How to get disability in Moscow: where to start and where to apply?

The article will discuss how to get a disability in Moscow.

If a citizen has signs of disability, then this is the reason for filling out his disability. You can find out the necessary information on the official portal of the ITU headquarters. So, let's find out what is needed in order to get a disability group in Moscow.

Disability groups

Disability means the patient’s condition in which he is not able to perform various activities due to the presence of serious pathologies. Disability is classified into certain categories. Issues of establishing disability groups are handled by MSEC employees.

how to get a disability disease list

Many people wonder if it is possible to get a disability group for a person with a specific disease.

The answer will be positive if there are certain pathologies:

  1. Respiratory system organs.
  2. Circulatory system.
  3. Digestive tract.
  4. Immunological system.
  5. CNS
  6. The psyche.
  7. Hearing, vision.
  8. Endocrine system.
  9. Skin integument.
  10. Joints.
  11. Oncology.

This is not the whole list of diseases. How to get a disability, it is important to find out in advance.

There are 4 groups in total. Three of them are intended for adult citizens, the fourth - for children.

In accordance with the legislation, each group of disability is endowed with certain benefits, payments, benefits. To use the preferences due in full, you should periodically monitor changes in laws, as they are supplemented and revised from time to time.

We will figure out how to get a disability of group 1 in Moscow.

get a disability group in Moscow

The list of pathologies and conditions, in the presence of which you can get 1 group

The procedure for obtaining disability of group 1 in Moscow should be known to citizens who have a 90-100% health deviation, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence: due to any injury, defect or disease.

The first group of disability is due to the patient in the following cases:

  1. The complete impossibility of self-care (the help of relatives or, in their absence, social workers is constantly required).
  2. Uncontrolled movement, exploration in space (regardless of whether the environment is familiar or alien), control of one's own behavior (for example, due to the position of the brain of the head) are excluded.
  3. Inferior speech.
  4. Lack of opportunity to study, to carry out labor activity, or labor activity is contraindicated.

The list of pathologies and conditions for assigning 2 disability groups

How to get a disability of 2 groups in Moscow ?

The power to acquire it exists in patients whose deviation from the health norm is 70-80%. In such a situation, a person is still able to independently serve himself, without using someone else’s help, or he can do it partially with the help of auxiliary devices or means.

For example, a person with weak hearing is able to hear when using a hearing aid. And a person who sees poorly - to perform actions in the presence of points. Patients with a disability of the second group are vested with the full right to work.

The main diseases that are the basis for getting a disability group 2 in Moscow are:

  1. Average restriction of motor activity (a disabled person needs only partial assistance from other people, for example, public transport; at home, the patient is able to move uncontrollably).
  2. The patient can independently adequately perceive the environment that surrounds him.
  3. Partially there is no opportunity to talk freely - nevertheless, some help is required.
  4. A person can study at home or in specialized institutions according to special programs with the help of auxiliary devices.
  5. The patient is able to partially carry out labor activity if special conditions are created for this or there is constant support from others.

Getting group 2 disabilities in Moscow is not always easy.

How to get a disability in Moscow

Pathologies in which you can get a disability group 3

Patients to whom the third group of disability is assigned practically do not differ from healthy people. It can be received by patients whose deviation from the norm of health is 40-60%.

The list of diseases for assigning 3 groups:

  1. The patient is able to fully service himself independently, but sometimes needs additional funds.
  2. It can completely move around without the help of others, but it takes more time for this than a healthy person.
  3. The patient is able to fully learn, but this requires special treatment and facilities.
  4. A person remains able-bodied, but he needs to change his own profession to a lighter one.

How to get disability in Moscow indefinitely?

Obtaining perpetual disability

The patient has the opportunity to get perpetual disability if he has the following conditions:

  1. Nervous pathology.
  2. Dementia.
  3. Amputation of a limb.
  4. Benign neoplasms in the spinal cord, brain, due to which any function of the body was impaired, for example, blindness occurred.
  5. Malignant neoplasms with metastases.
  6. Total blindness, deafness.
    get group 2 disability in Moscow

How can I get a disability?

To assign a disability to a citizen, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Physical defects.
  2. Pathology of hearing, vision.
  3. Upset speech as a result of diseases, injuries leading to complete or partial loss of voice.
  4. Upset psyche: problems of thinking, shattered consciousness, loss of intelligence, memory lapses.

It is important to consider the fact that a citizen will not receive a disability if only one of the conditions is met, all of them must be present in the aggregate.

Order of registration

The process of registering disability should begin with a visit to a medical institution in which the patient is examined or registered. It is there that you can get the appropriate direction for passing ITU.

