Kefir smoothie - cooking features, recipes and reviews

Cleansing the body is a mandatory procedure not only for those who want to say goodbye to extra pounds, but also for those who simply want to improve the functioning of organ systems and prevent various diseases.

Kefir is an ideal fermented milk drink that is suitable for these purposes. It contains many vitamins, minerals, probiotics, which trigger the intestines and improve the overall condition of the body. One of the simplest and most popular recipes is a regular smoothie of cucumbers and kefir.

Kefir and fruit - what are the benefits?

Sour-milk products do an excellent job of removing toxins from the body. Kefir can be drunk as a separate product, and can be combined with vegetables and fruits. Thus, the utility will increase several times. Inclusion in the menu of fruits, berries and vegetables is suitable for those who want to eat properly and balanced, as these products contain many vitamins and other goodies.

Kefir mixed with vegetables or fruits is called smoothie. This drink is low in calories and is considered excellent for weight loss.

puff smoothie

Kefir smoothie: cooking features

The maximum benefit of the described drink can be obtained only if it is properly prepared. That is why it is worth taking note of the following principles:

  • If you are wondering what kind of kefir to choose for a smoothie, the answer is simple - any. Most importantly, the product should be as fresh as possible. Losing weight is better to opt for kefir with low fat content.
  • Set aside sugar and salt. If you add these components to the smoothie, then nothing will remain of a healthy drink, it will turn into a harmful one. Want more salty? Experiment with spices. Does the soul require a sweeter? Replace sugar with honey or sweet fruits.
  • Smoothies will have a special effect for losing weight if you replace them with one meal. For example, drink a mixture of kefir and fruit for breakfast or eat as a snack instead of cakes and sweet bars. The result will not keep you waiting.
  • Of course, all good things should be in moderation. You will never lose weight if you β€œeat” smoothies every hour. There is one simple tip: do not drink smoothies, but eat in small spoons.

Not all kefir smoothies can be called tasty, but sometimes you can tolerate it if the product really benefits the body. Any cocktail can be saved if you use spices, herbs, favorite berries and fruits. According to nutritionists, a person is attracted by the appearance of food, so even the most tasteless smoothie, decorated with a berry and a sprig of mint, will look delicious. It remains to deal with the most delicious and healthy recipes for cooking.

bright smoothies

Smoothie with berries and fruits β„–1

The most versatile recipe that will save in a situation if you want to eat, but nothing. You need only a cup of kefir, half a glass of fresh or frozen fruits or berries. It uses strawberries, blueberries, bananas, apples, pears, peaches and so on. To sweeten the mixture, add a tablespoon of honey.

Throw all the ingredients in a blender. One click and you're done - you can drink a delicious and healthy smoothie. If the mixture is too thick, you can add a couple of ice cubes or a little water.

Smoothie with berries and fruits β„–2

The same universal recipe that will save in any situation. The only change is that you need a bit more ingredients.

So, make sure in advance that you have at hand:

  • a cup of kefir;
  • half a glass of your favorite fruit or berries;
  • flax or chia seeds;
  • vegetable oil (for example, coconut).

If desired, you can add honey or maple syrup to make the smoothie sweeter.

The cooking principle is just as simple: send all the ingredients to a blender, then put the finished smoothie in the refrigerator. Easy, fast, tasty and, most importantly, incredibly healthy!

mint and banana smoothie

Blueberry and Banana Kefir Smoothie

A real find for those who want to not only lose weight, but also get a sufficient amount of nutrients and trace elements. This smoothie contains vitamin C, calcium and iron. And the calorie content of the kefir mixture will be no more than 200 kcal, which is perfect for breakfast or dinner.

So, prepare the following products in advance:

  • a glass of kefir;
  • half a banana;
  • half a glass of blueberries (fresh or frozen);
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • for sweet tooth - a spoonful of honey or maple syrup.

Nutritionists also advise for added benefit to add the following ingredients to the drink, which are no longer mandatory: a teaspoon of coconut oil, a spoonful of flax or chia seeds, half a tablespoon of cocoa.

All of the above is sent to a blender and whipped until smooth. Ten minutes, and a perfect breakfast like a banana and kefir smoothie is ready.

light smoothies

Kefir Orange Smoothie

This recipe will be especially useful for those who suffer from a lack of vitamin C, as it contains one and a half daily norms of this element! And other ingredients will only improve the situation (we are talking about vitamin A and calcium).

