Euro-protocol payout: maximum amount and deadlines

Europrotocol in the Russian Federation has been operating for several years. You can issue it in any subject of the country. The European Protocol involves the preparation of papers relating to accidents without the participation of the inspector of the traffic police. Drivers in this case independently record the fact of the accident. Thanks to this, a lot of time is saved. In addition, having drawn up the documents, the drivers quickly clear the carriageway and do not create obstacles to the movement of other vehicles. The legislation, as in other "emergency" cases, provides for insurance payment under the Euro protocol . We will further consider how to draw up documents in order to receive damages.


When is the procedure used

It is possible to independently fix the fact of an accident in cases established by law. At the same time, the norms prohibit the use of the Euro protocol. It is not allowed to use this method of paperwork if:

  1. There are injuries in road accidents. Victims can be both passengers and drivers, as well as pedestrians. Moreover, the severity of damage does not matter.
  2. Faced more than two cars.
  3. Damage to other property (e.g., pillar, tree, building).
  4. Vehicles are not insured under OSAGO or the Green Card.
  5. There are disagreements between the participants in the incident. For example, drivers may argue about guilt, the nature of the damage, etc.

In all these cases, you must call the inspector.

Action on the road

In accordance with the provisions of the SDA, the driver must immediately stop the vehicle (if this has not happened before). In the event of injuries or fatalities, emergency services must be called immediately. After the warning signs are set, you can proceed with the notification. In its absence, the payment of compulsory motor third-party liability insurance through the Euro-protocol will not be made. Experts do not recommend entering into a dispute with the other participants in the incident. Communicating with other people is necessary politely. If opponents are aggressive or pose a threat, including to others, it is necessary to call an inspector.

Euro-protocol payout limits

What are the euro protocol payouts?

Until recently, the driver could receive no more than 25 thousand rubles. Subsequently, the maximum payout for the Euro Protocol was increased. She began to make 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, in order to receive it, one condition must be fulfilled - insurance must be issued after August 2, 2014. Relatively recently, a new regulatory act was adopted that amended the rules established earlier. Existing payment limits for the Euro Protocol have been supplemented. Now the driver can get 400 thousand rubles.

Europrotocol: 2016 payout

Get 400 thousand rubles. could be subject to a number of mandatory conditions. Direct paper processing is carried out according to general rules. But payment via the Euro protocol will only be possible if both vehicles involved in the incident have automatic systems for fixing the place and the fact of the accident, operating on modern satellite communications. The list of acceptable models is given in the regulations and other regulatory documents. This requirement is due to the fact that the file obtained during ordinary video shooting can be adjusted using the existing computer programs in favor of any participant in the incident. Accordingly, the reliability of such evidence is called into question. However, faking data obtained using a satellite system is almost impossible. This reduces the number of fraud cases to almost zero. This requirement was valid throughout 2016. No changes were announced in 2017.

Euro Payout Maximum Payout


Based on the foregoing, for individuals who use Europrotocol, the amount of payment in the absence of a satellite-based information recording system will be no more than 50 thousand rubles. One more important point should be noted. The maximum payout for the Euro protocol can be obtained if the accident occurred in Moscow and the region, as well as St. Petersburg and its environs. In other regions, a general rule applies, according to which citizens can count on no more than 50 thousand rubles. In addition, to obtain 400 thousand rubles. it is necessary that insurance be issued after October 1, 2014.

Design: general rules

Payment according to the Euro Protocol shall be subject to the above conditions, as well as the correct filling of the forms. First of all, you should check whether the paper is suitable for decoration. The form must have front and back sides. When filling, an ordinary pen is used (not gel and not ink). Pencil not allowed. According to the current rules, one copy of the notice is issued. It does not matter which form of the driver will be issued. Participants should select their column in the notice and fill in the necessary information.

Filling in the fields

There are separate graphs on the front of the form. They enter all the information about the accident. In particular, the place, time, circumstances, date, existing damage, etc. are indicated. Particular attention should be paid to the completion of paragraph 14. It details the presence and nature of damage to the vehicle that occurred in connection with the accident. The description should be detailed and concise. In addition, it is worth checking carefully whether the second driver has added to the information information that is not related to an accident. In the description, you can use common terms: dent, scratch, crack, etc. If there is hidden damage, their description is carried out during an expert examination. Clause 16 indicates the circumstances of the accident. It is necessary to describe them truthfully, clearly, as briefly as possible. This paragraph should reflect key aspects of an accident.

