Seasonings for mushroom soup: suitable spices, taste, combination with dishes

Cooking sites abound with all possible meat cooking tips and the combination of various herbs and spices. But the mushrooms and their perfect combination with spices, seasonings and herbs, unfortunately, are undeservedly bypassed. Therefore, we consider it our duty to tell readers what spices are suitable for cooking mushrooms, which seasonings will correctly reveal the taste and emphasize a delicious aroma. Consider seasoning as an example of soup, one of the most favorite mushroom dishes.

Spices for mushrooms

Mushrooms are a very nutritious, aromatic, product. Most often, mushrooms are pickled, salted, fried and cooked from them soup. What a fragrant mushroom soup, especially from dried mushrooms!

Fragrant Mushroom Soup

When preparing soup at home, housewives most often recall only simple, familiar, often used spices - salt and pepper, not knowing how nutmeg or rosemary can reveal and enrich taste and aroma. In addition, a large percentage of the product is difficult to digest protein, and properly selected spices contribute to the absorption and good digestion.

So what seasonings in mushroom soup will be most appropriate?

Most often it is:

  • fresh or dried greens (parsley, chives, dill);
  • garlic (fresh, dried, clove of garlic);
  • Mediterranean herbs (thyme, oregano, rosemary);
  • as well as fragrant nutmeg;
  • among other things, ground black pepper or peas, bay leaf, and an incredibly fragrant cilantro.

Here are some seasonings suitable for mushroom soup. Let's take a closer look at the combinations of some of them in order to learn how to properly combine herbs and spices with mushrooms, and without incident to cook the most delicious, fragrant mushroom soup.

Fresh and dried greens

In particular, parsley, feathers of green onions and dill are often used to emphasize a pleasant natural aroma. Greens also help get rid of the bitterness of mushrooms. But be careful, there should not be too many herbs, they should not focus all attention on themselves, but only emphasize the mushrooms. Any seasoning for mushroom soup should be in moderation.

Fresh herbs in mushroom soup


One of the most versatile and affordable ways to emphasize and enrich the taste of most dishes. Garlic found its place among vegetable dishes, among meat and, of course, in combination with mushrooms. It is known that garlic best reveals its taste in the process of stewing or frying, so when stewing the onion and carrots in the soup, do not regret a clove of garlic finely chopped and sent to the onion by the end of frying. The minute spent on the preparation of garlic will emphasize the piquancy of your mushroom soup and give it an unsurpassed mouth-watering aroma.

Fragrant garlic seasoning.

Mediterranean herbs

In particular, Provencal and Italian have a refreshing taste, summer soups and mushroom broth with their combinations are the most delicious first courses. If you are a fan of cold mushroom soup, you should try it with a pinch of oregano. Rosemary is perfect for hot serving, and thyme if you adore mushroom soup with sour cream.

Tasty, fresh, Mediterranean greens


Delicious seasoning for mushroom soup, however, is used infrequently. Seasoning is quite expensive and has a strong aroma, it is easy to go too far with it in any dish, so the housewives treat it with caution. But he perfectly reveals the taste of mushroom soup, and for a small saucepan he needs nothing at all - 1/3 teaspoon.

A pinch of nutmeg will emphasize the great taste of the soup.

Coriander and bay leaf

The taste of bay leaves is bitter, and the aroma is so persistent and tart. Dilute the taste of the soup with a couple of leaflets that should be added in a few minutes for readiness or a large pinch of ground spices. In addition, the bay leaf has a good list of useful properties, in particular, the lavrushka copes with edema and helps digestion. Coriander seeds are also fragrant, but if possible, add a fresh twig of cilantro to your soup, it is less tart and will pleasantly refresh a hot mushroom soup.

Fragrant cilantro.

Pepper and its varieties

It is worth saying about peppers as a seasoning for mushroom soup. Black pepper is the most common universal spice for us. Spicy, it perfectly sets off the taste of any dish, and how can you get past it in cooking mushroom soup.

Allspice has a more burning and pungent taste, a spicy smell, with it any dish is a jumble. Add a small pinch of allspice when cooking the soup a few minutes until cooked, cover and simmer a little over low heat. You will be surprised at what flavorful soup you get, especially when combined with some of the herbs we have listed above.

Pepper is a universal seasoning.

Chili pepper is terribly burning and it is better to add it directly to the plate, because its taste is not for everybody. However, it is worth noting that it has excellent properties that positively affect our body. In addition to increasing immunity and lowering sugar, it is a good helper in digestion and metabolism, and it also accelerates the blood and supplies it with oxygen. Now you know what seasonings are added to the mushroom soup.

On a note

By the way, as never before, among other spices, croutons rubbed with garlic are suitable for mushroom soup. You can both cut and dry the bread in a toaster, and fry the bread in a pan, abundantly rubbing croutons with garlic. Cheese and spices mixed with mayonnaise can also be added to them. You will not find a fuller combination.

Bread croutons with soup - mmm, yummy!

Cooking Tips

Experienced chefs advise you to be more careful about mushrooms, from which they cook soup or cook one or another dish. For example, champignons or oyster mushrooms, one of the most popular mushrooms in home cooking, require a minimal amount of spices, as these mushrooms are very delicate, and in themselves have a pronounced taste and an appetizing aroma.

But seasoning for mushroom soup from porcini mushrooms, saffron mushrooms, chanterelles is practically not necessary, a drop of greenery and a little bay leaf, a pinch of white pepper. These mushrooms do not tolerate a large number of seasonings.

And speaking of bitter varieties of mushrooms, professional chefs advise adding a large amount of greens.

What seasonings are ideal for mushroom soup?

So we told you about the best seasonings for mushroom soup. It is amazing how simple spices can reveal the taste of no less simple, familiar ingredients, how competently and tasty emphasize herbs and spices aroma and taste of mushrooms.


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