How to draw a ship for a real pirate!

Many boys love to play pirates, imagining themselves brave conquerors of the ocean. In general, pirates are sea robbers who robbed ships of all countries. In the early Middle Ages, piracy actively developed in the northern part of Europe. Almost until the 19th century, piracy flourished, but then began to decline. However, in the modern world you can hear about pirates. For example, about Somali pirates, but these are far from pirates from the Middle Ages.

Therefore, not only children, but many adults are not averse to plowing the oceans. But what is needed for a young pirate? Of course, own sailing ship. But where to get it? You can draw it! But how to draw a ship? Drawing ships is a favorite thing for boys. True, not everyone will be able to draw such a complex ship. After all, the sailing ship has many details that not everyone can remember when drawing. And how to draw a warship correctly, not many people know. In addition to the sail and mast, he still has guns! Therefore, today you have to learn how to draw a ship in stages.

You will need:

  • a sheet of white paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • colored pencils (gouache or watercolor);
  • ruler.


Metric grid

So, before you start drawing, you need to draw a grid, which in the future will help you more accurately draw the ship with a pencil. This is an important step that should not be missed. You need to divide the sheet into 16 equal rectangles. Divide each side into 4 equal parts and connect with a line. Do not press hard on the pencil. The lines should be barely noticeable so that later it is easy to erase them with an eraser. Now you can learn how to draw a ship.

Step 1

Step 1

Mark the width and height of your ship, guided by the grid. Outline the deck. Now draw the masts. First, just draw one line where they will be located. There should be three of them. But if you really want more, you can add more. Note that they should not be the same height. Masts have their own names. The main mast is usually the second mast, counted from the bow of the ship. The main mast is the tallest mast on a sailing ship. The lower part of the mast is called spurs, and the top is called the top.

Step 2

Step 2

Draw the hull of an old wooden ship. Follow the lines and try to accurately repeat the shape of the ship. Draw the crossbars on the masts. Sails will soon appear there! To understand how to draw a ship, carefully follow the steps.

Step 3

Step 3

Draw the hull of your sailboat, connect all the details. Do you know what a bowsprit is? This is the front horizontal mast located on the bow of the ship. She gives great maneuverability to the sailing ship. So let's draw it in your drawing!

Step 4

Step 4

Draw the masts. They must be thick and strong so that they can withstand strong gusts of wind. After all, they have to hold the sails filled with the wind. Also add details to the stern. By following these steps, you will learn how to draw a ship with a pencil.

Step 5

Step 5

What else is missing in our sailing ship? Without which he could not swim in the ocean? Of course, not enough sails. Let's draw them. An ordinary sail is a piece of matter. The sails that we draw are called direct sails, which are set across the ship and attached to the yards. Rei are horizontal beams on masts. Do not forget that the sails should look as if they were inflated by the wind. So give them a rounded shape. Otherwise, it will seem that the ship does not sail, but stands still. Mark the windows on the hull of the ship. And identify places for future guns.

Step 6

Step 6

Add even more detail, such as portholes. And why are windows on all ships usually round? Historically, the most common round shape of the porthole. This is due to the fact that the round hole least weakens the design of the ship. Decorate the shipโ€™s hull, draw guns. Not a single pirate sailing ship can do without them. Another important attribute of a sailing ship is a crow's nest. It is located at the top of the mast and is an observation post. From it it is easy to see the enemy or the approaching land!

Step 7

Step 7

Add even more details! Make your sailboat unique! Remember to add sails to the front mast. But still, something is missing ... The flag! On the longest mast, place a well-known pirate flag with a skull and two crossbones. He is known as the Jolly Roger. Do you know why it symbolizes pirates? The skull is a symbol of death. He was often portrayed with crossbones. The skull and bones served as a reminder of the approaching death. If you are not close to the pirate spirit, then you can come up with your own flag!

Step 8

Step 8

You are almost there! It remains only to erase the unnecessary details with an eraser. With a darker line, select the areas that are closer to us. This is all necessary to create a perspective. Indeed, this is exactly how the linear perspective works - the farther the subject is from us, the paler it is, the lines are softer, and the outline is blurred.

At the stern of the ship, draw small horizontal stripes to show that your sailing ship is wooden.

Another question arises. How to draw a ship even more believable? You certainly need to draw the sea. Add the waves your sailing ship is sailing on.

Your drawing is ready! Now you can add colors to your picture. To do this, you can use colored pencils, gouache or watercolor paints. Draw the blue sky and the azure sea. But you can safely leave in the pencil version, as it already looks like a full-fledged drawing.

Now you know how to draw a ship with a pencil in stages. On such a ship that you painted, you can safely go on any sea voyage!


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