How to cook semolina in a slow cooker? Mistresses note

At this time, not all housewives know how to cook semolina porridge, despite the fact that this is a favorite treat of our kids. Sometimes in some mothers it turns out with lumps, and this is the worst thing, according to the little gourmets. It is not surprising that many women are concerned about the question of how to cook semolina in a slow cooker so that it turns out to be tasty and uniform.

Slow Cooker Benefits

how to cook semolina in a slow cooker

Today, many housewives in the kitchen have a unique kitchen appliance for household appliances - a crock-pot. In it, during the preparation of any food, trace elements and vitamins useful for the human body are stored. And the cooked dishes have a pleasant taste and perfect consistency.

More useful is food cooked in a slow cooker with a minimum amount of oil. For those who have not yet tried to prepare a delicious dinner with the help of this "assistant", I would like to note that this is a multifunctional kitchen appliance that works in automatic and semi-automatic mode, which is designed to prepare a wide range of dishes.

The simplest food that can be cooked in a slow cooker is porridge. They are very tasty, tender and healthy. From this article you will learn how to cook semolina in a slow cooker. The most significant advantage of this technique is that the cooking process is autonomous, without your control. Agree, this is a huge advantage for housewives who can spend the free time on themselves and households.

Semolina is just

cooking semolina in a slow cooker

Cooking semolina porridge in a slow cooker will require a minimum of effort and time, which is especially not enough for those who have small children, requiring all the attention of the mother.
The taste of semolina porridge is known to everyone since childhood. We know that cereals are obtained by grinding durum wheat into flour. Proteins and carbohydrates retain their properties when grinding, so this porridge is considered especially useful for children. And now the next moment - cooked semolina in a slow cooker, pressure cooker turns out not only tasty and nutritious, but also has a uniform consistency, which can not but please the kids.

In order to get just such a mess, you need to remember the little tricks and observe the proportions for cooking this dish.

Healthy recipe

So, how to cook semolina in a slow cooker?

semolina in a multicooker pressure cooker

First of all, you should pay attention to the proportion: for 300 ml of milk you will need 150 ml of water (that is, two times less). It is this ratio of milk and water that makes it possible to prepare milk semolina with an ideal consistency. After this, you need to turn on the “Milk Porridge” mode and wait until the milk boils, only after that you should add a teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of salt and one tablespoon of semolina. After 10 minutes, your porridge is ready. Now you can add a little butter or your favorite strawberry jam. However, you can choose other additives (berries, nuts) - at your discretion. And in order for the baby to sit at the table with great pleasure, you can decorate porridge in a plate or supplement the dish with slices of his favorite fruit.

And here is the first little secret to making semolina porridge without lumps - before pouring the cereal into milk, you need to mix it thoroughly with sugar.

There is a recipe in which you first need to pour cereal and only then pour it with milk. This will require 45 g of cereal and 450 ml of milk. Water does not need to be added, but 2 teaspoons of sugar and 5 g of vanillin must be poured into the cereal before you pour milk into the mixture. After this, everything should be thoroughly mixed and, having covered with a lid, set the necessary mode. And after 12 minutes you can enjoy aromatic semolina.

Now you know how to cook semolina in a slow cooker. Bon Appetit!


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