Congratulations on your wedding day (10 years) in verse and prose

During the time that the bride and groom once lived from the day of the wedding, the impression and excitement of the celebration are smoothed out.

10 years wedding greetings
But the longer the couple live together, the stronger their union. Priceless memories, little things appear. Congratulations on your wedding day for 10 years is an occasion to recall each of them. They will prove that there is no less love and happiness ahead!

There is no end to joy

"Today is a day that not only you are proud of! Family, friends and relatives - we are all incredibly happy that 10 years have passed since the wedding day! For some, they flew quickly, for others it flowed slowly. A lot has changed during this time, but "Your union has remained strong and unshakable. Many roads have been traveled, a lot of difficulties left far behind. I wish that joy, love and devotion to each other always multiply and they never have an end!"

Serious date

“Preparing a congratulation on 10 years of marriage is very pleasant and honorable! This is your first round date as a husband and wife! More than three thousand days have been spent together! Each of them taught something new: compromise, be tolerant, respect and to share interests, make difficult decisions, bear responsibility. All these lessons you have perfectly learned and successfully continue to follow them. Let love continue to go along despite fatigue, rainy weather and first wrinkles. I wish you to celebrate more than one anniversary of your family ! "

Time test

"In the people, each anniversary has its own name.

10 years of marriage together congratulations
10 years of family life is called a tin wedding. Compared to chintz, paper, wood, leather and other materials - this one is much stronger and more reliable. However, softness is also characteristic of him. This is exactly what your joint life should be! Let her not be afraid of difficulties, and each of them will only strengthen the family. I wish that, when you come home, you can always feel the warmth from your hugs and tenderness from words and smiles! Wealth and all new perspectives to you! "

Just a few words

“My congratulations on your wedding day for 10 years is short, but in life sometimes just a few words are enough for the whole world to change. Sometimes only one. 10 years ago you both said“ Yes ”, and this moment will never be forgotten. Love as much ", understand each other from a half look, fill every day with smiles and colors. Remember - you can have a honeymoon at least 12 times a year!"

Poetry and prose of life

“Real poetry is a stormy stream of congratulations on your wedding day for 10 years. Prose is the three thousand days preceding it. Let not each of them be bright and memorable, the main thing is the feeling of a kindred spirit that is nearby. Favorite words, songs, moments - together they will not let you forget about the feelings thanks to which there is reason to celebrate such a chic date! Always find time for the family, because only it is of true value! Let happiness never leave your home! "

Long-awaited meeting

"Funny pun: boy and girl meet.

happy wedding day 10 years congratulations prose
But it can last several years. A logical question arises - did they finally meet? Probably the wedding is the place where the two halves find each other. But then what? You can say with confidence that this phase of life was a success. 10 years have passed, but feelings have not died out. They burn, and I wish this fire warms you and illuminates every new day! May the long-awaited meeting of two lovers never be in vain! "

An enviable collection

“There are already many anniversaries in this family piggy bank. And though it’s not so easy to surprise you with pleasant words, here is my congratulation on your wedding day. 10 years is a round date. Let it be the first of many, and friends and relatives will torture you toast! I wish that tin became the basis for stronger and more durable materials! Ahead is only joy, happiness and love! So try them to the full! "

Weather in the house

“The family life of each individual couple develops completely differently. But it is the“ weather in the house ”that depends on the spouses. I wish it to remain the same sunny. Let the winds, rains and thunderstorms not violate your plans. Do not listen to extraneous“ meteorologists "Who are trying to impose their forecast. Let a gloomy day serve as an excuse to climb under a soft blanket and hug each other stronger!"

My prop

"Today, many wonderful words have been said addressed to our couple.

short wedding greetings 10 years
But I would like to add to their number a congratulation to my husband for 10 years from the wedding day. Together we came to our first round date. I thank you for your incredible patience, because over the years, everything has happened; for understanding and love. You made my life better! You always want to cook a delicious dinner, create coziness. I wish you only positive emotions and a lot of happiness! "

Beloved husband

“10 years ago we became a family! And today, dear husband, I want to congratulate you again on the fact that we have each other! Material wealth makes life much easier, but when there is no loved one nearby, they all fill a huge void. "I am extremely glad that thanks to you every day is filled with love, smiles and pleasant moments. Remain the same kind, faithful, sincere and real!"

Secret of love

"Each couple who has lived together for a long time finds their secret of love. The fact that you have been taking care of each other for 10 years proves that he was found. I wish to keep and protect him. Let love never become a habit, but eyes still glow with tenderness! Happy anniversary to you! "

Best wife

"Today is our 10 years of marriage! Congratulations from the guests cause a storm of emotions!

10 years from the wedding day congratulations to her husband
I can proudly say that I have never regretted having parted with a bachelor life. My wife created a cozy and warm family hearth. She gave me children. Her love is enough for everyone. You understand me, you feel when it’s hard on your heart, and you instantly take off this load. I wish you patience and only happy days! "

Timeless romance

"Today, our wonderful friends celebrate their first round anniversary - 10 years! People call it tin, because married life by this moment has become more durable. But this material has other properties. It is generally accepted that it is also capable of being soft, like a husband and wife who learned to give in to each other. The second name of such a significant anniversary is pink. This is because for 10 years of marriage you could have gone romance, and a gorgeous bouquet should remind your spouses about it. I wish you always feel like a groom and not "Let the well-being of the family only grow, and all the plans conceived be implemented!"

Justified risk

"I want to say my congratulations on your wedding day for 10 years. It will not be funny, because I am very worried. To entrust your heart to another person is always a risk, but you not only went to it, but proved that it was not in vain! I wish you trust each other further, value and respect your spouse, see the good in him and accept the bad, love stronger and stronger every day! Let the bad pass you by, and we will celebrate more than one round date! "

Personal happiness

“Happiness does not need big words. It consists of little things that make every new day special. My congratulations on your wedding day for 10 years are a wish not to lose it. Remember that you value most in your spouse, which is unique in him. Having met years ago, never part! Let happiness knock on the windows and doors of your family nest and be a frequent guest in it! "

funny wedding greetings 10 years

These congratulations will certainly help you find the right words for the heroes of the occasion. Said from a pure heart, they will touch the hearts of spouses and guests, create a warm and pleasant atmosphere. Excitement cannot stop you from making a beautiful toast. Fill the holiday with positive emotions!


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