Toning tax in Russia. Draft Tax Permission Bill

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is developing amendments that will toughen the punishment for driving vehicles with tinted windows. The question of whether to introduce a tax on tinting has long been discussed. Since 2015, a fine of 500 rubles has been provided for owners of such cars. However, it does not scare drivers much. Therefore, the government has developed and implemented the Law on Toning. A tax on vehicles that are darkened above the norm will not make anyone happy.

What's the question

Toning is a dimming coating on the vehicle glass that minimizes light entering the interior during use. On the one hand, tinting reflects the sun's rays, protecting the driver and passengers from all sides from the blinding sun, heat and the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. But for overly tinted windows a penalty is provided.

tint tax

Administrative violation

For a long time, the traffic police officers ordered drivers to tear off the film from the car at the indicated time. In the event of a repeated violation, the motorist was sent to court or detained for up to 15 days.

Now, a fine is used as a punishment. Its size depends on how many times an offense is discovered. The tax on tinting is from 500 to 5 thousand rubles. for reoffending. For “regular customers” an additional preventive measure has been developed - deprivation of rights for up to 6 months. Traffic police officers can right on the spot check the history of driver offenses. Therefore, issues with determining the amount of the fine does not arise.

Until November 2014, there was a penalty for tinting in the form of removal of state marks. After it was canceled, there were much more people who wanted to tint glass on the car. The drivers are not afraid of a fine of 500 rubles.

Since 01/01/2016, measures have been tightened again. In a tinted car it is dangerous to drive in the dark. The visibility of the road is getting worse. In this regard, a draft bill “Tax on tinting” was developed. According to new standards, the light transmission of glass should not exceed 70%.

Precautionary measures

In 2015, a bill was introduced on the resolution of tinting for tax. This normative act provides for a fine if the degree of blackout is higher than established by law. It is also planned to establish a ban on the use of supertoned vehicles. The same regulatory act abolished the previous penalty - the removal of license plates from a car.

tint tax in Russia


For 2015, a regulation has been developed that allows:

  • darken the rear side windows without restrictions;
  • apply film to the rear window;
  • glue a transparent film with a strip at the top of the windshield;
  • For the front windows, the light transmission rate is set to 70%.

That is, you can still darken the car, but to a certain extent.

The law also provides methods for changing light transmission - painting with a special mass, sticking a film. The color strip on the front of the glass should not exceed a width of 14 cm. The use of “mirror” tinting is prohibited. The use of blinds in the presence of exterior mirrors is allowed. To check the degree of permeability can be at a stationary post traffic police. This process does not take much time.

Toning tax in Russia

The main change in the new version of the law is an increase in the amount of the fine. If the driver was punished for the first time, he will have to pay the same 500 rubles. The introduction of a tax on tinting in 2016 provides for an increase in the amount of the fine for repeated violation by 2-3 times, i.e. up to 1,500 rubles.

The "fashionable and stylish", who are not very worried about the new sanctions, the authorities also "took care". Especially for them, a new rate has been developed - 5 thousand rubles. It will be possible to violate the standard only once a year. If the driver refuses to pay a fine even by court order, he may be deprived of his rights for up to three months. But this measure of punishment, most likely, will only apply if you re-apply to the court.

will introduce a tax on tinting

If the owner refuses to remove the film from the glass on the spot, inspectors have the right to detain state signs. You can get them back after fulfilling the requirements of the traffic police already at the police station. The cost of removing tinting in the cabin is approximately 2000 rubles. But this can be done with a simple force movement. Traffic police officers have a construction knife specifically for these purposes. After 24 hours from the receipt of the notice it will be prohibited to drive a car. So you will have to plan a trip to the salon on the day the act is executed.

Is he needed at all

Whether the tax on tinting will be changed in the near future is still unknown. However, opponents are already collecting signatures to remove restrictions. Current regulations provide for dimming by 30%. Activists plan to raise this bar to 40-60%, arguing that tinting is not only “stylish”, but also the “necessary” part, which performs a number of important functions:

  • ensures the safety of things inside the cabin (according to statistics, most often they open vehicles in which you can clearly see the availability of personal items);

  • reduces the amount of fuel (a significant amount of gasoline is consumed in the car during the summer in order to operate the climate control program in the car, the presence of tinted windows can reduce costs).

One of the arguments that the authorities give in defense about the implementation of the law is that driving a vehicle with tinted windows is dangerous in the dark. However, statistics show the opposite. Drivers with poor skills and little experience more often get into accidents. A logical question arises: why introduce a tax on the resolution of tinting?


