How much does a firefighter make in America and Russia?

It is difficult for an ordinary person to imagine the whole danger of such a profession as a fireman. And if we turn to the numbers provided by American statistics, representatives of this profession die three times more often than, for example, police officers. You donโ€™t have to go far for evidence, letโ€™s take the catastrophe that happened on September 11 and everyone knows about it from young to old. This terrible day claimed the lives of 348 firefighters. And what is the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant? Fighters with fire perished in the hundreds. Here it becomes interesting, and how such dangerous work is paid, where people risk their lives to save others in different countries of the world. For comparison, we take two world giants: the United States and Russia. How much does a firefighter make in America and in our country?

Work in Russia and America

What difficulties do firefighters encounter in their work?

Often you can hear the opinion that the work of a fireman is not dusty and does not require daily moral effort and physical labor. Indeed, dangerous situations do not occur often, on average twice a month, and the rest of the time you can live in a relaxed mode. No matter how! Being a real lifeguard is a huge job, because you need to know a huge number of pitfalls of the profession and train daily. For example, the first thing that representatives of this dangerous profession do when a fire occurs is evacuation.

Today, many people are interested in the question of how much a fireman earns, because their work is very complicated and dangerous.

The main thing is the team

Firefighters need to work in a team, act in concert, because here everyone performs the function assigned to him. One member of the team is engaged in the fact that he spreads his sleeves, another directs them to the fire, and at this time the remaining firefighters push the ladder out, remove people from hard-to-reach places. And someone has to penetrate the very epicenter of the fire in order not only to find people who could stay there, but also to assess the situation as a whole. At the same time, the team must quickly respond and immediately arrive at the call, on average it takes no more than five minutes. For comparison, an ambulance gets to the patient 15-20 minutes after the call. Also, the responsibility for providing first aid if there are victims at the scene is the responsibility of firefighters. Therefore, absolutely everyone should know at least the base of first aid. It turns out such universal specialists who put out the fire, and will provide first aid. And how much does a fireman make?

Dangerous job

Excellent physical fitness - task number 1

Every fireman must have perfect physical fitness. At a minimum, because all the equipment and uniforms that you have to wear on yourself weighs a lot. But the whole point is not just to wear this technique, it should be handled skillfully. Therefore, in addition to the ability to provide first aid to firefighters, one can safely call the best runners, swimmers and strongmen in general. Here, without daily training, nowhere. In addition to fighting fire in every country, firefighters also have additional responsibilities. When accidents, natural disasters and other problems happen, fire fighters also come to the rescue. According to statistics, on average, over 10 years of work, a firefighter is at risk of injuries about 765 times.

Fire fighting

How much do firefighters earn in Moscow?

If we analyze the situation for free vacancies, then a person who wants to get a firefighter job can focus on 35-40 thousand rubles a month. Of course, this is not a fixed salary that everyone receives, the amount of income depends on the experience, length of service, and skills of the lifeguard. You can get into the fire service not only as a lifeguard, vacancies are open for mechanics, electricians, dispatchers, and so on. Salaries also vary significantly by region. For example, fire inspectors in Moscow receive about 65 thousand rubles. The highest income can boast of the leaders of fire safety systems. And if the average salary of an ordinary firefighter ranges from 35 to 40 thousand, then the average data for Russia indicate a figure of 23 thousand rubles a month. How much do firefighters make in Russia? The largest salaries can boast of firefighters of the Kemerovo region and rescuers working in the far North. On average, the size of the salary depends on many factors, the most standard components: additional payments for work experience, various factors (for example, northern or district), bonuses, difficult working conditions and so on. It can also be noted that in recent years there has been a positive trend towards an increase in wages, which is good news. Now the income of firefighters more and more corresponds to that risk and complexity of work. How much do firefighters earn in Biysk? This city is in second place in the Altai Territory for the earnings of firefighters (25 thousand rubles).

Rescue team

What about the Americans?

How much do firefighters make in the USA? Itโ€™s worth starting with the fact that the work of firefighters and rescue services in this country is built on other principles than in Russia. Firstly, ambulances also work with firefighters at rescue stations, such an innovation appeared after the reform of 2000, when all ambulance workers were enlisted in the state of rescue stations. America is a country with a completely different standard of living, when compared with Russia, but some firefighters do not get paid at all. How did it happen? It's simple, people can just volunteer for a fire or any other natural disaster. And this practice is quite common in the United States.

Firefighters in California

What do the numbers say?

But back to the statistics. It says that about a million firefighters are working for the good of America. About 200 thousand can be considered true professionals in their field. But volunteers usually realize themselves in areas that are not at all connected with the rescue service and only during emergency situations are sent to save lives. Such a system was developed based on economic issues. A large rescue team needs to be maintained, wages paid, and so on, volunteers come into action when the need arises. In such cases, mobilization is quickly carried out, which is accompanied by the slogan: "Together we are strength." Thanks to such a system, many states save tens of thousands of dollars.

In America, pay little to firefighters?

The fact remains, despite not the highest salary, the profession of a fireman in America is very prestigious. We will start the analysis of wages from New York, here the average lifeguard earns about 35 thousand dollars a year (about 2.3 million rubles), while the income of the most ordinary average worker is 30 thousand dollars a year (about 1.9 million rubles). It turns out that firefighters, risking their lives, receive a salary of just slightly above average. But here, the level of income depends, of course, on the rank. For example, a team leader earns about 65 thousand dollars a year (4.3 million rubles). Firefighters retire at the age of 48.

Fire extinguishing

How to get a lifeguard job in America?

An interesting fact is that in small cities, almost every capable man can become a lifeguard in emergency situations. But this does not mean at all that becoming a real fireman is so simple. There are a huge number of educational institutions that prepare rescuers from school. The state also does not stand aside, there are grants for students who plan to connect their lives with such a profession as a fireman. Immediately after school, everyone can take special courses, the essence of which consists of two components: practical and theoretical. The theory is to study areas such as medicine, physics, construction, and even architecture, and practice is physical preparation.


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