This document is also issued by social security authorities. To do this, you need to have with you all the necessary medical documentation. In addition, the following papers will be required: SNILS, metric (for a child), passport.

Not everyone knows where they get disability in Moscow.

ITU Commission

To register disability, a citizen will have to go through ITU. If the experts of this commission do not make an appropriate decision, then rely on state aid is not worth it. As a rule, people absolutely do not know the procedure for obtaining disability. It is necessary to take into account the decree, equivalent for all residents of the country.

In Moscow, the procedure for obtaining disability is exactly the same as in other regions.

An important factor for going to the doctor is a worsened condition. A person should visit a doctor to obtain a special referral for consultation of narrow specialists whose task is to fix the patient's condition and issue a verdict.

is it possible to get disability

Examination Procedure

Examination is carried out in a special room at the ITU Bureau. In some cases, the commission visits the patient at home. It consists of 3 people. Disability is established if the previously indicated symptoms are present.

The commission determines for the citizen a group of disability, as well as the degree of restriction of labor. After that, a certificate is issued to the patient, which confirms that he is incapable of work. In addition, it indicates the group that was installed.

Procedure for passing re-examination

In accordance with the established procedure, citizens with 1 disability group must undergo a re-examination procedure once every two years. Disabled persons of 2-3 groups - once a year. If for three years there has been no positive dynamics, then a citizen will be assigned an indefinite disability group.

Documents required for disability

To obtain a disability group, a citizen will need to provide the following documents:

  1. Passport, military ID, child metric.
  2. A statement of willingness to pass an examination in ITU.
  3. Documents of a medical nature that confirm the presence of functional disorders in the body.
  4. Direction for examination in ITU.
  5. If health has been impaired due to an industrial injury, an Act on the occurrence of an industrial accident should be submitted.
  6. If ITU is required at home, the attending specialist must attach his opinion.
Is it possible to get a disability group

Features of obtaining a disability group for children

Before starting paperwork for the child, you should first get advice on whether it is possible to get disability, in the clinic or in the ITU bureau. The procedure for obtaining a group for children and adults is no different, but in case of disability for the child, in addition to the basic documents, you will also need to present the passport of any parent or adoptive parent (guardian).

If the child is being trained, then you will need to get additional help at the place of his education, that is, a description. In cases where he has a physical or genetic abnormality, consent from the attending specialist will also be required. This document allows you to distribute medical confidentiality in the characteristic that should be drawn up.

Disability for a child

This procedure is not so simple. As a rule, it takes about three months and involves the following actions:

  1. Firstly, you need to get a special form for examination. They give him out in a children's clinic. For example, if a child suffers from hearing problems, then the form can be obtained from the otolaryngologist. In case of visual impairment, the document will be written by an ophthalmologist, and with neurological deviations, a neurologist. When issuing the form, the specialist will tell the parents which specialists will still need to show the child, which tests will be required, how much time is devoted to preparing all the documentation, on which day all the results and papers will need to be provided.
  2. Then it is important to get opinions from all the necessary doctors. A prerequisite is the delivery of general analyzes. It is worth noting that, in addition to the underlying disease, concomitant pathologies are also taken into account, if any. As soon as all the documents are ready, they must be taken to the attending physician. He will compile a child’s medical history from birth to the current day, indicating all the pathologies that have been detected (including vaccinations). It should be borne in mind that if a child has genetic abnormalities, then the conclusions of specialists will need to be provided also in a neuropsychiatric clinic.
  3. Then the doctor will redirect the documents for signature to the head doctor. They can stay with him for up to 3 weeks, as it takes time to study the results of analyzes and studies.
  4. When passing narrow specialists, it is recommended to ensure that doctors immediately indicate in the conclusion all their recommendations. For example, the otolaryngologist must indicate that the child needs to use a hearing aid, orthopedic surgeon (if necessary) - walkers or special shoes. It is important to carefully store all medical recommendations in order to subsequently present their commissions. Thanks to such certificates, the data will be entered into the IPR, and then all rehabilitation funds can then be obtained free of charge.
  5. If the child is a schoolchild, then you should get a characterization in an educational institution and give it to a doctor.
  6. To get on the commission, you must pre-book an appointment with the bureau. This will require a number of documents: a statement on the assignment of disability, a passport of the parent engaged in registration, a certificate from the place of registration, a passport or a metric, a description from the school, a specially filled out form, a child’s medical card, a certificate from ITU if the examination is repeated.
How to get disability in Moscow for money

How to get disability in Moscow for money?

In general, obtaining disability is a rather lengthy process, and often patients and their relatives are interested in whether it can be accelerated for money. Even if this is possible, it is worth remembering that such an approach is illegal and punishable.


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