Water science experiment for children: options

Increasingly, in order to distract the child from modern gadgets, parents think about the versatile development of their child. One useful alternative is to experiment with water for children. Kids love to learn new information, especially when the learning process is fun and interesting. In this article, we consider in detail the options for experiments and experiments available in a city apartment.

water experiment for children

Features of water and options for their study

Everyone knows that water happens in three states of aggregation - liquid, vaporous and in the form of ice. The most affordable option may be such an experiment with water for children: show the baby how the water boils in a saucepan or in a kettle. Toddlers are often enthralled by the appearance of bubbles, steam, bubbling and corresponding noise. In the process of experiment, it is necessary to explain that boiling water is very hot and can cause pain. Also dangerous is steam and the hot tank in which the experiment is conducted.

home experiments for children with water

Options for the smallest

Kids get to know water and its features very early. A healthy baby is allowed to bathe almost from the first days of life. Many children perceive swimming as an integral part of their life - they are comfortable and well in the aquatic environment. When children begin to sit stably, they can be offered various toys. It is good if the baby has the opportunity to independently learn the properties of water. A variety of home experiments for children with water while swimming:

  • It can be transferred from one container to another.
  • A child can observe how fluid flows from a watering can or from another hole.
  • It is necessary to show that some objects are drowning (for example, a metal spoon), while others float on the surface (for example, a plastic mold).
  • On the surface of the water you can slap your palm - splashes and bubbles will appear.
  • If the baby is bathing in a foam bath, you can make hats out of it or decorate the bathroom wall.

Air balloons

Toddlers are often interested in how different objects interact with bright balloons. For example, prickly grass and bushes tear balls and they burst. Inflated balls are held on the water surface and do not sink. If the room is humid and warm, they will burst. In addition, you can draw water into the balloon itself instead of air. It turns out a kind of "bomb". In hot weather in nature, they can be thrown at each other or from a small height. During such games, you must follow the safety rules and carefully monitor the child.

Motility and coordination development

Many experiments and games with water involve the use of household supplies. For example, you can pour liquid from a large capacity into glasses with a cooker, tablespoon or teaspoon. In the process of such a game, the child is fond of the process and trains his movements. Before such a game, you need to prepare a rag and teach the baby to wipe the table and floor. You can also offer your child to fill the bottle. To do this, show how to use the funnel.

For grown-up and calm kids, you can offer such fun with water: a child dips a sponge for washing dishes in one container with water. And squeezes it into another container. Gradually, water is transferred from one tank to another. Such an experience requires perseverance and attentiveness. But parents may have several minutes of free time.

water experiments for children 3 4

Children 3-4 years old: what are they interested in

Water experiments for children 3-4 years old can be taken out of the bathroom to the kitchen or, if possible, to nature. Children at this age should not be left unattended so that they do not harm themselves or surrounding objects. On the street, you can conduct such an experiment with water for children:

  • Offer to water the plant from a watering can or a bucket from a bucket.
  • Pour water into an object with holes or into a “leaky” bag - it is interesting to observe how fast all the liquid will flow out.
  • Pour water into a basin or bucket and check a few items for “flooding”. You need to conduct such an experiment with various things, for example, a board, a plastic cup, a stone, a leaf, a metal cover and the like will do.
  • If time allows on a hot summer day, leave a small bucket of cold water in the sun. After a couple of hours, the water will heat up noticeably. You can tell your child about the effects of the sun, changes in ambient temperature, and much more.
  • In winter, the child needs to show the features of snow and ice. The simplest thing you can do is to bring snow into the apartment and watch it melt.

Snow, ice and water: dating options

If you have a freezer, you can experiment with water and ice for children. Of course, without the help of parents in such experiments can not do. Such experiments with water for children 5-6 years old can be offered:

  • Freeze some object in the water. To do this, take a mold (for example, silicone for baking - it is convenient to remove an ice from it), clean water is poured into it and an object is placed (flowers, leaves, beads, small toys, etc.). The container is placed in the freezer for several hours (the time of the experiment depends on the temperature and volume of water).

water experiments for children 5 6

  • Put ice cubes or pieces of ice in a container of water. In hot water they melt with a bang. In the cold, they will surface and slowly melt.

water experiments for children 11 years old

  • You can turn colored liquid into ice cubes, such as water with watercolors. If you freeze milk, juice or fruit drinks, these cubes can then be added to children's drinks. Thus, you can arouse children's curiosity for new dishes that the child did not want to try before. In winter, colored ice floes can be used to decorate something in the yard or lay out a pattern right on the snow.
  • You can drip a solution of salt and paint onto pre-frozen ice cubes. Salt corrodes ice, and its color stains. The result is an ice with a beautiful color pattern.

