What is sherl: description, properties, chemical composition, application

Black tourmaline, or sherl, is a precious mineral used in jewelry around the world. It is also used in folk medicine to cleanse, heal and strengthen the body and mind. Let us consider in more detail what sherl and its magical and healing properties are.


Sherlit, Sherl - a variety of tourmaline of black color, which refers to minerals from the group of silicates, precious gems. They are characterized by the presence in the crystal lattice of sodium and ferrous iron. It is usually black, but is also dark green, navy blue, and bluish black. This is the most common mineral from the tourmaline group. When heated, it has a pyroelectric effect, and when applied, piezoelectric pressure. It used to be used as a stone for making funeral jewelry.

description and composition

What is sherl and what does it consist of? It was formed as a result of pneumatic synthesis of boron associated with granite magma. Chemical analysis shows a very diverse chemical composition of the stone: up to 44% SiO 2 , 44% Al 2 O 3 , 12% BO 3 , 36% Na 2 O, 36% FeO, as well as MnO, Cr2O3, Ti, Sn, P, Be , Cu, Ba, Cs, etc.


The most numerous deposits of stone are in Germany, England, Italy, Russia (Murzinka, Ural), USA, Mexico (Santa Cruz), Brazil, Namibia, Afghanistan (Nuristan district, Langman province), India.

Tourmalines have long been known, but they were imported to Europe only in 1703 by the Dutch company Ceylon and the private company Dutch East India Company. These stones quickly became collectibles and were called Ceylon magnets because they have good attractive properties.

Like all tourmalines, sherl stone is quite hard (from 7 to 7.5 points on the Mohs scale). It has a slightly resinous sheen and very good strength.

Compared to other color varieties, it is inexpensive and can be found in much larger sizes.

Sherl: stone properties

Black tourmaline is considered a stone of powerful power. This is due to the fact that it perfectly holds an electric charge, since it has pyroelectric (this means that electric charges arise on its walls when the temperature changes) and piezoelectric (can store a charge and convert it into electricity) properties. It releases negative ions and emits infrared radiation. It is the strongest in terms of these properties from the entire tourmaline group. Negative ionization and emission of infrared waves are in the range of 760-780 nm. and 0.7 milliwatts respectively.


Black sherl is used to make decorative jewelry that is not directly susceptible to abrasion, such as brooches, pendants, pendants. He found application in the production of polarizers, piezoelectric plates and tourmaline pain reliever devices used in medicine.

stone jewelry

The stone brings happiness, health and positive energy. Its powerful power is associated with healing, protective and magical properties. Sherl is one of those minerals that protects and heals at all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Black tourmaline - energy protection

Black tourmaline is a protective stone. It helps to remove, purify and process the negative energy that is inside and around us. You can use it both as a stabilizer of your energy (balancing chakras and energy centers), and as an energy shield around you.

Traditionally, its protective properties were used against the so-called evil eye, against jealousy, harmful thoughts and intentions of other people, as well as other negative influences and energy.

What is sherl for human health?

Black tourmaline is not just a protective stone. It allows you to achieve clarity of thoughts, justify and balance energy, control its flow and focus on yourself. If your attention and thoughts are scattered, black tourmaline will put them in order. It introduces into a more relaxed, balanced state.

Benefit for health

There are a number of health benefits of black tourmaline:

  • Protects from negative energy. It does not absorb negative, but repels it or turns it into positive energy.
  • It repels psychic attacks, the negative energy of other people, and bad omens. Protects from energy vampires.
  • Protects against harmful electromagnetic radiation from televisions, computers and mobile phones.
  • Casts off pessimism, increases self-confidence.
  • Protects the energy field and restores stability.
  • Increases alertness and self-discipline.
  • It is mobilized and activated for action and clear thinking.
  • Organizes thoughts and balances mood.
  • Improves concentration and memory.
  • Relieves stress, anxiety, fear.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Facilitates falling asleep with insomnia.
    help falling asleep
  • Activates and cleanses the chakra.
  • Improves the activity and sensitivity of reflex points.
  • Eliminates toxins and heavy metals from the body.
  • Supports adrenal gland function.
  • Improves blood circulation and metabolism.
  • Helps treat arthritis, multiple sclerosis, dizziness, motion sickness, and even dyslexia.

Tourmaline as a talisman

Everyone can use the magical properties of sherl stone. Being in constant contact with other people and their energy, we are negatively affected. Black tourmaline protects against negative and potentially dangerous effects, especially in the workplace, where constant stress and poor mood can affect health and energy.

The protective properties of this stone can work wonders in maintaining balance, while maintaining clear human thoughts. In this case, the stone does not accumulate negative or unwanted energy from the environment.

stone for everyone

Black tourmaline must be worn by people who work in the healthcare sector with both physical and mentally ill patients. Doctors, nurses, paramedics, midwives, psychiatrists, psychologists, etc. are exposed to negative energy from them.

Poor energy coming from patients, constant complaints - all this sooner or later has a significant impact on the health of an unprotected person.

In addition to its amazing protective, health-improving properties, black tourmaline also purifies the energy in the rooms.

It neutralizes the damaging effects of electromagnetic radiation generated by cell phones, computers, or other electronic equipment. Thus, it is a very useful stone if you are surrounded by various types of equipment.

What to do with tourmaline?

You can hold a black tourmaline in your hand, carry it in your pocket and touch it from time to time. You can also wear it around your neck in the form of a pendant, but it’s difficult to work with, so it’s quite difficult to find a black hanging tourmaline. You can sleep with this stone under the pillow or meditate with it.

What to do with tourmaline

It is recommended to wear a stone in the form of jewelry or a piece of stone hidden in a wallet or pocket, always on the left side of the body.

You can also store it at home or at work in rooms where there are electrical devices, computers, under the pillow, in the car - wherever you need protection and happiness.

In what form can one meet him?

Black tourmaline in almost every form looks a little rough, since it has cracks on its surface. Even well-polished samples have such flaws. This is a natural feature of the stone, it does not affect its energy properties. Sometimes, very rarely, you may find sticks or spheres made of black tourmaline.

tourmaline quartz

Sherl is quite common in combination with quartz. Sometimes you can see white crystals on black tourmaline. There is also tourmaline quartz, the action of which is the perfect combination of the properties of black tourmaline and rock crystal. It looks like rhinestone with black “needles” and spots in the middle. Black tourmaline is the link between tradition and the past with the new times, when people regain their strength and open up new opportunities.

Now you know what sherl is and its protective properties for human health.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8787/

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