Sanatorium "Pearl of the Trans-Urals" (Shadrinsk): description, photos, reviews of tourists

In the Kurgan region there is a wonderful health resort operating all year round, owned by the Russian Railway - the Zhemchuzhina Zauralya sanatorium. G. Shadrinsk, within the boundaries of which it is located, is a large industrial center and transportation hub. This makes the trip to the sanatorium easy and convenient, and the pine forest, which begins right behind its territory, gives vacationers healing air filled with volatile and fragrant pine needles, and the pleasure of walking along forest paths. Takes the sanatorium "Pearl of the Trans-Urals" not only railway workers, but also everyone. The difference is only in the prices of tickets. The entire range of services, rooms, care and hospitality of the staff are the same for everyone.


On the West Siberian Plain, about halfway between Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg, on the edge of the coniferous forest, for the past quarter of a century, the Zhemchuzhina Zauralya sanatorium has welcomed all its guests hospitably. G. Shadrinsk is only 4 km away. To the regional center - Kurgan - from here 150 km, to Yekaterinburg - 220, to Chelyabinsk and Tyumen - 200 km. The places where the sanatorium is located are very beautiful. Vacationers can stroll along the forest paths in winter and summer, admiring the pristine masterpieces of nature. Nearby is the floodplain of the Iset River, also located near Lake Borovoe and Smolokurka, the famous Revun threshold. All this, undoubtedly, adds a highlight to the rest, makes it possible for everyone to go fishing, and in the summer to make boat trips. The official address of the sanatorium: the city of Shadrinsk (Kurgan region), Kraynaya street, building number 17.

pearl of the urals

How to get there

Directions to the sanatorium "Pearl of the Trans-Urals" is unusually simple. At the bus station and railway station of Shadrinsk, you need to take the bus number 102 (direction to the village of Mylnikovo), which goes directly to the gates of the sanatorium. Using personal vehicles is also very easy to get, as the federal highway to Kurgan passes through Shadrinsk, as well as regional roads leading to the routes to Tyumen, Chelyabinsk, and Yekaterinburg. In Shadrinsk itself, you need to go to Kraynaya Street and follow it right to the sanatorium. On its territory there is a paid (from 65 rubles per day) guarded parking lot.

The Pearl of Trans-Urals

general description

“The Pearl of the Trans-Urals” is a sanatorium, the photo of which clearly shows how wonderful the conditions for relaxation are, what is cleanliness and accuracy everywhere, with what care every corner is equipped. According to tourists, the area is not very large, all the buildings are located on it compactly, but there are many convenient alleys with benches, flower beds, interesting wooden sculptures. The buildings in the sanatorium for convenience are indicated by the letters A, B and C and are connected by warm transitions. The reception desk is located in Building S. The swimming pool and sauna are also attached to it. Case B is in the middle position. It is equipped with a part of treatment rooms and gyms. The farthest from the entrance and the closest to the sports grounds is Building A. It also has some medical rooms, a conference room is equipped, and a cinema is built nearby. The dining room is located between buildings A and B. The territory of the sanatorium is surrounded by a fence. There is a checkpoint with security guards at the entrance, so vacationers here can not worry.

Sanatorium Zhemchuzhina Zauralye Mr. Shadrinsk

Medical profile

Sanatorium "Pearl of the Trans-Urals" provides treatment for the following organs and systems of the body:

- musculoskeletal system;

- stomach, intestines;

- thyroid gland and other organs of the endocrine system;

- nervous system.

Reception is conducted by specialists:

- therapist;

- endocrinologist;

- dentist;

- gynecologist;

- gastroenterologist;

- rheumatologist;

- pediatrician;

- a dermatologist;

- neurologist;

- proctologist;

- a diabetologist;

- beautician;

- nutritionist.

