Dust Mite: Habitat and Prevention

A dust mite is a parasitic microorganism that lives exclusively in the immediate vicinity of humans. It is impossible to see parasites with the naked eye, they are detected only at a 30-40-fold increase, the size of insects is small - about three hundred microns in length.

A dust mite was discovered in 1964 by A.V. Levenguk, this man invented the microscope. The parasite belongs to the family of arachnids, it does not have wings, however, the tick has three to four pairs of legs (it all depends on the maturity of the individual), they also have no eyes. Dust mites navigate in space with their sensory abilities, they sense a victim at a distance of ten meters. The life expectancy of one individual is approximately eighty days.

The parasite is extremely prolific, because in one small life cycle one individual is able to lay up to 60 eggs. The parasite adapts perfectly to different environmental conditions, and therefore can live throughout the globe. All this contributes to the fact that dust mites can appear even where cleaning is carried out regularly, and reproduction will occur very quickly.

How did a parasite appear in a person’s house?

Five parasites

Many scientists suggest that initially parasites appeared in bird nests, later they multiplied and already switched to poultry. Ticks were carried on the down and feathers of poultry, and this material was used for stuffing blankets, pillows and feather-beds. So the parasites were in the house of a person. It is not easy to get rid of ticks, because they feel great both on clothes and bedding, and can easily "move" together with a person from one home to another.

Can parasites be harmful?

Some people believe that dust mites are completely harmless creatures. However, parasites can cause significant harm to humans, and especially to children. Ticks feed on dead cells from the human skin. To deal with them, you will need to find out the distinctive characteristics of the parasites and the habitat, then the result can be achieved, and very good.

A variety of parasites

Household dust mites are divided into different types:

  • pyroglyphide / barn;
  • predators (they can eat their brethren);
  • random (those brought from outside, and they are not able to reproduce indoors).

As you can see, there are a lot of ticks, and they are different, but each species can cause harm to humans.

What are the habitats?

Computer-drawn tick

Pests live in dusty colonies. In one gram of dust, there are about ten to twenty thousand individuals. The peak period of their reproduction occurs in August and lasts until the end of October. Often they are found in the house in bed, because parasites are also called bed mites. Some are interested in how to get rid of a dust mite. This is due to the fact that some people feel discomfort from pests, especially in the evening, when everyone goes to bed. Then for ticks the most comfortable conditions for living and food are created. While the person is in bed, he leaves a huge number of dead particles of the epidermis. Thanks to this, excellent conditions for the peaceful existence of parasites are created in bed, and their level of reproduction increases. Comfortable conditions for ticks: darkness, humidity level more than 70% and temperature 25 degrees Celsius.

Parasites live:

  • in bed and all bedding;
  • in a vacuum cleaner;
  • in clothes;
  • in soft toys;
  • inside upholstered furniture;
  • on bookshelves;
  • in down products;
  • in rugs, carpets, rugs;
  • on pet hair and so on.

Particularly dangerous are bags for vacuum cleaners that collect dust. This is due to the fact that the vacuum cleaner is stored in the house, and during cleaning, the intake air afterwards goes outside, in other words, the mites due to their microscopic dimensions fall into the vacuum cleaner and are easily blown out of the pipe again, pass through the filters and re-enter the air . What to do in this situation?

There is an exit

A safe way of cleaning is the use of a washing vacuum cleaner or special cleaning devices, where dust is not collected in a bag, but in a special flask with water. The liquid traps the dust inside and prevents the ticks from getting into the air again. If you are allergic to dust mites, then such a technique is a necessity in your home.

Are there mites in the hoods and blowers?

Many ticks

For a long time there was an opinion that the concentration of parasites in the hoods and blowers was at a maximum. Not so long ago, scientists conducted research and confirmed the fact that there are most pests near the hoods of apartments. What to do in this case? How to get rid of parasites, if they can still get into the house, many thought, according to the air removal system. Scientists have denied the rumors and said that pests will not be able to get into the apartment in this way, and if they do, their number will be insignificant. Therefore, for prevention, it is required to ventilate the premises on a regular basis.

What does the parasite eat?

A dust mite bite is not a joke, but a reality. This is due to the fact that the main source of food for the parasite is a person, or more precisely, his skin. Ticks do not suck blood, as, for example, other pests. Yes, ticks feed on dead human skin, which exfoliates and is easy prey for microscopic organisms. Organisms can lead a predatory lifestyle, eat their own kindred.

