If you quit smoking abruptly: what are the consequences, changes in the body

Many people have bad habits that they would like to give up. One of those is smoking. It not only inflicts a severe blow to the family budget, but also harms health. If you do not give up cigarettes in time, then this can result in the development of many serious diseases, including lung cancer. At the same time, every year HLS becomes more and more popular, therefore more and more smokers are thinking about how to get rid of their addiction. Thus, the question becomes relevant: is it possible to quit smoking abruptly? The consequences of such a decision scare every person, because doctors call for a gradual weaning. Let's try to figure out what you have to face while getting rid of nicotine addiction.

What is part of tobacco?

if you quit smoking sharply what are the consequences

So, can you quit smoking abruptly? The consequences for each person can make themselves felt in different ways. In this article, we will examine in detail this issue, but first, let's find out what substances enter the body along with tobacco smoke.

In addition to the well-known nicotine, which is one of the strongest drugs, cigarettes contain:

  • benzene;
  • Uranus;
  • cadmium;
  • chromium;
  • arsenic;
  • nickel;
  • cyanide;
  • resins;
  • acids;
  • carcinogens;
  • nitrogen oxide.

These are only the most dangerous substances, which are very powerful toxins. In fact, the composition is much larger. Moreover, all substances are absorbed in the body at the cellular level, becoming an integral component of all biological and chemical processes. So what will be the consequences if you quit smoking abruptly? The answer is clear: yes. Nothing just happens. What exactly you have to face will be described a little later.

What changes occur in the body due to smoking?

smoked for 30 years and quit what consequences

Let's dwell on this aspect in more detail. Doctors continue to repeat the dangers of smoking. And this is not surprising, because regular use of tobacco products leads to the following health problems:

  • constant oxygen starvation of soft tissues and organs;
  • decreased immunity due to the large amount of toxins in the blood;
  • the ingestion of harmful tar and acid into the stomach along with saliva, as a result of which the functioning of the digestive system is impaired;
  • the central nervous system is disrupted;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • blood becomes more viscous, so it’s harder for the heart to drive it through the vessels.

Every person who quit smoking (the consequences for the body were not so terrible) claims that after some time there is a noticeable improvement in well-being. But the worst thing is that cigarettes can lead to the development of many diseases. Which ones will be described later.

Why are tobacco products dangerous?

Every year more and more people have a question: I want to quit smoking, what will be the consequences? Let's dwell on this in more detail. Doctors say that they will have to face manifestations of both a physical and psychological nature. But it is much more dangerous to continue to lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

Smokers have an increased risk of developing the following diseases:

  • various types of oncology;
  • stroke;
  • blockage of the pulmonary artery;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • partial or complete loss of vision and hearing;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • decreased libido;
  • infertility;
  • emphysema;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • early mortality.

All these diseases are very serious and often cause death. Therefore, it is recommended that you abandon your bad habit as soon as possible. But what happens if you quit smoking abruptly? What consequences will be felt first? You will be able to find out soon.

The response of the body to the gradual rejection of nicotine

quit smoking immediately what consequences could be

So, the person immediately quit smoking, what consequences could there be? If you paint by day, the situation will look like this:

  1. First. High spirits and faith in one's own strength.
  2. Second. The first symptoms of “breaking” appear, manifested to a greater extent by increased irritability.
  3. Third. The desire to smoke is unbearable. It becomes impossible to think of anything but a cigarette.
  4. Fourth. Tissues and internal organs begin to receive more oxygen, making it easier to breathe. In some cases, tinnitus may occur.
  5. Fifth. The most difficult day as the lack of nicotine reaches a peak point. A wet cough develops and dark mucus begins to recede. This improves the functioning of the organs of taste and smell.
  6. Sixth. Sleep is disturbed, a person often wakes up at night, even from a small rustle. Sharp mood swings are also observed.
  7. Seventh. Nicotine addiction completely disappears, and only a psychological habit remains.

Now you know all the possible consequences if you quit smoking abruptly. What health problems can be? None! On the contrary, you will feel much better and more cheerful.

The response of the body to a sharp rejection of nicotine

So what do you need to know about this? Many people are interested in what happens if you quit smoking abruptly. There are no health consequences, as noted above, but the psychological state of a person undergoes certain changes.

Weaning from nicotine addiction is accompanied by:

  • increased irritability;
  • a feeling of emptiness;
  • a decrease in the tone of the whole organism;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • reduced physical ability;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • lack of appetite;
  • severe cough;
  • severe migraines;
  • differences in blood pressure.

The symptoms listed above can be observed from a month to a year. It all depends on how much time a person smoked. At the same time, their intensity will gradually decrease, so at some point there will be noticeable relief.

