Certification of ventilation: rules, frequency. Ventilation system maintenance

For a comfortable stay in the room a person needs fresh air and optimal temperature. These parameters can be provided using ventilation and air conditioning systems . If the air conditioning system can work exclusively in the warm season, the ventilation should ensure air exchange year-round, therefore, such systems always have high requirements.

Principle of operation

Even at the stage of construction of any structure, both residential and commercial, air circulation inside the building is necessarily ensured. Such a system works on the principle of the ratio of pressure and air temperature, called natural. Artificial ventilation, or forced, requires the installation of additional equipment and connection to power sources. The operation of the ventilation system is based on the principle of forced supply of fresh air inside and removal of processed outside. Forced ventilation works in a fully automatic mode and does not require constant human intervention in the process.

certification of ventilation

System Requirement Categories

A high-quality ventilation system should not only provide access to fresh air, but also fully comply with the requirements that are regulated by the joint venture for ventilation and air conditioning.

There are 4 categories that allow you to determine whether ventilation meets the required standards and requirements of the future owner:

  1. Sanitary and hygienic. In this case, ventilation should provide the proper level of humidity and optimal air temperature. When certifying ventilation, the air velocity and heat intensity are checked. The amount of air per 1 person is calculated, the noise level of the system, the content of harmful substances in the air is controlled when the system is turned on. In some enterprises, the health of the people who will use it depends on the quality of the installation and the system itself.
  2. Operational. This criterion allows you to evaluate the efficiency of the entire system. For example, there may be several modes of ventilation, the ability to turn individual functions on and off, which will save on energy consumption.
  3. Construction and installation, more precisely overall dimensions and design. Ventilation should not be bulky and light in weight, as well as allow its reconstruction in the future, with minimal financial costs.
  4. Architectural. Since all the criteria are inextricably linked, compliance with some already facilitates the process of compliance with others. Architectural criteria are optimal sound insulation, vibration isolation and other indicators.
    frequency of certification of ventilation systems

Why do I need certification

Certification of ventilation is the final stage of the whole complex of works on installation, commissioning and commissioning of the entire system. For industrial facilities, the document gives the right to commission the system, confirming that all stages of the full cycle have been carried out, from design to commissioning.

In addition to confirming the effectiveness of the ventilation system, the passport allows you to fulfill all the requirements that are fixed at the state level, architectural and construction inspection, sanitary service. In case of disputes for the owner of the ventilation system, a passport for it will be a positive argument for resolving the conflict in favor of the owner.

ventilation system maintenance

Set of rules

The main document that governs all work from design to the moment of the start of operation is the Ventilation and Air Conditioning JV.

The requirements of the document are mandatory when installing systems in any categories of premises, compliance with which allows not only to fully operate the systems, but also to extend their term of use. Failure to comply with the set of rules allows the customer to impose penalties on the contracting organization that carried out the installation of the systems.

In paragraph 2 of the joint venture, you can find all the links to related documents that govern the installation of ventilation and must be taken into account. The third paragraph gives the terminology. The requirements for fire safety are described in paragraphs 5 and 6. Clause 7 describes the requirements for systems that are designed to prevent the smoke of a room. And in the last 8 paragraph highlights the basic rules of operation. When carrying out certification of ventilation, the compliance of the erected system with the standards of the joint venture is necessarily checked.

cn ventilation and air conditioning

Types of tests

Before putting into operation, ventilation tests are mandatory. Such actions are also subject to periodic conduct and are provided for the maintenance phase of ventilation systems. The measures are aimed at determining the correct operation of the system and at understanding that it really gives the necessary effect. There are two main types of tests:

  • Technical
  • On efficiency.

Tests include determining the number of revolutions, air flow, its actual distribution, the performance of air heaters. Checks the tightness of the channels, the serviceability of all elements involved in energy consumption. The data that was laid down during the design should fully correspond to the actual.

ventilation system operation

Passport compilation rules

Certification of ventilation is designed to check the system so that it is always in standby mode.

At the beginning of the procedure for issuing a passport, aerodynamic performance measurements are taken. The received data is entered in the passport. The conformity of the indicators laid down in the draft to the actual data is immediately determined.

The passport must contain the following information:

  • the actual location of the facility where the system is installed;
  • for what purposes the equipment was installed;
  • type of system;
  • in which rooms was the equipment installed;
  • technical characteristics of ventilation elements and electrical equipment;
  • the length of all ducts.

None of the building and other standards do not determine the general appearance of the passport. However, it is recommended that such a document be flashed if it consists of several sheets, and sealed with the seal and signature of the head of the enterprise that carried out the installation work.

Ideally, the passport should contain the design data for the air flow for each room, and in the last column contain the actual data. On the next page, it is best to place an axonometric diagram to display the length of the channels, sizes and the presence of all the necessary equipment. A copy of the license must be filed with the passport, giving permission to the contractor to carry out this type of work.

The customer has the right to demand entry in the passport and other data, for example, noise level, speed indicators of air movement.

It should be remembered that all equipment that is installed must have certificates of conformity.

In fact, certification is reminiscent of the commissioning procedure.

ventilation test


The requirements for ventilation systems in most cases provide for the creation of a passport once, especially if the equipment does not change during operation.

However, in case of reorientation of production facilities, expansion or reduction of space, periodicity is provided for certification. It will also be necessary to carry out certification if an improvement of the existing system is envisaged. As a rule, the frequency of certification of ventilation systems is 5 years.

Do not think that passportization is a formality to which regulatory authorities find fault. And checking the system with a piece of paper is also not worth it. Today, there are many special devices that allow you to evaluate the quality of equipment. During the inspection, not only malfunctions can be identified, but also the need for modernization, and the improvement of the entire system to improve the quality characteristics, extend the service life and save energy.

The certification procedure usually does not exceed 10 days.

Service cost

This is not to say that the cost of certification of ventilation systems belongs to the category of inexpensive pleasures. The pricing policy is based on the amount of equipment, the length of the duct route, free access to equipment, performance, power. In any case, the services will not be cheaper than 3 thousand rubles.

cost of certification of ventilation systems

Service maintenance

As with other equipment, ventilation systems should be serviced on a regular basis. Such measures can not only extend the life of the operation, but also ensure the personal safety and health of those who use it.

The frequency of service in no way depends on the type of system; to a greater extent, it all depends on the conditions of its operation. If you refuse to service, it is unlikely that equipment, even the most famous and reliable brand, will last longer than the warranty period.

Service can be carried out, for example, at intervals of 1 time per quarter or month. At the same time, operating conditions must fully comply with the requirements of technical documentation. Compliance with the temperature regime is very important.

Without service, the equipment's service life is reduced, noise appears, and the equipment works with minimal efficiency, which means unpleasant odors, high humidity and other problems.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8864/

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