Russian Agricultural Bank: customer reviews of loans. Loan terms at Rosselkhozbank

It is important for anyone who plans to get a loan from this financial institution to get customer feedback on loans from Rosselkhozbank. This is a fairly large and well-known institution, which offers various conditions and options in which it is important to understand in detail. This article will discuss on what conditions it is possible to obtain a loan at Rosselkhozbank, what real clients think about it, who have already managed to run into this organization and receive cash loans.

About company

Customer reviews about Russian Agricultural Bank

Customer reviews of loans at Rosselkhozbank are the most diverse, because the company has long been working in this market. This is a domestic state bank, which is one of the thirty largest in the country, its head office is located in Moscow.

Currently, its sole shareholder is the state represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management. The chairman of the supervisory board is Arkady Dvorkovich, who replaced Alexander Tkachev in this post in 2018. Previously, he served as Assistant to the President of Russia and Deputy Prime Minister. The chairman of the board is Boris Listov. In June 2018, he replaced Dmitry Patrushev.

The history of the bank dates back to 2000, when the institution was created to serve producers in the field of agricultural production. The corresponding order was issued by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

To date, the bank owns a lot of enterprises and assets that were transferred to it in payment of debts. In particular, these are several sugar factories in the Krasnodar Territory that he began to own after the bankruptcy of the Euroservice Group OJSC, the meat processing company Buryatmyasprom OJSC, one of the largest producers of calf meat in the Leningrad Region, Agrokompleks Rassvet, and the grain processing company Zernostandart- Kostoroma "and many others.

The total loan portfolio of the bank currently exceeds one trillion rubles. About 55 percent of the corporate loan portfolio accounts for loans to small and medium-sized businesses. In Russia, this financial institution ranks first in lending to the agro-industrial complex, medium and small businesses. By the size of the banking network, it is in second place.

Cash loans

Home loan

At the same time, loans are also provided to individuals, the so-called consumer and other common types. For example, you can apply for a loan at the Rosselkhozbank without security.

The interest rate will be from ten percent per annum, among the obvious advantages - the absence of any commissions, restrictions on early repayment, the ability to choose repayment schemes - it can be differentiated or annuity. A similar loan is issued without a guarantee and a pledge, it is possible to confirm income in the form of a bank, as well as use the money for any purpose. If desired, the client draws up an online loan application at the Rosselkhozbank or does it at one of the branches.

Under general conditions, the maximum amount can be up to 750 thousand rubles, and for employees holding a Rosselkhozbank salary card for at least six months, up to one and a half million rubles. The minimum amount is ten thousand rubles.

It is worth emphasizing that if a borrower works under a fixed-term employment contract, the loan term cannot exceed the duration of this contract. Under general conditions, a client can get a loan for five years, and salary clients - for seven years. At the same time, collateral is not required, but it is not possible to arrange a grace period for the payment of interest and principal. Commission for the issuance and use of credit is not charged.

An application for a loan at Rosselkhozbank is considered within three business days from the date a potential client provides a full package of documents. You can get cash on credit within 45 calendar days after a positive decision is made by the bank. The loan is provided at a time, by transferring the full amount to the borrower's current account opened with the bank.

The rate on this loan can be from 10 to 16.75 percent per annum.


Employee reviews about Russian Agricultural Bank

When filling out an online loan application at Rosselkhozbank, the borrower must be aware of the basic conditions that will be presented to him. The age of the client at the time of application must be at least 23 years old and not more than 65 at the time the final loan repayment is due. He must be a citizen of the Russian Federation with permanent registration.

For individuals, the work experience at the last workplace should be at least six months and at least one year of total experience over the past five years. For salary clients of a financial institution, it is enough to have three months of experience at the current place of work and at least six months of total experience over the past five years. When maintaining a personal subsidiary farm, a loan can be issued if there are entries in the local government self-management book about the borrower managing a personal subsidiary farm within a year prior to the date of applying for a loan. This is a good opportunity to get a loan from Rosselkhozbank without information.

