Music boxes: interesting facts

In the world there are many things that cause positive emotions in everyone without exception. Music boxes relate to such items, it is impossible not to admire them. Amazing in beauty and grace, the mechanisms not only allow people to enjoy the sound of their favorite tunes, but they are also largely functional. After all, they can store memorabilia, jewelry and so on.

Music boxes were invented in Switzerland in the 18th century. This country has always been famous for watchmakers, so it is not at all surprising that just one of them became the inventor of such a beautiful subject. Already in the 19th century, a factory for the production of these creations was opened there. Gradually, they began to gain popularity around the world. And, despite the crisis that occurred in the mid-20th century, when music boxes were almost forgotten, now the demand for them is very high.

The very first products were of different sizes: from crumbs that can be put in your pocket, to furniture. But most often, music boxes are placed on a table or sideboard. Now they are not just a souvenir, but a place to store jewelry. They decorate the interior, are presented at the holidays as gifts, that is, they perform a lot of useful functions. Music boxes for girls are the dream of all young fashionistas who already have their own jewelry. And an adult, mature woman will be very pleased with such a present.

The music box is not too elaborate. This is a mechanism that consists of 4 parts (a cylinder with pins, a bed on which all the parts are installed, a flat comb and a handle). Although the device is more complex music boxes also includes bells and a drum. Thanks to this, the melody becomes brighter, richer. And some devices are even capable of playing a variety of music.

In order to make such a box, the master is required to spend a lot of energy, and mostly moral. After all, this process includes several hundred operations, and all of them are performed exclusively by hand. It is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances, for example, the sound quality depends on what steel will be used for the comb. Music boxes made of wood are in great demand, moreover, solid. To do this, craftsmen process maple, walnut, oak and so on. You can decorate music boxes as you like. Floral, geometric patterns, images of people, animals, inlaid with stones - the mass of options. So everyone can easily choose the product to their taste.

Why are music boxes so beloved by many connoisseurs of beauty? Why at the sight of them there is a magical sensation of mystery, a kind of riddle beckoning anyone who opens the lid? Yes, because the sounds of music, especially if it is truly divinely beautiful, can charm anyone. In order for the effect to turn out just like that, you need to choose only high-quality caskets. A product purchased on the market from a tray will never cause such a raging storm of emotions.

Men from all over the world do not even guess, buying their young ladies flowers, sweets, cosmetics or piggy banks that music boxes will be the best present. With their help, you can pave the way in the heart of any girl. And you don’t need to think that ladies only flashed from these wondrous devices a hundred and two hundred years ago. In fact, a music box, if it is beautiful on the outside and filled with magical music inside, can cheer you up, decorate an apartment, melt ice after a quarrel, but you have to have such a wonderful little thing in its function ... So do not underestimate this wonderful invention of skillful watchmakers.


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