So, for cooking we need:

  • as always, a glass of kefir;
  • two oranges without zest;
  • a pinch of vanilla;
  • a pinch of cocoa;
  • half a spoon of coconut oil;
  • half an avocado and some of your favorite berries.

We send the ingredients to a blender and beat thoroughly. Calorie content this time varies from 250 to 300, which is quite a good meal.

Kefir Smoothie with Melon and Banana

This type of drink is one of the most high-calorie ones, because it contains as many as 400 calories. However, the fact remains that such a drink will supply the body with potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C and calcium. And these elements are very important for the normal functioning of the body.

To make a smoothie you will need:

  • a cup of kefir;
  • one and a half glasses of chopped pre-melon;
  • half a glass of frozen yogurt ;
  • a spoonful of coconut oil;
  • a spoonful of honey and a pinch of vanilla.

The components are sent to a blender, and after a couple of minutes you can enjoy an amazing taste.

healthy smoothies

With strawberries, oatmeal and herbs

Nutritionists recommend consuming this smoothie for breakfast, as it will not only saturate the body, but also provide you with energy for the whole day. This is ideal for those who like good nutrition - it contains approximately 350 calories, vitamin C and calcium.

For a healthy drink you will need:

  • favorite kefir in the amount of one glass;
  • half a cup of soaked oatmeal;
  • a glass of strawberries;
  • a pinch of vanilla;
  • a spoon of honey;
  • a pair of mint leaves;
  • a small spoon of cocoa;
  • slice of avocado;
  • some spinach.

Such ingredients at first glance may seem incompatible, but as soon as you grind everything in a blender, the taste will amaze with its richness and uniqueness. This recipe for a slimming kefir smoothie will be a great alternative to sweets.

strawberry smoothie

Kefir and vegetable drink

It's time for the smoothie. The most delicious and fast of them includes products that almost every hostess almost always has. We will need:

  • a glass of kefir;
  • two small tomatoes;
  • one bell pepper;
  • two cucumbers and fresh dill.

Smoothie with cucumber and kefir is the most popular option. And the cooking method is as follows:

  1. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and pour boiling water over them, then remove the peel. The remaining pulp should be cut into large pieces and placed in a blender.
  2. Go to the pepper. It should be cleaned from seeds, cut into small strips and sent to a tomato blender.
  3. Now it's up to the cucumbers. They should also be thoroughly washed, peeled and cut into small pieces.
  4. Cut the dill and send it to all the vegetables in a blender.
  5. Now you can safely beat the ingredients until smooth.
  6. The resulting vegetable puree should be poured into glasses, and the bowl of the blender thoroughly washed, pour kefir with dill into it and beat.
  7. Kefir should be poured into glasses with mashed potatoes so that the vegetable smoothie remains an even layer at the bottom and the kefir lies at the top.
  8. For decoration, you can cut the cucumbers and put them on top of yogurt.

Such an unusual puff kefir smoothie is ready. An interesting presentation will attract even children who are usually not forced to eat vegetables. And despite the fact that this drink is completely lacking sugar and salt, its taste is quite saturated.

blueberry smoothie

With beets and carrots

This type of kefir smoothie is a real storehouse of vitamins, and it includes:

  • a glass of kefir;
  • one big beet;
  • carrot;
  • cucumber;
  • Apple;
  • a stalk of celery.

Preparing a drink is quite simple:

  1. Wash vegetables thoroughly, peel and cut into small cubes. Send the carrots and beets to a blender and beat until smooth.
  2. Now through the cheesecloth you should pass the mashed potatoes so that only the juice remains.
  3. Peel and chop the celery, apple and cucumber and send them to a blender, where they beat until puree.
  4. Next in the blender you need to add kefir, beetroot and carrot juice and, again, beat, already to a liquid state.

Unlike previous recipes, this type of smoothie turns out to be quite liquid and can be drunk through a tube.

Benefit Reviews

The use of smoothies for a person is undeniable, and even the children can cope with the simplest recipes. Legends about smoothies are very different, but only reviews of real people can give a clear answer to the question about the benefits of the drink. They emphasize that smoothies are an opportunity to fill the daily requirement of the body for fruits and vegetables. At the same time, everything can be done quickly and tasty.

Young mothers point out that smoothies are a great way to teach young children to eat healthy foods. And losing weight confirm that thanks to the drink you can easily say goodbye to excess weight and improve metabolism.

And this is not a complete list of the beneficial properties of bright drinks, as, according to experts, regular use of smoothies will help keep the body in good shape and cleanse it of toxins and toxins.


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