The stun gun against dogs: model selection, technical specifications, discharge power, application rules

Meeting one-on-one with a pack of stray dogs or a fighting dog torn off a leash is not a pleasant experience, and it is good if the situation is resolved without injury. Animals are not to blame for the negligent owners abandoned them or allowed themselves to walk. But after all, a person should not pay for the carelessness of other people.

A stun gun against dogs is a modern and relatively humane way to protect yourself from a possible attack. We will tell you what kind of device it is, how effective it is and how to choose a model suitable for self-defense.

The principle of operation and use of the stun device

Stun gun in hand

Even those who have never held a stun gun in their hands are familiar with this self-defense weapon from films and TV shows. People grab a compact device, direct it towards the offender - a person or an animal, and he falls, as if struck by thunder.

Surely you noticed that some devices work only in direct contact with the object, while others are capable of striking at a distance. In any case, the principle of action of the stun gun against dogs and people is identical. The active elements of the device are an electronic current converter and a cascade voltage multiplier, which are activated by pressing a button.

The device begins to sparkle, crackle and give off ozone, a β€œthunderstorm smell” that is very frightening for dogs. In most cases, this is enough to cool the ardor of the animal. If the dog does not retreat, as it happens when dogs of fighting breeds attack, the weapon is used for its intended purpose, i.e. it is sent to the body of the animal.

Many people wonder: is it true or a myth - a shocker against dogs? Judge for yourself. An electrical discharge affects nerve cells, causing pain, cramps and disorientation. Devices with the maximum permitted power paralyze the dog for 10-15 minutes, and this is enough to get out of a dangerous place.

Now consider another question that worries potential owners of stun guns: how legitimate is its use?

The stun gun and the law

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the stun gun is not a lethal weapon and does not require a license to carry. However, for use by civilians, there is a limitation on the power and maximum voltage of the spark charge of 3 W and 90 kV, respectively. The production of civilian stun guns is regulated in accordance with GOST R 50940-96.

The device of maximum permitted power can be purchased in a specialized store by anyone over the age of 18 years and use weapons exclusively for self-defense. Citizens of other countries residing in the territory of Russia can also buy a shocker against dogs for free sale, presenting a passport to confirm their age.

Now let us dwell on the main technical characteristics of stun guns from dog attacks.

Power and voltage

The stun gun in action

Manufacturers produce two varieties of stun guns, which, in the first place, differ in the principle of action:

  • Contact - an important advantage of the models is the direct defeat of the object of attack by combat electrodes. The disadvantage of devices is the need to approach the animal at arm's length.
  • Remote - devices operate by contact shooting method. Used wired system or cartridges (darts). They hit the target at a distance of up to 20 m, but create a minimal noise effect.

Regarding whether the stun gun is effective against dogs, emitting a strong crack, experts differ. Some dog handlers believe that such sounds can serve as an additional irritant for the animal and provoke an attack. Therefore, do not consider low noise as a disadvantage of remote models.

Regarding power and voltage, civilian stun guns come in three categories:

  • 0.3-1 W (45 kV) is a shocker, rather, with a deterrent effect, not able to neutralize a large dog;
  • 1-2 W (70 kV) - an average indicator, a good, but not the most reliable option;
  • 2-3 W (90 kV) - the optimal combination of power and voltage, allowing to neutralize the dog for up to 15 minutes.

It is clear that the latter option will be effective not only against animals, but will also help protect against hooligans and robbers, and some models can be used as a club.

Design features

Stun gun - baton

For many people, an anti-dog stun gun is associated with a baton, a flashlight, or something that resembles a portable scanner. You are right: such models are really very common. However, manufacturers made sure that every buyer could choose not only a convenient, but also a stylish device in the spirit of modernity:

  • shocker brass knuckles - an original compact accessory with a rubberized case, worn on the arm;
  • shocker iPhone - an exact copy of the old iPhone-4 model, activated by pressing the side button;
  • shocker gun - popular models that fit comfortably in your hand;
  • shockers-lanterns - a wide range of product lines, characterized by ergonomic shape and ease of use;
  • shocker-baton - a worthy choice of models about 35 cm long, are produced in a case made of high-strength metal, are popular with men;
  • shockers in a rectangular case of the Scorpio or Karakurt type with dimensions of about 15 x 11 cm.

There are devices even in the form of a pack of cigarettes or lipstick, but these are more fashionable accessories than real protection against an evil animal.

When choosing a stun gun against dogs, you need to pay attention not only to the power and overall characteristics, but also to the type of power element.

Battery Type and Features

The stun gun

Stun guns are battery powered or run on battery packs of various capacities. The ability to recharge is an important option if you plan to carry the shocker with you constantly, and also use it as a regular flashlight or laser pointer.

When choosing a device, also pay attention to a number of important technical characteristics:

  • the presence of a fuse against accidental operation;
  • recommended exposure time (average range is from 2 to 15 seconds);
  • the duration of the release of the object from the shock state (average - from 5 to 15 minutes);
  • Mandatory availability of a product passport, instructions for use and manufacturer's warranty.

The cost of a stun gun against dogs depends on the power of the device, manufacturing materials and advanced functionality. The average price is about 1.5 thousand rubles.

Consumer Reviews

Pack of stray dogs

Judging by the reviews of owners of stun guns, there are more cases of stray dogs attacking a person than I would like to think.

People, especially those living in rural areas, share their experience of using a stun gun against dogs, and their reviews are mostly positive. For example, owners of the Scorpion OSA model successfully drove packs of stray dogs and even single wolves hundreds of times. With the direct use of the shocker, the animal managed to immobilize.

Police 1101, 910A X-MEN and other models that save people from dog attacks are also praised. And all the owners of stun guns note a sense of security and self-confidence when a compact, but very effective means of self-defense lies in your pocket or bag.


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