White gold

In jewelry, a fairly large number of materials are used. However, it is considered white gold that is special. The ring, for example, from this metal, according to experts, looks more refined, elegant and stylish than from any other metal. White and gold jewelry is currently in high demand in America and Europe.

In Russia, this metal is not so popular so far: many still doubt its quality, but for some it is a real mystery. Not everyone still knows what โ€œwhite goldโ€ is, identifying it with silver, platinum or considering it to be the rarest fossil. In our country, this metal is still far from winning the pedestals of jewelry fashion, but it is already beginning to attract more and more attention.

Products from this metal do not look pompous, but are distinguished by their nobility and grandeur. This metal combines luxury and restraint, nobleness and sophistication. It is always relevant.

White gold is a jewelry alloy of gold with platinum, nickel and palladium. In ordinary gold, in addition to the pure content of this metal, an alloy of silver with copper is included, which practically does not change its color. In white gold, the palladium and nickel included in it change the color of the metal, turning it into white. The more silver in the alloy, the whiter the color.

However, silver can add dullness to the metal, which in some cases is not desirable, since the jewelry made from it should have a pure sheen, like yellow gold. For this, galvanized jewelry is coated with rhodium. This procedure also makes the metal more wear resistant.

According to statistics, about 15% of people are allergic to nickel, which is manifested when the metal comes in contact with the skin. Therefore, now in the EU countries there is a law restricting the content of nickel in jewelry. White gold, according to this law, should not contain nickel impurities at all. Therefore, it is replaced by palladium, which does not cause dermatitis. Although nickel has such a valuable characteristic as a very high strength, it allows to achieve special plasticity from metal while giving it complex shapes and original designs.

Mostly white gold is used in the manufacture of jewelry with diamonds (as a rule, these are 750 alloys) or natural black pearls.

Pure gold in principle is not used in jewelry, because this metal is soft in nature. Jewelry gold includes impurities of other precious or non-ferrous metals, which give it the necessary strength, as well as setting it a shade.

In nature, there is a natural alloy of gold (16-69%) with silver, which is called electr (electrum). Therefore, sometimes you can find the designation of this alloy also the term "white gold".

Jewelry made of this metal is particularly weather resistant compared to yellow gold. For example, a bracelet, in which white gold is used as the base metal in the frame, will not suffer even with frequent contact with water. By the way, it is bracelets from this alloy that look especially good, since the metal has excellent plasticity and is ideal for framing expensive natural stones, emphasizing their radiance and luster.

It is believed that white gold is more noble than its yellow counterpart. It must be understood that the nobleness of a metal is not determined at all by its color, but by breakdown. The higher it is, the greater the alloy of pure gold. Therefore, comparing the criterion of nobility, white and yellow gold of one sample does not make sense. By โ€œignobleโ€ are meant alloys of gold, which in addition to this metal itself do not include any other precious. For example, only nickel is used as a ligature. Noble white gold eliminates the possibility of allergies. Such gold is the most expensive, has impeccable characteristics and a luxurious appearance.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8808/

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