Europayment insurance coverage

Important point

In paragraph 16, among other things, describes the maneuvers of the vehicle. When presenting this information, it should be noted that:

  1. The vehicle parking is not a stop. Not understanding this difference, citizens make mistakes when filling out the form. Some drivers whose cars crashed during a stop at a red traffic light indicate that they were "parked". This is an incorrect statement. A more precise description is needed here - β€œstopping for a traffic signal prohibiting signal” (item 22).
  2. When overtaking one car with another or when changing lanes from one lane to another, you must specify "overtake" or "changed lane."

Incident pattern

It is contained in paragraph 17 of the form. The scheme includes the marking of the roadway. At the same time, streets and names of roads, the final position of cars, directions of movement are displayed. The positions of traffic lights, signs, and other objects that are directly related to the accident are also indicated.


If in the paragraph describing the circumstances of the incident, some information was not indicated, you can supplement the information in the "Comments" field. Here you can give an explanation. Participants in the incident confirm the accuracy of the data provided in the notice with their signatures. Accordingly, drivers agree with what is indicated on the form. After finishing the front side, parts of each driver are separated and signed. In this case, the painting is placed both on its own and on a foreign copy.

EuroPayment Amount

Back side

Any additional information about the event is displayed here. On the reverse side, it is allowed to take postscripts and notes. If there was not enough space on the form, you can indicate the information on a blank sheet of paper and attach it to the notice. In the main form, you must put the appropriate mark. The application is also certified by the signatures of both drivers.

Important points

A few more rules should be noted. Payment according to the euro protocol is assigned if there is complete and reliable information about the incident. This means that if there is no data in the form, the company responsible for damages can independently collect them. As a result, the company may not accept Europrotocol at all. Payment periods also depend on the completeness and accuracy of the information. Therefore, drivers must be responsible for the registration procedure.

Next stage

A completed form is provided to the insurance company. This can be done by mail or in person. Experts recommend providing documentation as quickly as possible. The norms set some restrictions on the further actions of drivers. In particular, it is not allowed to carry out repair activities during the first 15 days of the incident field. This period is set for verification by the company responsible for damages, damages received by the vehicle. In some cases, a visual inspection may be required. It is performed in the first five days after the driver receives a request. If the perpetrator of the accident commits any violations, sanctions under the Code of Administrative Offenses may be applied to him. The responsibility of the participants in the incident is established by the information provided on the front side of the form.

payment of cTP under euro protocol

Unspoken rules

According to established practice, the main form sheet is handed over to the victim, and the self-copy machine - to the perpetrator of the accident. In norms, this order is not fixed, and, in principle, it does not matter who receives which sheet. The unspoken rule is that the original is easier to scan and send to the company responsible for damages. As a result, the payment amount for the Euro Protocol can be calculated faster.

Challenging the notice

There are times when the driver incorrectly assessed the situation and pleaded guilty to the accident. After a while, after consulting with a lawyer, he came to the conclusion that it was necessary to cancel the procedure. What to do in a situation where a notice has already been issued and sent to the company responsible for the reimbursement? According to experts, payment on the Euro protocol in Russia as a whole is quite rare. Therefore, special practice in the procedure has not yet developed. In any case, experts recommend contacting the insurance company with this issue. Due to the insufficient prevalence of such situations, cases of contestation are considered individually, taking into account all circumstances and new information. For reinsurance, experts recommend that you seek the assistance of a lawyer.

Europrotocol payment terms


The payment of the Euro Protocol, despite its relatively long introduction into the regulatory framework, does not yet have a clear mechanism for implementation and contestation. General rules are undoubtedly followed. And, as practice shows, drivers get their money without any problems if the situation is not complicated by anything. It should be noted that adjustments to the completed notification form are not allowed. The parties to the accident fill out the back part of the form independently. It is allowed to do this at home, so as not to create obstacles for other cars on the road. The notice is considered executed when the information is present in all necessary columns, and each participant in the incident received copies. In some cases, the information described on the reverse side is not taken into account by specialists. However, this does not mean that they do not need to be contributed. Do not forget that the lack of information in the obligatory columns acts as the basis for the refusal of damages. Notification forms not signed by the accident participants are considered invalid.


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