Seminal vesicle, spermatic cord: diseases and treatment

Seminal vesicles are one of the most important parts of the male reproductive system, they are responsible for the generation and eruption of sperm. The left seminal vesicle and the right are inside the scrotum, so they and the spermatic cord are among the male internal genital organs. Sperm exit from the seminal vesicles is carried out along the spermatic cord - a bundle of vessels and nerves with vas deferens. This cord is located between the inguinal ring and the testicle. Each seminal vesicle is equipped with channels of such a cord. Diseases of these organs can lead to serious sexual dysfunctions, impaired reproductive function and more serious consequences. For example, inflammation of the seminal vesicle entails a deterioration in sperm quality, even infertility is possible for this reason.

Signs of the appearance of a cyst of the spermatic cord are a spherical formation on the scrotum. Usually it does not make itself felt, it is discovered by chance - bathing in the bathroom, for example. This education is in most cases found in children, adolescents and young people, less often in adults and older men. Young people with spermatic cyst usually have no complaints of pain.

Some men with middle-aged spermatic cord cysts or elderly complain of unpleasant sensations in intimate places, close to aching pain. If a cyst is detected, it is worth going to the hospital. If the formation causes physical inconvenience, deforms the tissue of the testicles, then the cyst of the spermatic cord is removed surgically. The operation can last about half an hour, after which the doctor usually recommends that the patient limit his physical activity for a month.

Complications of the inflammation of the epididymis , injuries, cancer of the genital organs can be inflammation of the spermatic cord. In addition, the cause of such inflammation is the penetration of infections from the back of the terminal urinary tract. First, the vas deferens is involved in the inflammatory process . Then the inflammation also touches the tissues around the duct. Symptoms of such inflammation are a thickening of the spermatic cord and pain in this place. If the inflammation of the spermatic cord is started, it can develop into its dropsy, and even in violation of the reproductive function up to infertility.

Treatment of inflammation of the spermatic cord is carried out using local hypothermia (applying pieces of ice to the affected part of the scrotum) and anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, it is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse during the treatment period.

Inflammation of the seminal vesicle is caused by an infection that enters the seminal vesicle through blood or lymph, as well as through the vas deferens. Such an infection can be gonococcus, staphylococcus, Escherichia coli and other microorganisms that can penetrate into the seminal vesicles during the course of a general infectious disease. The development of inflammation is promoted by hypothermia, a sedentary lifestyle, constipation, and malfunctions of the immune system. In most cases, inflammation of the seminal vesicle, or vesiculitis, is a complication of some other disease. Often such diseases are prostatitis, orchitis or urethritis. Both excessive sexual activity and prolonged abstinence can enhance the inflammatory process. With vesiculitis, one seminal vesicle or both can be inflamed. In acute course of vesiculitis in the groin area, the patient feels severe pain. Frequent urination is accompanied by pain, an erection often occurs, and semen is excreted with an admixture of blood, pain is felt during ejaculation. With a chronic course of the disease, pain in the groin and anus is periodic, but unstable, and an erection is painful. Orgasm gradually decreases until extinction, ejaculation is intensified and painful. An admixture of blood appears in the semen.

Treatment of chronic vesiculitis is carried out using antibiotic therapy methods, physiotherapy procedures. If these methods do not work, then the cavity of the seminal vesicle is washed and its puncture is taken. For the treatment of acute vesiculitis, antibiotics, laxatives and painkillers are used, physiotherapeutic procedures are also used. If an abscess occurs in the acute course of vesiculitis, surgical intervention is necessary.


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