Refund of tax deduction when buying an apartment: documents. Deadline for tax deduction when buying an apartment

So, today we will be interested in the deadline for tax deduction when buying an apartment, as well as a list of documents that will be required to be submitted to the appropriate authorities. Actually this question is interesting and useful to many. After all, when paying taxes and making certain transactions, you can simply return the "nth" amount to your account. A nice bonus from the state, which attracts many. But such a process has its own terms and rules of execution. Remembering them is not so difficult. How does the tax deduction return when buying an apartment? What documents are needed? In what terms, in general, can I take this opportunity? There must be at least some restrictions!

tax deduction period for the purchase of an apartment

How many?

Yes, there are those. But about them a little later. After all, for starters, it is worth considering in more detail what is being discussed in principle. How much can you return from the transaction? And is there a certain limit on the return? The tax deduction, as a rule, allows you to get 13% of your expenses. This process has its limitations on the amount that is returned to the taxpayer. This is 260,000 rubles. You have the right to return only funds from an apartment worth up to 2,000,000 r. So do not be surprised. Everywhere has its own rules. More than 260 thousand will not work back. It is illegal.


But do not worry too much. After all, the deadline for tax deduction when buying an apartment is not so small. You will definitely have time to prepare for it. And in general, the design with the correct collection of documents will seem a trifle.

What is the deadline for a taxpayer? In general, property deductions, like any others, can be issued within 3 years after the transaction. That is, it is not necessary immediately after the purchase to rush to prepare documents. Yes, you also don’t need to hesitate, but to panic that you do not have time to implement the idea is not the best technique.

In practice, usually the deadline for tax deduction when buying an apartment is set to 1 year. No, you may well issue it later. But citizens are used to doing paperwork before the end of the tax reporting period. Therefore, in practice, they even try to get rid of deductions as soon as possible. This is not so difficult as it might seem at first. All you need is to collect a certain list of documents, present them to the tax office, and then just wait.

tax deduction for an apartment purchase

After filing

Now a new question arises. What is the deadline for tax deduction when buying an apartment after applying? After all, you need to understand how long the tax authorities have been considering a particular case. It is difficult to come to a common opinion here. Especially when you consider that in different regions there is a diverse duration of approval of any deduction, not necessarily property.

What can you count on average? What is the deadline for tax deduction when buying an apartment? Reviews by the taxpayer most often indicate that everything will be allocated about 4 months. That is how much the deduction will be made after you apply. Out of this period of about 2 months, only an application is considered. And the rest of the time, funds are transferred to the taxpayer account. Sometimes this process takes less time, sometimes more. But on average, it’s worth counting on it for 4 months. This is the deadline for tax deduction when buying an apartment after you have submitted documents for consideration. If you need to re-register, you have to "reset the counter." And again, count about four months. In principle, this is not such a problem.

tax deduction period for buying an apartment after submitting an application


Well, now the time has come to examine in more detail the immediate list of documents required for the operation. If you think about it, then returning a tax deduction when buying an apartment is not so difficult. You won’t need a lot of papers. A few important points are enough. And a bit of patience. So where to start?

Of course, with the preparation and writing of the corresponding statement. The thing is that any deduction should be provided only subject to the availability of the necessary paper. At the request of the applicant. A sample of the filling can be viewed on the official website of the Tax Service of the Russian Federation. There is also a form that will help draw up a request for future use. It is provided in a single copy - the original.


Do not forget that any paperwork is necessarily accompanied by the establishment of your identity. That is, you need an appropriate document. In our case, this is nothing more than a passport. Or rather, a copy of it. Take care in advance so that you have a photocopy of all the pages. In particular, 2, 3 and the one where the registration is indicated. Information on marital status should also be available. The original is not needed to receive the deduction. Enough copy. If desired, it can even be certified. But honestly, many just provide a photocopy and are not worried.

the deadline for tax deduction when buying an apartment in a mortgage


The next thing to consider is your income. The deadline for tax deduction when buying an apartment cannot begin to count until you confirm your taxpayer status. That is, do not indicate income. Here you have to submit a 3-NDFL certificate. It is filled on its own. And at the moment, you can do this using a special program on your computer. You must also attach to the application form 2-NDFL.

The second document is independently prepared if you work for yourself. Otherwise (as is usually the case) the paper is taken in accounting from your employer. This is a kind of confirmation that you have taxable income. Only original certificates are accepted. They are needed in a single copy. So keep that in mind. A copy of the work book will not be superfluous.

Costs and property

How to make a tax deduction when buying an apartment? The documents that were given above are far from all that is needed. Now that the relevant certificates are available, you must confirm your ownership of the property. And do not forget about the costs.

tax deduction period for buying an apartment reviews

What could be required here? Firstly, a certificate of ownership, a copy, preferably notarized. Secondly, the contract of sale, as well as a variety of receipts from the seller, confirming the fact of transfer-receipt of money from you. Checks and receipts (or rather, copies thereof) are also mandatory items. Without the above documents, you will not be able to implement the idea of ​​returning.


This does not end there. Refund of the tax deduction when buying an apartment to pensioners and not only usually requires additional paperwork. It does not cause much trouble, but it does. So, for example, it is pensioners who must confirm their status and benefits. They present copies of health certificates (especially for disability), as well as a pension certificate. Men must attach a military ID. This is especially true for retired military personnel. But the list does not end there either. What else could come in handy?

tax deduction for an apartment purchase documents

For example, very often citizens are asked to present birth certificates of children, as well as paper on marriage and divorce. These are not such important points, but sometimes they can interfere with the design. More precisely, push it for a while. The most ordinary copies are enough. Attach them just in case, so that there are no unnecessary questions and problems.


No matter how strange this may sound, with a mortgage you can also regain some of the money spent. True, here the maximum cost of housing will no longer be 2, but 3 million rubles. But the interest remains the same - 13%. What is the deadline for tax deduction when buying an apartment on a mortgage? The same as in all other cases. You have the right to submit a request after a maximum of 3 years, the duration of the review will be about 4 months. There are no differences and never will be. Unless in relation to the documents presented. You will also have to attach a mortgage agreement to the above list along with receipts on payment of interest on the transaction. Without them, a deduction cannot be returned for a mortgage.


The main thing is to provide details to replenish your account. Banking information must be indicated in the application for tax deduction. Without them, you simply refuse.

tax deduction for buying an apartment for pensioners

In principle, there is nothing difficult in the details. Indicate the account where to transfer the money directly in the application of the established form. Once the full list of documents is ready, submit them to the tax office for consideration. And now you can just wait. After some time, you will receive a response from the authorities with a decision to grant a deduction or refusal indicating the reason. If you are overtaken by the second option, correct the situation and try again. In the first case, it remains to wait for the direct transfer of funds to the account.


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