Mold control

Anyone must have seen what mold is. A green speck often appears on the surface of stale bread or other products. Mold accompanies humanity throughout its history of development. She adapts remarkably to various environmental conditions in which she exists, which allows her to easily survive in it.

The well-known antibiotic penicillin was obtained by humanity from mold, but it is worth remembering that it can cause fatal diseases. In everyday life, the two most common types of these fungal deposits are black and green.

Fight against mold must be carried out when it is detected. These fungal formations can be present anywhere. When breathing, a person does not even notice that their spores penetrate into his body along with air. Mold, getting on the products we eat, with the existence of favorable conditions for it, begins to increase in size. Moreover, any kind of these fungi produces two threads that stretch in opposite directions. One of them is up, and the other is inside the affected product. In this regard, the removal of the visible part of the mold does not mean complete disposal of it. Such a product cannot be eaten.

The name of the mold depends on the color of its threads. Green fungal spots are found mainly on the surface of foods intended for food. The optimal conditions for its growth are heat and humidity.

Fighting mold when a green spot is found on products is useless. Bread or jam must be discarded immediately. The threads that penetrated deep into the product can cause poisoning when it is consumed, as they contain toxins.

Black mold is found at the joints of tiles in bathrooms, on the walls of damp porches, as well as in basements designed to store vegetables and pickles. If the fungal plaque is slightly disturbed, then it will begin to spray its spores through the air, which, when breathed into the human body, contributes to nasal congestion, suffocation and lacrimation. With constant intoxication with spores of black mold , the development of allergic diseases, bronchial asthma and cancer is likely.

The fight against mold in the house is a very difficult task. Even after repairs using expensive modern materials, fungal stains may reappear. All this is due to the fact that the temperature and humidity of your home contribute to the growth of mold. One invisible spore of the fungus, having fallen on a surface favorable for its reproduction, immediately begins its development.

First of all, the fight against mold should consist in airing the premises and reducing humidity in them, as well as in their daily cleaning, because a large number of spores, the probability of which can occur at any time, contains ordinary dust. Things in the house must be periodically dried, placing them under the open rays of the sun.

The fight against mold in the bathroom should be to eliminate condensation and dampness on the walls, as well as to fix taps, from which water drips, creating additional humidity.

Fungal formations do not withstand elevated temperatures. If a thing that can be boiled is affected by mold, then this procedure must be done within two hours. As a result, fungal spores will die.

The fight against mold should begin during the construction of the house. Usually for this purpose materials are processed with special compounds. Basement walls are recommended to be treated with a solution containing clerical glue, or greased with copper sulfate. If mold has appeared on the floor, then areas of fungal spots can be sprinkled with salt. Books are most effectively treated with an aqueous solution of formalin. The walls of the basement, bathroom, floors, as well as furniture with mold stains, are recommended to be treated with a mixture of forty-four grams of potassium aluminum quartz, eighteen grams of sodium chloride and twenty-two grams of copper sulfate, diluted in one liter of ordinary water.


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