What do experts think about quitting smoking

is it possible to abruptly quit smoking consequences

Medical staff urge to wean from a bad habit gradually, because the body is undergoing tremendous stress. Due to the cessation of nicotine intake, all internal organs and systems begin to function worse. And this is all against the background of “breaking”, which negatively affects normal life. This is especially true for smokers with extensive experience. If a person smoked for 30 years and quit, what consequences could there be?

Doctors distinguish the following:

  • decrease in protective reactions;
  • severe migraines;
  • various mental disorders;
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • dyspnea;
  • labored breathing;
  • Dizziness
  • a sharp set of body weight;
  • in some cases, fainting.

If you find any of the above problems, it is recommended to consult a narcologist.

Where is danger hidden?

This aspect should be given special attention. Now you know what consequences after quitting smoking abruptly can occur for a person. But the symptoms of “breaking” are far from the worst. The main threat is a violation of the normal functioning of all organs and systems. It can be very difficult to say how this can be fraught, since each specific case is individual. Some people even exacerbated chronic diseases and showed serious new pathologies.

If you are serious about abrupt smoking cessation, then you should consult a doctor. He will tell you what to do and what pills to drink in order to minimize stress for the body and reduce the likelihood of negative manifestations. As practice shows, with the help of a qualified specialist, you can completely get rid of nicotine addiction in just 2-3 weeks.

How to simplify your task?

Any person who quit smoking, the consequences for the body at the same time, largely depends on the length of service of the smoker, claims that it is quite difficult. Many, having lasted only a few days, break down and again take up a cigarette.

To simplify the task, the following will help:

  • playing sports;
  • adjustment of daily nutrition;
  • taking medications that help eliminate sputum;
  • refusal to drink alcohol.

But here it is important to understand that each organism is individual, so what helps one can be completely useless to others. You need to find for yourself some hobby or an interesting occupation in which you will go headlong and not think about cigarettes.

Subtle moments

Some people doubt their desire to quit smoking. What consequences and difficulties await them at the same time was considered earlier. However, there are cases in which it is better not to hesitate.

These include:

  • persistent increase in blood pressure;
  • excessive obesity;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute tuberculosis.

As for bearing the fetus, then everything is clear. The harmful substances contained in tobacco are transmitted to the baby, as a result of which various pathologies can develop. In the case of tuberculosis and hypertension, it is advisable to quit smoking. Resins and acids increase the viscosity of the blood, and also irritate the inner surface of the lungs, which exacerbates the course of the disease and complicates its treatment.

The same applies to hookahs. They have a nicer smoke, but it contains a lot more carbon monoxide due to flavorings and essential oils. Therefore, for the duration of pregnancy or in the presence of serious health problems, it is better to abandon it.

A few words about food quality

food during refusal of cigarettes

You already know the consequences if you quit smoking abruptly. To make it easier to carry them, you need to support your body. First of all, it concerns nutrition. You should completely review your diet, eliminating all harmful foods from it.

It is worth giving up:

  • alcohol
  • fast food;
  • sweets;
  • bakery products;
  • black tea and coffee;
  • red types of meat;
  • fatty, fried and spicy dishes.

The menu should be planned so that the body receives as many vitamins and minerals as possible. You should try to eat mostly low-fat types of meat, fresh fruits and vegetables. It is also very important to monitor your water balance. The abundant amount of fluid consumed helps to cleanse and remove slag.

Smoking Cessation

what are the consequences after quitting smoking

Today on sale is a huge assortment of various drugs designed to help smokers in their difficult struggle with addiction. They are issued in the form of:

  • herbal smoking pills;
  • pills
  • patches;
  • sprays.

According to numerous reviews, they really work. Moreover, alkaloids of exclusively natural origin, not causing addiction, are present in their composition. Replacing cigarettes with them, you can quickly get rid of nicotine addiction, as well as reduce the intensity of the symptoms of "breaking", which sometimes are simply unbearable.


So, this article talked about all the consequences associated with quitting smoking. The main question remains, what is the best way to quit - abruptly or gradually? The vast majority of doctors adhere to the latter option. In their opinion, it is more effective and safer for health. Therefore, if you really decided to take care of yourself and your health, then just make it a rule to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes smoked with each new week. Gradually, the craving will weaken until it completely disappears. And the exact timing depends on your willpower. If you have a good exposure, you can very quickly get rid of addiction.

quit smoking effects on the body

In fact, everyone has the right to decide whether to smoke or not. But it is worth noting that people who have got rid of nicotine addiction feel much more cheerful and confident. Their life is becoming much more colorful!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8799/

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