Colorful experiments with water

An experiment with paints and water is interesting at any age. For children, you can use honey watercolor or food colors. This experience may have several options:

  • Water is poured into a transparent glass and a few drops of dye are dripped on top - intricate patterns appear on the surface, which quickly disappear, slightly staining the water.

experiments for children at home with water

  • If you use helium food coloring, you can have time to draw some kind of pattern with a toothpick.
  • You can stain something in a food coloring solution, such as white eggs or plastic. You need to make sure that the spray does not fall on your hands or clothing - it can be difficult to wash them.
  • In 3 glasses, water of different colors is poured. A piece of tissue is placed above them so that it partially enters the liquid. The paint impregnates the fabric and, due to the fact that the colors in all glasses are different, color transitions are formed. If you take 7 primary colors, you can get a real rainbow.
  • By placing a white living flower in a container with diluted food coloring, after a few days you can observe a change in its color. The more concentrated the solution, the richer the color of the flower.
  • In a jar of diluted paint, you can lower the wooden stick of ice cream. Children really like to see how the paint gradually impregnates the wood and rises up.

Epiphany water

As a rule, experiments with Epiphany water for children are physically no different from experiments with ordinary. The only difference is the ability to talk about where and when such water comes from, what it is used for, what “miraculous” properties it has.

Dissolution experiments

You can put such a primitive experiment with water for children: pour warm liquid into the pan and offer the child to pour in everything that, in his opinion, can dissolve. For example, sugar and salt will dissolve quickly enough, and sweet peas will remain unscathed. So the baby will get the idea that some substances can dissolve when exposed to water, while others remain in their original form.

Modern technologies

In children's stores you can find many products designed for experiments. Thus, experiments for children at home with water can become much more interesting and diverse. For example, there are silicone animals that are placed in water. Gradually, they are saturated with water and increase in size. It seems to the child that the animal simply grows on its own, and, of course, this process delights him.

There are also small granular fillers for bathtubs and home pools. Upon contact with moisture, they grow several times. It seems that the child was first bathed in water with colored sand, and then in a colored jelly-like mass.

When using such “new products” for bathing and experiments, you need to monitor the reaction of the skin of the child in order to notice the manifestation of allergies in time. For small children, it is better not to use such products - babies can accidentally eat pellets.

Wax experiments with water

For children 11 years and older, you can offer the following beautiful experience.


  • Wide capacity for water.
  • Water.
  • Watercolor blue or blue.
  • Wax candle (better than white or any light shade).
  • Lighter or matches.


  1. Water in the tank is painted in blue using watercolor (this is a symbolic "sea").
  2. A candle is lit.
  3. When the wax has melted enough, you need to bring the candle to the water and tilt it.
  4. When molten wax gets into the water, it solidifies and takes a bizarre shape (these are symbolic “islands in the sea”).

Before conducting such an experiment, it is necessary to carefully explain the safety rules to the child in order to avoid injuries and burns. It is better to conduct the first such experiment in the presence of adults.

water and ice experiments for children

The benefits of home experiences and experiments

Thus, the experiment with water for children is not so much an educational process as a useful game. This entertainment allows you to easily introduce your child to the properties of water, snow, ice and steam. In addition, the child during the experiment receives useful skills - learns to coordinate his movements, understands the difference between boiling water and pieces of ice, masters new movements, etc. Thanks to such experiments, the child develops an understanding that water can dissolve certain substances, about which objects are drowning and which ones can swim. The more knowledge and skills a child develops, the more confident and capable he will become in the future. Therefore, a variety of experiments in childhood are very important and useful for full development.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8826/

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