How to recapture a guy from another female representative?

It is not uncommon for situations when the question arises of how to recapture a guy from another female representative? They arise, as a rule, because you find your ideal, as it seems to you, and he, an annoying misunderstanding, is busy with someone else. Is it worth wondering the banalities of history, if it is reliably known that princes are not lying on the road, and, therefore, the prince you found is needed not by you alone. And in the head begins a kaleidoscope of thoughts and questions: how to discourage a guy from another? What ways to beat off a guy will help solve your problem?

Let's try to create instructions by listing the methods and recommendations on how to discourage a guy from another female representative based on her personal life experience.

We will make a real assessment of the situation.

Be that as it may, but it is the guy on whom you have your specific aspirations and plans that meets with someone else and visually gives the impression that they are quite happy. What to do when faced with such a problem - to look for acceptable and effective ways to recapture a guy or leave their horizon, envious of them from the outside?

Obviously, many will prefer the first outcome. No other version, except to discourage a guy from another, has such vitality and focus. To achieve results, a lot is sacrificed, because at that moment it seems that any means will be justified by the achieved goal. But it may be more correct to pay attention to real examples when the result achieved at the cost of sacrifice was not only not justified by the result, but also led to severe disappointments and even tragedies, where the price of the issue is your fate, your own happiness and prosperity. In addition to the above, one cannot but mention public condemnation and censure of such acts.

In life, in addition, there are a lot of examples with a positive result, when newly created couples are combined and live in a happy marriage for many years.

In conclusion, I want to note that the prince of your choice or someone else is not a bull who is pulled on a rope. If you are positive and you are together, then there were reasons for yourself, not only from you, but also from the satellite you purchased. Therefore, no matter what is done, everything is for the better, because, according to the proverb, itā€™s better to regret it later, but still do it rather than regret that you didnā€™t.

Let's move on from assessment to real advice.

First you need to understand what type of women your prince prefers, what he likes and what his circle of interests and acquaintances is, thereby we arm ourselves with knowledge and begin to prepare the offensive.

Having collected the necessary information, we will critically evaluate our appearance, style of clothing, manicure, manner of communication and review a lot, thus changing ourselves, almost beyond recognition, but taking into account the wishes of the guy you want to not only interest, but also take away from your rival .

If his real companion is familiar to you, then on the one hand it can be regarded as a minus, and on the other hand, you can get the most out of it: painlessly join his company, get the maximum necessary information not only about the guy himself, but also about their real relationship with your rival.

To act, under any circumstances, should be as cautious and unobtrusive as possible so that your tactics remain unnoticed by others. All your actions should be clear and focused, you should not allow the possibility of a negative attitude towards you from your object or his companion. Remember that a man, according to popular wisdom, is the head, and the woman performs the function of the neck. Therefore, wherever the neck turns, the head goes in the same direction, but at the same time it is extremely important for a man to be sure that he acts according to his own decision, and not according to someoneā€™s prompting or, God forbid, under someoneā€™s control. Therefore, to direct the thoughts of your prince in the right direction should be as careful and not intrusive, so that he does not feel pressure from the outside. But as a result, he made the only decision - to leave his companion for you. Is this the task that confronted us?

The desire to recapture the ex-boyfriend, as a rule, arises if the separation was due to the desires of one of the two heroes, and you cannot reconcile with the loss, and with acute neglect take all the girls who explicitly or indirectly build on him your plans. You may want to beat off your ex-boyfriend, just to prove to yourself and others that he always loved and loves only you. Believe me, this is not entirely reasonable and correct, since the likelihood that such a relationship will develop into something serious is too low, and it sacrifices the feelings of others in order to increase their self-esteem - this is low. Let us love not only ourselves, but also those around you.


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