Useful information: how to deal with aphids on a sink

Everyone knows the usual green aphid, which in many spills on the leaves of plants. As you know, ants breed these insects to feed on their sweet secretions. However, there is black aphid that lives on viburnum or cherry. It is also very dangerous to plant health and causes damage to them that impedes their growth and development. Therefore, it is important for gardeners and gardeners to know how to deal with aphids on a sink.

how to deal with aphids on the sink

To the weapon!

Before you begin to destroy the pest in your garden, remember an important thing. Do not poison aphids with chemicals! The fact is that insects that benefit them also live on plants, and parasite solutions and tablets have a wide range of effects and can kill them, which will not be a good sign for bushes and trees. In addition, you can get rid of pests with the help of simple tools that are easy to find in a store or in nature.

aphids on the sink how to fight

So, here are a few ways to deal with aphids in a sink. Take clean ash and pollinate the bushes on top of it. You can also add tobacco dust to this component . No species of aphids survive after this procedure. However, this method has one drawback: it is unsuitable for trees, because their height does not allow them to be pollinated evenly and thoroughly.

Also, the fight against aphids on a plum can be carried out by changing the taste of the juice that this insect eats. To do this, pour the bush under the root with soapy water after washing. In addition, you can dissolve several grams of washing powder. This method is also suitable for getting rid of aphids on viburnum or cherry. And do not be afraid that the irrigation of such water will somehow change the taste of the fruits themselves.

Naturally, no treatment will be needed if prophylaxis is carried out on time. To "harden" plants from aphids, you need to produce whitewashing. To do this, take ten liters of water and dilute them with two or three kilograms of clay and a kilogram of slaked lime. Spread tree trunks on the ground with this mixture. Then later you will not need to puzzle over how to deal with aphids on the sink.

plum aphids

Also a good remedy for pests will be hunting belts, which are sold in stores for the garden. They are another true solution to the question of how to deal with aphids in the sink. These devices are fixed on tree trunks and serve as an insurmountable obstacle for such small insects.

If there is nothing

If you didn’t have the necessary funds at hand, and you need to get rid of aphids, there are several simple ways. First of all, try not to have ants on your plot. These insects, as mentioned above, breed aphids for food. Therefore, if they are not etched, then all efforts can go down the drain. Also, while watering the trees, direct a direct stream to the trunk to wash off part of the insects.

So, if suddenly on the garden plot there is such an attack as aphid on the sink, how to fight, you know. And although the battle for the harvest requires tremendous effort, the delicious fruits, berries and tasty harvests from them will be worth it.


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