In 2014, the number of violations due to glass dimming has increased dramatically. The fine does not scare drivers. But the risk of losing the right to drive a vehicle can be considered an effective measure of punishment.

introduction of tax on tinting

In 2015, about 60 thousand violators paid a tax on tinting. Most of them live in the vicinity of Moscow and the region. This is 68% more than was recorded in 2014. Only in the suburbs, violators paid 23 thousand rubles. as fines. The second place in the ranking is occupied by St. Petersburg with its 7 thousand violators. Also distinguished drivers of the Krasnodar Territory (52 thousand people.), Sverdlovsk region. (35 thousand), Rostov region (31.8 thousand), Dagestan (25 thousand).

These figures served as the incentive for amending the regulatory act. Experts, by the way, doubt that the government will take into account the arguments of activists.

When will the tax on tinting be introduced?

The new bill received legal force on 01.01.2016. This document provides only a fine. However, earlier there were rumors that the authorities plan to introduce a special tax on tinting. Allegedly, the driver will have to pay a certain amount to the cashier, receive a coupon, and then travel all year without fear of fines. This measure is not yet valid.

Penalty Discounts

The tint tax in Russia is not the only innovation of 2016. On January 1, the Federal Law came into force, which provides a 50 percent discount on fines for traffic violations. "Promotion" is valid only for drivers who want to pay off the debt within 20 days from the receipt of the resolution. Gross violations of traffic rules do not fall under the preferential program: vehicle management in a state of intoxication, refusal to undergo a medical examination. In case of repeated violation within 12 months, the discount will no longer be valid. Data on the "shares" will be indicated in the decision itself.

tax tinting law

The grace period is calculated from the day following the receipt of the notification. In order not to miss anything, you can track information through the State Services portal. A receipt for a violation that was identified by photo and video equipment can take a very long time. The car owner can get it after the grace period.

Debtors will move without a car

For tinted windows, a tax on tinting and deprivation of rights for 3 months is provided. Malicious defaulters of fees, in which the amount of debt exceeds 10 thousand rubles, from January 15 will not be allowed to manage all types of vehicles. The restriction will be lifted immediately after repayment of the debt. This rule does not apply to all car owners. The exceptions include people with disabilities, professional drivers, as well as people whom this punishment will deprive of a source of livelihood. Drivers who violate this regulation will be deprived of their license for one year or they will be assigned correctional labor for up to 15 hours.

According to the FSSP, about 300 thousand people may fall under a temporary ban, for which more than 10 thousand rubles are in arrears. The Ministry of Justice at the end of 2015 prepared a bill under which malicious defaulters of fines, alimony, compensation for harm caused to third parties will not be allowed to pass exams in the traffic police, issue a driver’s license, and register a vehicle.

tint resolution tax

New evacuation rate

The FAS will present a methodology for calculating the cost of transporting vehicles parked outside the SDA. How this will affect the cost of the service is still unknown. The bill has so far been amended with regard to restrictions on the evacuation of trucks using blockers.

Drunken fines easier

Another bill provides for a reduction in the number of documents that confirm that the driver was intoxicated. Now for these purposes six papers are applied. Now their number has been reduced to three. The longer the inspector fills out the documents, the greater the likelihood that the offender will run away. The project allows you to send people intoxicated immediately to the dispensary. Reducing the workflow reduces the time for processing violations.

Drivers can "purge" without witnesses

Now inspectors evaluate the sobriety of a person by his speech, coordination, the presence of fumes. They want to expand this list - to add verification using technical means. The data of such devices will be a confirmation that the driver is intoxicated. Therefore, a routine survey can be carried out. During the initial test, the amount of alcohol vapor will not be detected - the device will show whether they are present at all or not. Verification will be carried out without protocols, witnesses and video recordings, but only during the special traffic police traffic.

will there be a tax on tinting

Other changes

“Dangerous driving” is a term that has long been used by traffic police. That's just the responsibility for drivers is not provided. Fixation methods are still unknown. The Russians themselves began to understand what it is. They have become socially irreconcilable with drivers who are slowed down or constantly being rebuilt. Dangerous driving is a set of some maneuvers that contradict traffic rules. Work on methods for their fixation and proof will be carried out in 2016.

For systematic (three or more) violations of the same rule, the inspector may take away the rights of drivers. A similar ball system was already used in the USSR.

After the introduction of the tax on federal highways for trucks weighing more than 12 tons, truckers began to organize protests. Carriers agreed to cancel the fee. Changes to the bill will be introduced in the first quarter of 2016.

Starting January 1, it is forbidden to sell Euro-4 diesel. Starting July 1, the government plans to leave only the best quality gasoline on the market - Euro 5 and higher. How this will affect prices is still unknown. Some economists argue that the price of fuel and cars with the appropriate engine will rise. Others claim that due to fierce competition in the market, the cost of petroleum products will not change.

Crimean drivers await sanctions. If until April 1 they do not have time to re-register their vehicles, get Russian license plates and continue to drive with Ukrainian ones, they will have to pay a fine of 800 rubles. For a repeated violation, the collection amount will increase by 10 times.


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