Compare polls: reviews. Does the site really pay?

Today we will find out which reviews we receive from the Compare Polls service. In general, every day you can meet more and more opinions about him. Only here is not everywhere there is useful and truthful information about the service. But somehow you need to draw conclusions so as not to be cheated. So it’s worth a good look at everything said. Only then can you decide whether to join the project or not. It is possible that “Compare Polls”, reviews of which are presented to our attention today, really pays good money. And there are no guarantees that this is not just another scam or divorce.

compare polls reviews

Earnings on polls

The first step is to find out: is it possible to make money at all with the help of answers to various questions? After all, questioning is a very common and useful activity. Not the fact that it is free. In general, earnings from paid surveys are absolutely real. Now on the Internet you can find a lot of offers for this direction. Some, of course, are deceiving, but some really allow you to make a profit. So, “Compare Surveys” reviews earn in this sense positive. After all, the service offers a real way to earn money on the Web.


To start working with a project you need only one thing - to go through a small registration process. After that, you can fill out questionnaires on various topics and receive money for them. Nothing difficult. The main advantage emphasized by users is that “Compare Surveys” is completely free. Many analogues often require a nominal registration fee. But here it is completely absent. No one is obliging to anything. Wanted to work - passed registration and problems resolved. Tired of it? Forgot your service address and just don’t return to it.

Registration for Compare Polls takes only a few minutes. There is no need to indicate a lot of contact information about yourself, only the initials, as well as the email address. It's all. Regarding this, the reviews are only encouraging. Users note: the less hassle, the better!

compare polls reviews whether the site pays


Reviews about the site “Compare” are left different. And quickly understand what the project is, it is quite difficult. Particular attention is paid here to earnings. After all, initially the user is registered to receive income for filling out questionnaires. And the first unpleasant moment is that the golden mountains promise you. Like, this is easy money, which can be turned into cash! But in reality it is not. No money - just special bonuses. They, in turn, are exchanged either for some goods from companies, or for money.

So in fact, money is not paid here. Only some weird bonuses. This is upsetting. After all, initially you want to get money, and then spend it as your heart desires. Nevertheless, some are happy with the bonus system. Yes, and converting thereof into money is also found, although not on an ongoing basis.


What else do “Compare Polls” users pay attention to? Reviews about the site, or rather, about its appearance, are not the best. The thing is that the service looks, to put it mildly, not too high quality. Rather, when creating it, special ready-made templates were used. Take a good look. It is possible that you have already encountered similar questionnaires, only the names and creators were different.

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User confidence in the site is small. Especially it falls after receiving information about the operation of the bonus system - practically without cash payments. In principle, even the simplicity of the design itself now may lead to the idea that we have before us the most common fraud and scam. You should not rush to conclusions. It’s better to see what other “Compare Surveys” gets feedback on their work. Maybe not everything is as bad as it seems?


Not really. In fact, our service today among real users does not collect the best opinions. Rather, they are negative. And “Compare Surveys” reviews earn directly for the survey. What is the problem? The fact that very often you simply do not fit one or another of the criteria for making a payment. That is, you answer a certain number of questions in the questionnaire (the process will take about 15 minutes), and then you see a message from the series “Sorry, you are not suitable for us”. And no bonuses, and even more so money you will not see. After all, as practice shows, payment is made for a full test.

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It turns out that they gather some information about you for free. “Compare” receives negative reviews for this. It is likely that the collected data is then resold or used for other commercial purposes. This is just a guess, but the fact remains - the service does not cause trust. And you cannot believe those who insist on high earnings here. Rather, we have before us the most common fraud that is common on the Internet.

Eternal praise

But where then can you find so many positive opinions? If you look for information on what “Compare Polls” reviews get, whether the site pays, whether it is possible to make a profit here, you will definitely see that this is a great way to earn money. Despite the fact that there is an incomprehensible scoring system. Of course, they are silent about her. In addition, the page itself is not credible.

What can be called a similar phenomenon? Divorce, deceit, scam - whatever. In any case, numerous positive reviews about the service are nothing more than the most common illusion. Someone gets paid for writing enthusiastic service posts. A similar practice is found everywhere.

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Please note: you will not find any materially useful information about working on Compare Polls. But the praise on the topic is high, and in monetary terms (which, as we have already found out, is actually absent), is full. Minimum benefit - maximum advertising.

Evidence in the form of screenshots and videos should not be trusted either. This is a fake that any novice user can create. Thus, the real opinions of users about “Compare Surveys” are not encouraging. They indicate that the project is not needed. Unless to kill time, to suffer nonsense.


What can be summed up? “Compare Surveys” is not at all a form of earnings. With this service you will only lose time and effort, help scammers cash in on collecting data about you. The project does not pay, moreover, even the bonuses will not work in any way. All this is an illusion.

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Most likely, “Compare Polls” was created to collect information about users on a mass scale. Profiles, even the smallest, are then resold for a lot of money. In general, bypass our service today by all means. Work on it - just lose time, strength and nerves. It’s better to choose another option for making money on the Internet.


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