Is it possible to go to church during menstruation? Bible truth in a modern interpretation

Representatives of the clergy often have to answer the question of whether it is possible to go to church on a monthly basis. Of course, any woman who adheres to the traditions of Christianity, at least once in her life thought about it. Further, we will talk about what many women have no idea about, namely, about the origins of the taboo on the appearance in the temple of God during the menstrual cycle.

Can I go to church during my period?

According to authoritative priests, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to go to church during menstruation should be sought in the Old Testament, where the concepts of purity and impurity of the human body are deciphered. What specifically is considered sinful according to church canons? The Bible says that sewage is, first of all, a dead body, certain diseases of a person, as well as discharge from the genitals, both from women and men.

It would seem, the answer to the question: β€œIs it possible to go to church on a monthly basis?” - extremely clear and understandable. However, biblical postulates are not as easy to understand as it may seem.

So, how to interpret the texts set forth in the Bible regarding whether it is possible to go to church during menstruation. The holy letter says that a person living in uncleanness should not enter the temple of God during a period of illness. Sewage has a close relationship with death and "blood" discharge from the genitals - this is extra evidence that everyone will die sooner or later.

You can go to church during your period

It is possible that a similar interpretation of the topic under consideration appeared many centuries ago, when a huge number of people lived, as they say, according to the "law of God."

However, among church mentors there are those who considered it quite acceptable to enter the church during the menstrual cycle. Moreover, to the question: β€œCan I go to church on a monthly basis?” - they not only gave an affirmative answer, but also allowed the sacrament and the liturgy to be performed.

However, in history there have been no recorded cases of persecution or excommunication. Does this mean that you can still enter the church during the menstrual cycle? It is important to understand the main thing: everything that God created is unshakable and holy.

I went to church with menstruation

One of the authoritative clergy once said that a woman should not be forbidden to appear in the church during menstruation, since this physiological peculiarity arises beyond her will, therefore, she is pure before God.

Some are interested in this question: β€œI went to church with menstruation with the purpose of communion. Am I right? " It must be emphasized that each woman must independently resolve this issue. If she does not do this of her own free will, then she is worthy of respect and praise. But in the case when the representative of the weaker sex still decided to visit the church on critical days, there is nothing shameful and sinful in her act. She can come to the temple of God at any moment. The only condition is that in the church she must not touch the holy images, the gospel, and also attend the sacraments. However, this prohibition does not apply only to women. If, for example, a priest hurts his hand, then he is also not allowed to touch the icons.


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