Cocoa (drinks): producers. Cocoa Powder Drinks: Recipes

In winter, I want to improve my mood and restore strength. An excellent dish for this are cocoa (drinks). It is enough to drink one cup of it, and you will cheer up, raise your mood. Chocolate and cocoa are very useful for physical or mental active work, they are also called excellent antidepressants. This drink will energize in the morning and give energy, and in the evening it will relieve fatigue and stress. That is, for those who cannot drink coffee, caffeine-free cocoa will be a worthy replacement.

How to make classic brown gold

In order to make such a drink, we need “chocolate gold”, water or milk, as well as sugar. Cocoa is mixed with the latter and diluted with hot milk (a small amount) or water. Then the liquid that remains must be brought to a boil, the diluted "shololadny gold" added there and brought back to boiling, while stirring. You can add liquor or rum, condensed milk, nutmeg, vanilla or cinnamon to the finished drink.

cocoa drinks
It is best to drink cocoa (drinks) from large-sized cups that have thick walls, which will prevent it from completely cooling down and will fully allow you to feel the aroma and taste of the drink. Serve it preferably with cookies, apple strudel or biscuit. Previously, in Soviet times, we knew only a couple of cocoa varieties, one of which was the “Golden Label”.

Modern manufacturers of delicious powder

Now in Russia in shops you can buy many types of "chocolate gold". Especially in Moscow. We will give some examples, but some of them are ersatz. For example, “Hot Chocolate”, “Tamba Black Soybean”, a very good Mexican powder, Ukrainian cocoa “Brumi”, “Van”, MACCHOCOLATE is sold in Moscow. There is also the famous “Golden Label” on sale. All powders - without any additives, are real “chocolate gold”, there are only some ready-made ersatz servings to which you just need to add boiling water and you can drink it.

cocoa drinks manufacturers
Their taste is good, but they are most often not pure cocoa. Previously, there was a lot of ersatz on sale, which didn’t have much taste. Now cocoa (drinks) manufacturers are already trying to produce better, because there is competition, and consumers simply stop buying. Instead of profit, manufacturers will suffer damage.

Why is this drink so healthy?

This drink has a good effect on the production of endorphins, the hormone of happiness, as it is called, for the body. Chocolate is good for people with hypertension. After all, it contains polyphenols that can reduce blood viscosity, stabilize blood pressure, reduce the likelihood of a risk of vascular and heart diseases, and also help fight depression and stress. Cocoa (drinks) contain theobromine, which has good diuretic properties. It has very little, almost no caffeine, but a lot of copper, iron, magnesium and calcium.

cocoa soluble drinks
At mid-morning, it is recommended to drink it with honey and dried fruits. The composition of "chocolate gold" has a pigment melanin, it absorbs heat rays, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, so that there are no sunburns and infrared rays. But you need to remember this moment: 100 grams of the drink have as many as 400 calories. For this reason, it is worthwhile to beware of those who monitor their weight with the use of this drink.

Chocolate Gold Recipes

Now we will tell you what kind of drinks are made from cocoa powder. Cook, for example, with condensed milk and chocolate. We will need the following ingredients: two tablespoons of cocoa powder, 500 ml of milk, to taste - condensed milk, 20 grams of dark chocolate, for decoration - cinnamon or chocolate chips. Preparation: heat the milk, then add cocoa and slices of "chestnut". To avoid lumps, mix with a whisk. The next stage - bring to a boil and remove from heat. Now add and mix the condensed milk.

cocoa powder drinks
It remains to pour into cups and garnish to taste: cinnamon or chocolate chips. Cook cocoa with milk. It consists of 20 grams of powder, 400 ml of milk, 20 grams of sugar, optionally nutmegs, vanilla or cinnamon. The recipe is very similar, as in the first case. For consumption by children, soluble cocoa (drinks) are common. They really like them. They consist of vanillin, salt, sugar, chocolate gold powder, enriching substances, folic acid and pantothenic acid, biotin, niacin, vitamins B12, B6, B2, B1, C and E.

Cocoa drinks, experimental recipes

Each recipe means grated natural cocoa, but you can replace it with ordinary powder. We make “Frapuchino”. For this we need such products: grated cocoa - two teaspoons, double espresso - 20 grams, 10% cream - 350 ml, to taste - sugar. We warm the cream, but do not bring it to a boil. Add cocoa and coffee to them, then sugar. Bring to a boil, and the last - pour into cups.

Now "chocolate gold" with ice cream. For this we need: sugar - 20 grams, grated cocoa - one teaspoon, milk - 100 grams, cream ice cream - 50 grams.

cocoa drinks recipes
It is very simple to prepare: put ice cream in a glass and add cooled cocoa. We drink everything through a straw.

Cooking "brown gold" with an egg. Ingredients: sugar - 25 grams, water - 30 grams, grated cocoa - one teaspoon, milk - 150 grams, half the yolk. Beat the yolk with sugar, then add the cocoa drink, prepared, and heat, stirring.

Why drink cocoa, its history

Cocoa (drinks) got its cultivation culture in Mexico. Its inhabitants, who were Aztecs, used it this way: first, very sharp spices, in some cases honey, were added to the fruits that were ground, and they made a fragrant drink called “chocolatl”. It is not known whether this is true or not, but the Inca emperor Montezuma drank up to 50 bowls of this drink every day and was unusually peppy, had a lot of energy and strength.

Cocoa Beverage Powder Recipe
It was so appreciated by the Aztecs that for a long time, the fruits of cocoa were monetary units. For example, for 500 seeds of "brown gold" it was possible, few or many, to buy a slave. Conquistadors from Spain, who conquered Mexico in the 16th century, brought to their king the fruits of "chocolate gold" and told how the Aztecs use it. For a long time he was the privilege of kings. But after 150 years, cocoa has become fashionable in all countries of Europe. It is popular now, only the name has changed.

Cocoa Powder Recipes

Very often, cocoa powder is used to make our drink, but it can be different. In stores, it is most often in the form of packs, it is popular for use at home, as it is easily soluble. In some institutions, you can try it from natural cocoa powder. Such a powder of very high quality, has a lot of oil, much more than in ordinary cocoa, which can be bought in a regular store. In its natural form, the powder is insoluble, and it must be boiled.

cocoa recipes
It differs very simply: if it is rubbed between the fingers, then it remains on them, does not crumble like dust. Most people prefer to make simple drinks from cocoa powder. The recipe is as follows. Such ingredients are needed: sugar - two teaspoons, "brown gold" - one teaspoon, boiling water - half a glass, milk - 11 milliliters. Cocoa and sugar are poured into a cup, brew half of the container with boiling water, stir, add milk, most often raw. You can boil milk with cocoa.


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