As a definition of a citizen’s total income, one can take income at the main place of work, part-time, money received from entrepreneurial activity, from private practice, pension payments, income from personal subsidiary plots, as well as other sources permitted by law, which can be confirmed officially. This can be money from rental property, remuneration from the use of intellectual property, under civil law contracts.

It is possible to take into account the income of co-borrowers when calculating the final amount for which a loan is issued.

When applying for a loan without guarantors at Rosselkhozbank it is necessary to provide a statement of income in the form of a bank, an application form for a loan.


Request for a loan

A financial institution provides refinancing services. Managers actively offer to transfer their loans from other banks to Rosselkhozbank, with the opportunity to receive an additional amount for any purpose.

With refinancing, it is possible to receive up to three million rubles at a rate of ten percent per annum. Loans from different banks are combined into one without commissions and collateral with a comfortable monthly payment. Part of the loan can immediately be obtained in cash and spent on any purpose. Refinancing of up to three loans is carried out regardless of their objectives, as well as the availability of collateral. The client has the opportunity to choose a convenient repayment scheme and payment date.

To increase the loan amount, it is possible to attract co-borrowers, and to confirm income in the form of a bank. An application for refinancing a loan at the Rosselkhozbank may be submitted for car loans, consumer loans and credit cards. Up to three loans can be issued in one loan, while all of them must be in rubles, the client must have a good credit history, there are no cases of debt restructuring and prolongation, and the validity period at the time of application must be at least one year from the moment of the first payment.

Inappropriate consumer loan secured by housing

Loan refinancing

A loan secured by Rosselkhozbank may be consumer and non-targeted. As collateral, the property owned by the borrower is used.

The key advantage in this case is the significant amount that can be borrowed, as well as a longer period. A loan can be issued for ten years in the amount of up to ten million rubles. There are no commissions on this loan, lower interest rates are used compared to a regular consumer loan, it is possible to repay it ahead of schedule without any restrictions, choose a convenient scheme, and confirm your income in the form of a bank.

Under the terms of the loan at the Rosselkhozbank, the minimum amount may be one hundred thousand rubles. As collateral, apartments or residential buildings with land, including townhouses, are used. In this case, credit insurance at Rosselkhozbank is obligatory. Property that the bank accepts on bail for the entire loan term is insured. There is also voluntary health and life insurance for the borrower.

Under the terms of the loan at the Rosselkhozbank secured by real estate, the rate is from 12.5 to 13.5 percent per annum. In case of refusal of life and health insurance, the interest rate is increased by one point.

Special offer for older clients

A loan to pensioners at Rosselkhozbank is issued on special conditions. It is provided for urgent needs without confirmation of the intended use of the funds received.

The amount that a client can count on is from ten to five hundred thousand rubles. No collateral is required and no issuance fee is charged. The rate for pensioners on a loan at the Rosselkhozbank is from ten to sixteen percent per annum.

At the time of the final repayment of the loan, the borrower must be no more than 75 years old, he must live in the Russian Federation and have a permanent registration. It is possible to take into account various types of income to determine the final loan amount, as well as for other options.


Loan processing

Especially popular is a mortgage loan at the Rosselkhozbank. With the help of this loan it is possible to purchase apartments in the city or a country house, an apartment or a land plot for housing construction. Moreover, the rate will be from 9.3 percent per annum, and the term - up to thirty years. In addition to the advantages that exist when applying for other loans, there are also special conditions for young families and when using maternity capital.

This loan can be used to purchase real estate in the primary or secondary market, land or residential building. The amount varies from one hundred thousand to sixty million rubles. Maturity - up to thirty years.

In this case, the borrower is required to make an initial payment. When buying an apartment under an agreement on participation in shared construction or under a purchase and sale agreement, the down payment must be at least fifteen percent of the value of the property, when acquiring a town house β€” at least twenty percent, and when applying for a house loan at Rosselkhozbank β€” at least 25% , when buying an apartment - at least 30%.