A visit to all doctors, except for the therapist, is paid.

health resort Zhemchuzhina Zauralye

Diagnostic base

The “Pearl of the Trans-Urals” is proud of its modern diagnostic center equipped with new technologies. Here they perform:

- various types of blood tests, including a coagulogram and hormonal studies;

- urine tests;

- coprogram;

- spirography;

- neurophysiological studies;

- x-ray;

- ultrasound;

- endoscopy;

- pH metric;

- ECG;

- densitometry;

- sounding;

- cystoscopy;

- colonoscopy;

- proctological examinations;

- functional diagnostics.

Among the equipment with which studies of patient health are carried out, there is a Truzy apparatus (transrectal ultrasound scan), as well as a Valenta computer diagnostic system.

Medical base

Very good, multidisciplinary, and most importantly, effective treatment is provided to adults and children in the sanatorium "Pearl of the Trans-Urals" (Shadrinsk). The photo below captures one of the procedures performed here to improve the functioning of the stomach.

Pearl of the Trans-Urals Shadrinsk photo
The medical base of the resort includes:

1. Balneological treatment, which includes:

- baths (pearl, legran, coniferous, turpentine; sea, carbon dioxide, honey);

- souls (Charcot, ascendant, underwater, fan, finely divided, Scottish, circular);

- gynecological irrigation;

- colonoproctological procedures (microclysters, intestinal irrigation, hydrocolonotherapy);

- applications with sapropel mud.

2. Hardware treatment:

- magnetoturbotron;

- light therapy;

- inhalation;

- laser treatment;

- magneto and electrotherapy.

3. Speleotherapy.

4. LFK.

5. Massage (segmental, can, anti-cellulite, acupressure, gynecological, classical).

6. Electrosleep.

7. Alternative methods (treatment with bees, leeches, hippotherapy, cedar barrel, herbal medicine).

Treatment programs

In the sanatorium "Pearl of the Trans-Urals", in addition to the main treatment, everyone can take advantage of specially designed programs:

1. "For newlyweds" (includes a full range of examination and treatment).

2. "Menopause" (for women during menopause).

3. “Healthy child” (for babies with impaired posture, with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, spine, for children who often have acute respiratory infections)

4. "Antistress" (for women and men with symptoms of depression, increased fatigue, insomnia, frequent headaches and dizziness, for those with various phobias);

5. “Mini Hollywood” (for those who want to adjust their weight, rejuvenate the face and the body as a whole).

6. “For men” (suitable for those suffering from erectile dysfunction disorders).

Healing factors

Not only medical procedures, but also nature itself has a therapeutic effect in the sanatorium "Pearl of the Urals". G. Shadrinsk is located in such a place of the North Siberian Plain, where there are sources of unique mineral waters. The resort uses water, which was called "Vita", that is, life. In the Urals, it is the only one with such high healing properties. Its composition is not worse than drugs helps to cope with diseases of the stomach and intestines (gastritis, colitis, enteritis), with diabetes, diathesis, diseases of the liver, gall bladder and genitourinary system, with metabolic disorders. Mineral water "Vita" is used for balneological procedures. You can drink it for free. Also, everyone can pick up this water for free in any containers to use at home.

The second healing natural factor of the sanatorium is a pine forest, surrounded by buildings. The air is rich in volatile, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps with lung disease. Several paths of health were laid in the forest, terrencurs were created.

Pearl of the Trans-Urals health resort photo

Accommodation for vacationers

Of course, not only the quality of the treatment received, but also the conditions that were created for recreation and accommodation, will be remembered from the very best side of Shadrinsk, the sanatorium "Pearl of the Urals". The photos clearly demonstrate how the rooms of the increased comfort categories and ordinary ones look here. In total, the sanatorium can provide 380 beds in 195 rooms. Their design and equipment are different, depending on the category, but each has modern double-glazed windows, high-quality furniture, all the amenities, a TV, fridge, radio, hairdryer, telephone and safe. The rooms are cleaned daily, bed linen and towels are changed once every three days.

One-room rooms of the sanatorium are represented by the category "standard". They are located in buildings A, C and are designed to accommodate 1, 2 or 3 people. Extra beds are provided in the form of a folding bed. These rooms are furnished according to the principle of minimalism, from furniture and equipment there is only the most necessary.

