Orgasm control. Orgasm Control Products

In most men, premature ejaculation is a major problem in sexual life. Probably, at least once every representative of the strong half of humanity used some methods or drugs to solve this problem. Or I came across the fact that I had to resort to stimulation of the clitoris, since the partner did not get full pleasure from sex.

The concept

Orgasm control is when a man approaches the peak, then stops for a few seconds, not reaching the verge of pleasure, and continues to have sexual intercourse further.

Female orgasm

Most women have about 20-25 minutes to get an orgasm. But if a man almost always reaches a climax before a partner, then there is a good reason to think. Of course, stopping each time before ejaculation allows you to delay the peak of pleasure. But there are also a lot of methods aimed at controlling orgasm in men with the help of special techniques and drugs. Most of them are prescribed by a doctor, so self-medication is not the best option in such a serious matter.

An equally interesting fact is that women can also use techniques aimed at controlling orgasm.

Possible Causes of Premature Ejaculation

Adolescents who are just starting to lead a sex life are faced with the problem of overexcitation. This phenomenon quickly passes. But there are exceptions that most often occur due to stress.

Satisfied woman

Consider a number of physiological reasons when controlling an orgasm is very difficult:

  1. High sensitivity of the glans penis. This problem is both congenital and acquired.
  2. Chronic inflammation in the pelvic organs.

In the distant past, problems of this nature were treated with the help of Taoist practices. Currently, medicine can work wonders. Therefore, do not postpone the solution to a serious problem. Experienced sexologists and andrologists have helped a large number of men.

Basic techniques

According to statistical surveys, it can be concluded that men get an orgasm much earlier than women. Most of the stronger sex are quite painfully experiencing this problem, which often negatively affects the quality of sexual life.

Orgasm control

The main methods:

  1. Compression of the penis at the base of the head. Translational movements should be carried out until the tension does not subside. After 30 seconds, the manipulation should be resumed. Repeat the exercise until the pre-ejaculatory peak subsides.
  2. A change of posture at the crucial moment can also prevent premature orgasm. Choose poses where the partner will control the process, so it will be easier to interrupt in a timely manner.
  3. The use of dense condoms, which are aimed at reducing penile stimulation during intimacy.
  4. A deep breath at the peak allows you to delay the process of ejaculation.
  5. A sharp switch of thoughts to a completely opposite topic until you feel that untimely ejaculation has passed.

Unfortunately, there are cases when a man needs psychological help. Stress, anxiety and failure in a sexual life can ruin the whole process.

Reach orgasm before ejaculation

Already several thousand years ago it became known that representatives of the strong half of humanity can experience multiple orgasms in one sexual intercourse, and ejaculation may not occur at all. Most often, a man receives such pleasure with a constant partner, who is able to assist him in this.

premature ejaculation

The lovers who comprehend this skill easily feel the difference between the two types of orgasms. To reach the peak of pleasure without ejaculation, it is necessary to develop the corresponding muscles.

The easiest way to control ejaculation is to prevent urination. If this action turns out to be carried out correctly, respectively, the technique is performed correctly. It is better to carry out such a simple exercise in a sitting position, additionally straining the abdominal muscles.

An important skill is approaching ejaculation with further control, the more often you can prevent ejaculation, the faster you will learn to control the process of sexual intercourse.

The most popular way for men is masturbation before the beginning of intimate caresses with a partner or stimulation of the clitoris. This approach helps to delay orgasm, and to be sure that your woman has experienced satisfaction from having sex with you.

Control or release the situation

The most important thing for a man is to prevent premature ejaculation without straining. This approach is connected with the fact that the more the representative of the stronger sex tries to concentrate his attention on the control of orgasm, the more he brings ejaculation closer.

For a long state of arousal, a man needs to be in a state of relaxation.


When do I need to use funds to prolong sexual intercourse for a man ?! Sometimes it happens that a young man is not helped by a variety of techniques and techniques for orgasm control. Most often, the problem is serious and requires medical attention. Some diseases can adversely affect the functioning of the male reproductive system. The main ones: hormonal imbalance, prostatitis, the presence of bad habits, hypertension, infectious and hereditary diseases.

There are a number of drugs created to treat premature ejaculation. But they are prescribed by a strictly attending physician, based on the results of examinations and analyzes. The most commonly prescribed are Dapoxetine, Paroxetine, Paxil.

How to understand that she is satisfied

According to statistics, most women are not satisfied with the quality of their sexual lives. And, unfortunately, they hide this fact from their partners.

Work on the quality of sex life

Consider the main signs according to which you can make sure that your sweetheart has enjoyed after intimacy.

  1. During intercourse, her breathing quickens.
  2. The presence of uncontrolled facial expressions.
  3. Redness in the cheeks, neck, shoulders and other parts of the body.
  4. Ripple in the vagina was accompanied by a certain rhythm.
  5. Strengthened translational movements in order to cling more strongly to the partner.
  6. Excessive vaginal secretion.
  7. The phase of complete relaxation, reminiscent of weakness or being in another space.

If you trust your girlfriend, then it’s easier to speak frankly with her on this burning topic. And if you have any problems, then you should work on this issue. Since orgasmic waves and spontaneous orgasm are worth it.


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