During the registration of a mortgage, a real estate object constructed or acquired at the expense of the bank’s credit funds acts as a pledge. This property must be insured, and the life and health of the borrower is insured on a voluntary basis. As co-borrowers, you can attract up to three people. These may be people who are not related to the client.

Mortgage rates depend on a large number of factors, including the size of the down payment, the type of property to be acquired, and the loan repayment period. As a result, the rate can be from 9.3 to 13.5 percent per annum.

When applying for documents, you need to provide an application form, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, for men under the age of 27, also a military ID. As well as documents confirming employment and financial condition, documents on the presence of children and marital status, paper on the property, which will be taken by the bank on bail until the full payment of the mortgage.

Car loan

There are in the "Agricultural Bank" and proposals for obtaining a loan to buy a new car. The machine can be purchased both Russian and foreign production.

Under basic conditions, a loan is issued for a car of category B, C or D, as well as a trailer. The maximum amount is up to three million rubles. In this case, you must make an initial contribution of 15 percent of the final cost of the machine. The loan has a maturity of five years. The car itself, purchased on bail, will act as security.

The interest on the loan in the "Agricultural Bank" in this case will be from 12.25 to 12.75. In case of refusal of life and health insurance, the rate rises by four and a half percent.

Offers for peasants and gardeners

Consumer loan

According to its name and functions, the bank provides special offers for gardeners and farmers. For example, a loan for the development of personal subsidiary plots. It is issued for a period of up to two years for the purchase of plant protection products and mineral fertilizers, fuels and lubricants, payment of electricity needed for irrigation, purchase of young farm animals, payment of land rent, purchase of materials for reconstruction, construction or repair of fences and fences.

If the farmer purchases farm animals, equipment, plans to send money for the reconstruction, repair or construction of livestock buildings, the purchase of land, gas equipment, a loan is granted for up to five years.

The loan amount is up to one and a half million rubles. The rate can be from 10.25 to thirteen percent per annum.

Members of the All-Russian Union of Gardeners of Russia public organization can get a loan at a rate of 11.25 percent per annum for up to five years. The amount will be up to one and a half million rubles.

There is also a proposal "Gardener". This is a loan for any occasion for the owners of summer cottages and garden plots or those who are just going to purchase them. With the money received, it is allowed to build a bathhouse, buy a plot with a ready-made house or spend yourself water. The interest rate on this loan is from eleven percent per annum, the maximum amount is three million rubles, and the term is up to five years.

There is a separate offer for those who plan to conduct engineering communications on the site. Up to five hundred thousand rubles can be issued for five years at a rate of 11.25 percent per annum.

Customer Impressions

There are many positive reviews on loans at the Rosselkhozbank. Customers note that loans are approved without delay. Many of those who wanted to get a loan at this financial institution managed to do this without any problems.

Of the negative customer feedback on loans at Rosselkhozbank, users admit that they often have to deal with the lack of professionalism of employees, whose incompetence affects ordinary people. For example, after arranging a mortgage for several months, the borrower pays payments on time and on time, and then finds out that he has already owed a fairly large amount. When Pustysch finds out what happened, it turns out that initially the client did not accrue interest on the loan in full, but it happened because of some technical problems. Because of this, the entire payment schedule has changed.

In general, problems with loans arise most often when applying for a mortgage. If everything is normal for the first couple of years, then serious problems begin. When calculating the monthly payment, a bank employee does not count two rubles, after which in a matter of weeks the debt grows to 750 rubles, the penalty increases it every day. There are also cases when two pennies were not counted, which is why debt began to form again, which grew like a snowball. After that, the bank decides to unilaterally increase the interest rate on the loan, which increases the monthly payment by about two thousand rubles. This is due to the fact that the client did not extend the annual insurance of real estate, although in reality it was done.

From all these examples, we can conclude that sometimes the bank does not value its customers. Some employees are incompetent, do not correspond to their positions. But most importantly, the bank is making efforts to rectify the situation.


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