Braised cabbage with chicken hearts: cooking options

Braised cabbage with chicken hearts is a simple and quick meal. To cook it, you do not need to spend a lot of time. Mistresses usually make this dish in a pan.

stewed cabbage

However, thanks to a modern appliance - a slow cooker - cabbage also turns out to be tasty and juicy. Popular recipes are presented in the article.

Easy way to cook

The composition of the dish includes:

  1. A pound of hearts.
  2. Tomato - 1 piece.
  3. Onion head.
  4. Half a head of cabbage.
  5. Carrot.
  6. Greens.
  7. Sunflower oil.
  8. Salt and spices.

How to cook stewed cabbage with chicken hearts?

cabbage with chicken hearts

Offal must be cleaned of veins, films, fat. Fry a little in sunflower oil. Place in a large bowl. Onions are cut into semicircular pieces. Carrots should be chopped on a grater. Vegetables are fried in a pan. The tomato is peeled and divided into small fragments with a knife. Put to the rest of the products. Stew the ingredients seven minutes. Then they are connected to the hearts. Rinse and chop the cabbage. Add to other products. The food should be salted, combined with spices. The components mix well. Braised cabbage with chicken hearts is cooked on low heat for 60 minutes. The dish is covered with a layer of chopped greens.

Slow cooker recipe

To prepare it you will need:

  1. 350 grams of hearts.
  2. Two carrots.
  3. 2 onion heads.
  4. 100 milliliters of water.
  5. Cabbage (a third of the head).
  6. A large spoon of tomato sauce.
  7. Sunflower oil - 50 milliliters.
  8. Salt, spices, herbs, bay leaf (to taste).

Braised cabbage with chicken hearts in a slow cooker is prepared as follows.

White cabbage

Carrots should be peeled and grated. Onions are cut into semicircular slices. A bowl of the device is covered with sunflower oil and put on the baking program for a quarter of an hour. When the container is heated, vegetables are laid out in it. Fry them for ten minutes. At this time, you need to clean the hearts of fat and films. Halve with a knife. Add to other products and cook until the end of the regimen. Stir components from time to time. At the end of the program, chopped cabbage is placed in the bowl. Tomato sauce should be combined with water. The dish is poured with the resulting mass. Add salt, spices, bay leaf. The components must be mixed well. Stewed chicken hearts with cabbage in a slow cooker cook for forty minutes. It is recommended to serve the dish with chopped herbs.

Sour cream sauce

To prepare it you will need:

  1. Olive oil to taste.
  2. Onion head.
  3. 70 grams of chicken hearts.
  4. Garlic (1 clove).
  5. 50 g of champignons.
  6. The same amount of cabbage.
  7. Red wine (70 milliliters).
  8. Sour cream (approximately 10 grams).
  9. Salt.
  10. Spices.
  11. Dill greens (to taste).
  12. Water.
  13. 25 g of tomato sauce.

The recipe for stewed cabbage with chicken hearts in sour cream looks like this. Offal should be halved with a knife. Rinse and dry. The onion head is cleaned and cut into small slices. A clove of garlic is crushed. Mushrooms are divided into two halves with a knife. Cabbage must be chopped. Hearts are fried in a pre-heated skillet with the addition of oil. Combine with onions, salt and spices. Add wine and wait for the liquid to evaporate. After that, champignons and garlic are put in the bowl. Heat a little oil in a pan. Add tomato sauce, hearts, sour cream, cabbage. All components are mixed. Combine with water and simmer until fully cooked. Then the dish is sprinkled with chopped herbs. When the sauce becomes thick, the pan can be removed from the heat.

Dish with mushrooms and celery

It includes:

  1. Head of cabbage.
  2. A pound of chicken hearts.
  3. 200 grams of celery root.
  4. 2 onion heads.
  5. Carrot.
  6. Spices (to taste).
  7. Mushrooms - about 300 grams.
  8. Salt.
  9. Dried basil.
  10. Tomato sauce (2 large spoons).

Braised chicken hearts with cabbage and mushrooms are cooked like this.

cabbage with chicken hearts and mushrooms

Onions should be cut into small cubes. Carrots are peeled, ground on a grater. Hearts are divided into 4 fragments with a knife. Fried in a pan. Add onion slices. Put the carrots in the bowl and cook the food for about two minutes. Celery is ground on a grater. Stew with the rest of the ingredients. After three minutes, chopped cabbage and chopped greens are added to the dish. The dish should be salted, sprinkled with spices. Cook over low heat for fifteen minutes. Mushrooms must be cut. Fry in a pan with sauce. Combine with other products. After 5 minutes, stewed cabbage with chicken hearts can be removed from the stove.


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