Categories of two-room rooms:

- Suite (area from 35 squares, designed for 1 or 2 people). Located in building A. Each room of this category is individually designed, furnished with beautiful modern furniture, decorated with paintings, lambrequins, exclusive lamps, flowers, equipped with air conditioning.

- “Apartments” with an area of ​​50 squares. The room is located in Building C, designed for 2 people, plus 2 extra beds. The atmosphere is the same as in the suites.

There is one three-room suite in the foundation of the sanatorium “Pearl of the Trans-Urals”. It includes, among other amenities, an electric stove, a set of dishes for eating and cooking.

The hygiene rooms of all rooms have a washbasin, shower and toilet. Of personal care products, only hand soap is provided. Everything else must be taken from home.

Shadrinsk health resort Zhemchuzhina Zauralye photo


In building B, the sanatorium has a cozy dining room, divided into three rooms - Malachite, Amber and Turquoise. Each has a wonderful design, which creates a pleasant mood for vacationers.

Some food products are produced at the resort. So, there is an apiary, a bakery, pasta shop. Almost all dishes are prepared using mineral healing water. However, despite all the good features, about what kind of food the "Pearl of the Urals" provides, the reviews are not particularly enthusiastic. The main thing that people pay attention to is the surcharge for the buffet. In the Turquoise and Malachite Halls, all dishes are dietary. In Amber, catering is organized by reservation of vacationers.

In addition to the dining room, there are three bars in the sanatorium - classic, with wellness cocktails and herbal drinks.


In order to ensure its guests a good rest and an interesting pastime, the Zhemchuzhina Zauralya sanatorium has many entertainment facilities. The photo shows a wonderful playground. In addition to it, for kids there is a playroom where teachers work.

Just a year ago, a new swimming pool with a sauna was put into operation at the sanatorium. It has a large office for adults and a slightly smaller area for children. The water in the pool is cleaned with fine sand.

In addition to the adoption of water procedures, adults can spend their leisure time in the library, billiard room, gym, dash, on the tennis court or volleyball court. There is a prayer room for believers. In winter, the resort has a skating rink and a ski base, and in summer - an equestrian club. A rental point for bicycles, skateboards, inline skates is open for vacationers, excursions are organized in winter and summer to familiarize themselves with local attractions, every evening in the concert hall interest nights are held, quizzes, contests, films are shown, discos are organized.

pearl of the Urals photo

Additional Information

In the sanatorium "Pearl of the Trans-Urals" you can both be treated and relax. The administration provides everyone with the opportunity to book rooms for any number of days, for weekends and holidays. Those traveling for treatment need to have a spa card, passport and ticket. For children, you need to take a birth certificate, certificates of vaccinations, epidemiological environment and analysis for enterobiosis.

It should be noted that in the sanatorium all services, including attending entertainment events, are paid.

Wi-Fi is also paid and does not work well in all rooms.

Accommodation prices are set depending on the category of room and season.

The minimum cost with meals per day is 1800 rubles (triple "standard"), the maximum - 9660 rubles (double "suite").

Since the sanatorium belongs to the Russian Railways OJSC, railway workers pay only 10% of the cost of the permit.

Sanatorium "Pearl of the Trans-Urals" (Shadrinsk), reviews

The health resort is very popular among residents of Kurgan, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen and other regions. You need to book places in advance, as there are a lot of people who want to get to the sanatorium.

The advantages noted in the reviews:

- good treatment;

- comfortable rooms;

- high-quality cleaning;

- clean beautiful territory;

- wonderful nature around;

- Well-organized leisure.

Noted disadvantages:

- imperfect payment system (you have to run from case to case to take certificates for all the events of interest);

- the time of the procedures is not adjusted taking into account meals and other therapeutic measures;

- absolutely all service is paid;

- frequent inconsistencies with a custom menu, replacing dishes without notifying vacationers.


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