How to get rid of mice?

As a rule, mice appear in the house with the onset of cold weather. These pests can enter the house through almost any hole whose diameter is more than seven millimeters. Many owners are wondering how to get rid of mice?

It is worth noting that the "gray guests" are extremely prolific. And, of course, there are a lot of troubles from them. They spoil food, gnaw on your favorite wardrobe items and leave behind an unpleasant smell and excrement. And if such pests are wound up in your apartment or house, then it's time to think about how to eliminate them.

Remember that the fight against mice should begin with the search for their "entrance" into the house. In addition, today there are many ways to exterminate pests. Of course, the easiest option is to get a cat. But what if you don’t need pets or are allergic to them?

How to get rid of mice in the house? Most popular ways

The most effective method is rat poison. Today it is available in completely different forms - these are sachets, powders, and poisonous wheat grains. Manufacturers give almost 100% chance that the fight with the mice will be successful. It is also interesting that after the use of poison in mice, asphyxiation usually begins. And since they lack air, they quickly leave the apartment and die already on the street. Unfortunately, this method may not be suitable for those people who have small children.

One of the old methods is to use a mouse trap. Today, there are many models that will help exterminate pests. By the way, if you want to catch a rodent, it is better to use grain or a slice of bread soaked in vegetable oil as bait. Now they also sell special glue for rats. To catch glue, they cover a trap with a bait - the mouse quickly sticks to the surface and can no longer escape. As many pests as it can put can get into it. Unfortunately, traps are not always effective. After all, mice are reasonably intelligent creatures that quickly learn to avoid all obstacles, especially if there is no food shortage in the house.

Science does not stand still, and constantly come up with new ways to get rid of mice in the house. Today, the so-called repellers are becoming quite popular. These are devices that emit ultrasonic waves of a certain length. A person does not hear them and devices are not dangerous for him. But rodents react strongly to ultrasounds and quickly leave the territory. By the way, such repellers are also excellent protection against repeated penetration of pests into the house.

How to get rid of mice using improvised means?

There are ways to deal with rodents, using only improvised means. For example, mice are thought to be very sensitive to the smell of mint. Therefore, if this plant is in your home or near it, then most likely the pests will choose another place to live.

And in hard-to-reach places of the house, you can spill ash, as it causes severe irritation on the legs of the animal.

If the mice somehow penetrate the cabinet, then lay out a few bay leaves in it. The pungent smell of this spice will save your things from the rodent’s teeth.

By the way, poison for mice can be prepared independently. To do this, you need to mix five parts of sugar, three parts of flour and two parts of gypsum. Such a “delicacy” will cause a lethal outcome in rodents, but if by chance it falls into the hands of a child, then there will be no sad consequences.

If you still don’t know how to get rid of mice, or if no methods help to combat them, you can always contact a special service. Yes, there are organizations involved in pest control on a professional level. And, of course, it’s worth cleaning the house, throwing out unnecessary trash, choosing another place for storing edible products.


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