor retirement pension (old age). Women over 55 years old and men over 60 years old are eligible for such payments. Funds are accrued only if the insurance period is at least five years.
  • Retirement pension due to illness (disability).
  • Retirement pension due to the loss of the main breadwinner.

The structure of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

Central to the structure of the Pension Fund is the Management Board. It includes the main functional body - the Executive Directorate. The latter subordinates all branches located in the republics. They are joined by administrative-territorial and state formations. They are also located in areas. City and district structures are authorized by the fund. They are engaged in fundraising for social services. insurance, provide various regional programs, monitor the flow of money. It is these departments that work directly with citizens.

head of the pension fund

In addition to the RF PF, the Ministry of Communications and Labor is responsible for the pension provision of residents, who appoint, redistribute and deliver funds for payments. The general budget, as well as the main points of expenditure, reports on the implementation of all the tasks assigned to the fund are made by the Management Board. It is also guided by the current legislation, as well as the adopted budget for the current year. The head of the Pension Fund (head of the Management Board) is Anton Drozdov. This person is a distinguished figure of the Russian Federation.

Pension fund problems due to economic crisis and other reasons

Due to the 2008 crisis, the Pension Fund stopped making some payments. In order to get out of this situation, appropriate measures were taken. Although it was possible to overcome the shortage of funds, in 2009 the same problem arose, but to a lesser extent. In 2010-2011 the same thing happens. Each department of the Pension Fund tried to help rationally solve the problem and overcome the crisis.

Due to the fact that the number of those people who need to pay benefits is increasing, the imbalance of the Pension Fund and the lack of harmony leads to the acuteness of this issue. In order to neutralize the existing problems, the state annually increases the amount of funds transferred to the described institution. Strengthened communication with the tax service and the organization to collect contributions.

Pension fund branches in Moscow

Considering how the Pension Fund works, it must be said that in 2010 a transition was made to insurance principles in the field of social payments. The single tax was replaced with special payments. This helped to smooth the work of the fund, regulate it, and increase efficiency.

Pension reform and the role of the fund in it

Nowadays, a funded pension system is operating in Russia. It allows you to regulate the funds accumulated in the future that a person will receive in old age. The amount of payments directly depends on how long the employee worked, and whether his employer honestly made monthly payments. This allows you to reduce the consumable part. Thus, what the employer pays does not go to benefits for other pensioners at a given point in time. This money is summed up, and when a pensioner stops working after reaching a certain age, they are paid in a fixed amount.

The storage system is considered quite convenient, especially in comparison with the distribution. This is due to the fact that the money that is paid to a person on a pension is his property, and not the state. This aspect improves system reliability. The savings scheme allows bringing the economy back to normal, which is one of the tasks of the Pension Fund.

Office of the Pension Fund of Moscow

Management is located near one of the metro lines. It's about Southwest. This department is the main one in Moscow and the Moscow region, therefore citizens are accepted here with questions that district and city institutions are not able to answer. Given the specifics of the work, not everyone likes the Moscow Pension Fund. His address: Tverskaya Boulevard, d.18.

Moscow Pension Fund address

Many say that some employees are often absent. Phones are not responding. Elevators do not always work. If a person sends a letter or documents, it is best to do this not by mail, but by fax. This is due to the fact that the letter sent to the address is likely to lie for about a month.

The schedule of the Moscow branch

The department is open from 9 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. every day except Friday. On the last weekday, the institution closes at 16:30. There is also a lunch break, which lasts 30 minutes - until one in the afternoon.

Moscow branches of the Pension Fund

Unfortunately, it is impossible to list all the branches of the Pension Fund in Moscow, but it should be said about some of them:

  • Office No. 10 is located on Shlyuzovaya Embankment 8. It works from 9 a.m. every day until 6 p.m. The weekend is closed. The break lasts from 12:30 to 13:15. The telephone number of the Pension Fund can be found on the official website.

structure of the pension fund of the russian federation

  • On Panfilova 7 in Khimki is located Office No. 5. Its schedule differs little from the one described above. Unless lunch lasts from 13 to 14 hours. On Friday, the working day is shortened - at 16:45 the doors are closed. The Pension Fund telephone can be found on the lobby stand.
  • Office No. 6 is located on Yeniseiskaya 2. The institution’s work schedule is the same as that of department No. 5. Lunch lasts 45 minutes - from 13:00.


As you can see, the structure of the Pension Fund is simple and quite understandable. It should be said that it is quite important how often and honestly the modern generation pays all the necessary contributions. Therefore, a white salary is very important , because it is not affected by the receipt of funds in the country's budget. The main thing is to remember the main thing: the Pension Fund works to protect the interests of citizens of the Russian Federation.


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