What is harmful parasite?

Parasite on the fabric

Relatively, the tick is harmless, it can bite a person, but at the same time, he does not carry the infection. The main danger is not his bites, but the feces. Every day, each individual brings about twenty feces (maybe more). The size often exceeds the size of the tick itself. Feeding on the epidermis and dead cells, the parasite secretes allergens. The problem is that the dust rises into the air, and then settles for a very long time, and it can easily enter the human body through the respiratory tract.

As a result, an allergy to a dust mite appears. How to get rid of it at home, you will begin to look, because the problem should be solved.

It is also worth understanding that the danger is not only for those who are prone to or prone to allergies. Harm in such cases can be caused by bites, feces entering the body, and so on.

What ailments can the parasite cause?

A tool for dust mites is necessary for those who have already suffered from them, and parasites have caused:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • respiratory allergies ;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • rhinoconjunctivitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • acarodermatitis;
  • deep acariases.

Ailments manifest themselves in different ways.


Tick ​​increased

Each person is affected by a different dust mite. Symptoms may include the following:

  • chest tightness;
  • itching
  • redness on the skin;
  • wheezing and shortness of breath;
  • runny nose, nasal congestion.

The most common symptom of ticks in the house is a runny nose, which is allergic in nature, as well as bronchial asthma. It is difficult to diagnose allergic manifestations, especially if dust mites are to blame for the problem. In any case, you can not do without consulting a good specialist, taking tests (usually skin tests for ticks), blood immunograms, microbiological studies.

As soon as the fact of the presence of an allergic reaction is established, treatment is prescribed. After detecting the ailment, it will still be necessary to take measures to prevent the appearance of parasites in the house in the future. Otherwise, you can be cured of the disease, but everything will return to square one.

How to get rid of parasites?

Ticks in the wool

To do this, you will need to take the following measures:

  1. Look at the photo of the dust mite, it is so small that you will not see it with the naked eye, and therefore it is worthwhile to invite specialists who have already faced the problem of mites more than once and know the best methods of dealing with them.
  2. Wet cleaning of the apartment will not be superfluous, but use not ordinary water, but saline.
  3. If the child has an allergic reaction, then it will be necessary to remove all soft toys from the room where the child is sleeping.
  4. Carpets, walkways and carpets are removed from the living quarters.
  5. Upholstered furniture is best replaced with furniture whose upholstery is made of leather or a substitute.
  6. Arrange the day of washing with blankets and pillows, mattresses, and then dry them outdoors.
  7. For sleeping, use linens made from synthetic materials.
  8. After drastic measures to get rid of parasites in the house will need to maintain a dry climate.

Do not forget that dust mites do not appear in all homes. If the living room is kept clean, wet cleaning is done regularly, bed linen is changed frequently and pillows, blankets and mattresses are cleaned, then there will be no parasites in the house or their number will be minimized.

Are there any preventative measures?

A parasite drawn on a computer

If you do not want to face the problem of the appearance of these parasites in the house, you will need to carry out the following activities on a regular basis:

  1. Pillows, blankets and furniture will need to be processed using special tools, they are also called acaricides.
  2. When it is frosty on the street, try to take out the bedding to the street, keep it in the open air for at least an hour, so dust mites will be several times less, because they can not tolerate low temperatures.
  3. Bed linen needs to be washed, and the water temperature should not be below +50 degrees Celsius.
  4. The bedrooms should have as much sunlight as possible, because ultraviolet light is detrimental to parasites, and they die very quickly.
  5. If possible, it is worthwhile to carry out wet cleaning in the house more often and it is advisable to use vacuum cleaners with an aquafilter.
  6. On the living area it’s worth installing air purifiers, air conditioners, which will pick up the smallest particles of dust.

What is the result?

It should be said that it is much easier to prevent the appearance and reproduction of parasites than to take drastic measures to get rid of them. You just need to regularly clean, change bedding, try to keep the house clean, you will not have problems with ticks and, as a result, with ailments.

If you find parasites in the house, then it’s worth radicalizing cleaning and cleaning everything in order to get rid of ticks once and for all and not return to this topic. Call special services, wash all things, linen, clean furniture, ticks may not be a problem, but they can become a real disaster for the family.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8857/

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